
Braving The Odds: A WIZARD System

When Silas sought to escape his troubled life, he was unexpectedly transported into the world of Heroes of Destiny, a game he once cherished. However, his joy is short-lived as he discovers he's trapped in the body of a wizard destined to meet a grim fate. Now, facing imminent death, Silas must navigate this unfamiliar world and evade an organization and its deities who view wizards like him as malevolent beings. Armed only with his knowledge of the game, Silas must defy the odds to survive. As he fights for his life, Silas hopes that if he can persevere, this world might offer him the freedom he craves. But if not, he is determined to defy fate and carve out his own destiny.

Sacred_Deer · Fantasy
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26 Chs

No Living Walk on Four Feet

Silas grimaced at what was written on the screen.

Roland stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Silas sighed and began recounting the events that had transpired in the forest. He started by explaining how a peacekeeper named Neil had been assigned to him and how the two of them had followed clues deeper into the woods.

"When we arrived and saw him, he had already started transforming into a spider. He told us to kill him and said the reason he went missing was because he had thoughts of killing his son," Silas explained.

Roland leaned against the wooden door, closing his eyes as tears escaped from the corners of his eyelids.

"Jack... Why did he have to suffer like that? What should I tell his son? That his father turned into a monster and is now dead?" Roland looked at him, but all Silas could do was stare back.

There was hatred there, but Silas knew Roland couldn't be blamed for resenting him. He understood that it was grief speaking, and that the resentment would soon fade.

Roland opened the door for him, but Silas excused himself.

"I still have things to do in the House District," he lied, stepping back. "I promise to come back once everything is settled."

Roland remained silent for a moment before nodding. "Sure, I understand."

Silas wandered through the village until he arrived at the market. Morning had come, and the place was bustling with people. He hadn't realized how quickly time had passed; it was already morning, and he still hadn't managed to sleep.

He sat by one of the empty chairs outside a restaurant and checked his stats.

Name: Silas Hawthorne

Rank: Novice Wizard II

Destiny Exp: 0 / 412 DES XP

Primordial Destiny: None

Available Attribute Points: 10 Points

[NOTE: Health and Energy will increase by 10 for every 1 Attribute Points added. Defense and Attack will increase by 3 for every 1 Attribute Points. And Critical Rate and Critical Damage will increase by .50% for every 1 Attribute Points.]


Health: 250 / 250

Energy: 150 / 150

Attack: 71

Defense: 24

Critical rate: 0.00%

Critical damage: 0.00%

Advance Stats:

Casting Speed: 0.00%

Cooldown Reduction: 0.00%

Curse Reduction: 0.00%

Curse Hit Rate: 0.00%

Crowd Control Reduction: 0.00%

Damage Reduction: 0.00%

Skill Penetration: 0.00%

Energy Regen Rate: 0.00%

HP Regen Rate: 0.00%

Silas could still consider himself in the earlier part of the game. So, it would be better for him to focus on balancing his stats between [Health], [Attack], and [Energy]. Though [Defense] was also necessary, he could get most of those stats on his future Equipment and Enhancements. While [Critical Rate] and [Critical Damage] were also important, upgrading those would not benefit him; those stats were vital if he was in the endgame phase.

He added two [Attribute Points] to his [Health] and [Energy] and allocated five points to his [Attack]. He considered allocating the remaining point to his [Defense], but decided he would need more [Energy] if he wanted to cast more of his [Skills], especially now that he had unlocked a new one.

[Health +2. Health: 250 -> 270]

[Energy +2. Energy: 150 -> 170]

[Attack +5. Attack: 71 -> 86]

[Energy +1. Energy: 170 -> 180]

"Neat," he said and opened his [Skillbook]. He got a new skill that he could use, an air elemental skill.

[Air Burst I]

[Energy Consumption: 15 Energy]

[Cooldown: 3 seconds]

[-collapse a pocket of air that pulls the target towards it. Air Burst deals damage equal to 80% of the wizard's total Attack.]

[Effect: skill has a 30% chance to inflict Trauma. A target with Trauma will be immobilized for 3 seconds and receive 5% more damage from all skills.]

Silas felt relieved knowing that he didn't have to stick to using [Magic Pierce], [Flickering Fire], and [Water Dart]. Having an additional active skill allows him more flexibility in battles.

'I already have the three basic elements. The only one that I needed to unlock is an earth-type magic.'


Another box had appeared before him. But even before he could read its content, a guard in its dark blue uniform carrying a rifle, appeared before him. A soldier from the House District.

[Main Scenario Quests: Sinners of the Past]

[Quest IV: No Living Walk on Four Feet]

[Description: The Captain wants to talk to you, follow the guard to the House District.]

[Talk with Captain Danavar 0/1]

[Reward: 80 Destiny Exp, 1500 [Shields], Health Potions [Small] x5 & Energy Fruit x5]

When Silas saw the reward, he nearly sighed. The [Energy Fruit] was essential, especially when facing [Final Bosses] that demanded prolonged battles.

He stood and headed toward the House District. At the gates, a group of Peacekeepers greeted him. Even in the morning light, the building looked grim and dull. Its gray walls starkly contrasted with the neighboring buildings, which boasted intricate engravings on their stone facades. The House District had none, reminding him of the abandoned streets he once saw.

Danavar paced at the entrance, his dark blue uniform unbuttoned.

"Captain, someone was looking for you."

The man glanced up and approached Silas.

"I need to speak with you in private."

Danavar led the way inside, and Silas followed.

"I'm sorry to call you so early, but this matter is urgent," Danavar said.

"What is it, Captain?"

"I heard you came to this village through a caravan," he began. "And that caravan encountered an incident…"

"Yes, we were attacked by something," Silas hesitated before deciding to tell the truth. "Monsters, to be precise."

"Can you describe them?"

Silas shook his head. "No, it was too dark, but there were spiderwebs."

The captain nodded thoughtfully. "Then it might be something resembling a spider… Did you know that a man from your caravan fell ill as soon as they arrived in town? They were supposed to leave tomorrow, but he's too sick to walk."

"I didn't know. I'll pay them a visit."

The captain smiled. "You can find the caravan at Klin & Jerry's Inn, in the plaza."

"Thank you, sir."

The captain nodded. "No, thank you for your time. I'll call you if I have more questions."

[You have reported to the captain.]

[ Quest IV: No Living Walk on Four Feet]

[Description: Go to Klin & Jerry's Inn and ask the members of the caravan about their situation.]

[Talk to Clara 0/1]

Silas opened his Map and followed its directions until he arrived at the plaza. Spotting Roland's hotel, he quickly steered clear, not wanting to stir up painful memories for the man.

Klin and Jerry's Inn, though smaller than Roland's Hotel. But it had an inviting ambiance that could easily be mistaken for a hotel. Inside, it was more spacious than expected, with wooden floors and a high ceiling. A smiling receptionist greeted him from the counter.

"What can I do for you, sir?"

"Are there people here who came from a caravan?" Silas began, noticing the woman's expression shift. "The captain of the House District sent me to check on them."

The woman's demeanor hardened. "A kid? Running errands for the captain?"

"I'm not a kid; I'm almost seventeen. And yes, he asked me. The Peacekeepers are all busy."

The lady scrutinized him for a moment before shrugging and directing him to wait on a chair while she fetched someone from the caravan.

Within minutes, Clara appeared. She looked exhausted, her hair unkempt. When she saw Silas, she smiled through tears, as if seeing him dredged up bittersweet memories.

"Oh, Eris. I didn't know it was you."

"I heard someone from the caravan fell ill…" Silas trailed off as Clara began to cry. He awkwardly patted her shoulder, and the receptionist quickly brought a glass of water.

He guided Clara to a nearby chair. Once she calmed down, Silas asked her again about what had happened.

"My husband didn't wake up. He's not dead, but he just keeps his eyes closed," she explained. "We tried everything, even hired a doctor, but no one knows what's wrong."

"Do you think those monsters in the forest did something to him?" Silas asked, feeling a knot of anxiety tighten in his stomach.

Clara nodded. "It's the only explanation I can think of."

"Can I see him?"

"He's at a clinic across the street. I was just about to visit him."

Suddenly, the door swung open with a force that seemed it could shatter it. An old man in dirty clothes burst in, wild-eyed as he took his surroundings. He locked the door, pressing his left ear against it.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" the receptionist demanded, stepping out from behind the counter.

"Shh!" The man pressed a finger to his lips. "He might hear us; he might kill me!"

"You crazy old man! Leave now, or I'll call the guards."

"No! I'm not lying! Everything at the clinic is in shambles!" he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear.

I finally have 10 chapters posted with almost 20k words!

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