
Braving The Odds: A WIZARD System

When Silas sought to escape his troubled life, he was unexpectedly transported into the world of Heroes of Destiny, a game he once cherished. However, his joy is short-lived as he discovers he's trapped in the body of a wizard destined to meet a grim fate. Now, facing imminent death, Silas must navigate this unfamiliar world and evade an organization and its deities who view wizards like him as malevolent beings. Armed only with his knowledge of the game, Silas must defy the odds to survive. As he fights for his life, Silas hopes that if he can persevere, this world might offer him the freedom he craves. But if not, he is determined to defy fate and carve out his own destiny.

Sacred_Deer · Fantasy
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28 Chs


The forest stilled as a tense silence enveloped them.

Silas and Neil stared wide-eyed at the sight before them. Jack's insect-like arm repeatedly shifted back to its original form. Until it completely transform into a coarse black skin which shone under the moonlight. The veins in his shoulder throbbed against his skin and started glowing green.

Jack kneeled and hissed in pain. The young Peacekeeper beside Silas stepped toward the man. Jack snapped his head toward Neil and raised his hand.

"Don't," he said in a hoarse voice. "I don't know how long I can control it. Don't approach me."

Neil took a step back, murmuring under his breath.

Jack closed his eyes and then looked at them again, his face grave and grim.

"Now, listen to what I will tell you," he said. "What happened to me in this forest? I barely remember everything, but I can tell you what I know. But you must grant my wish."

Silas glanced at the Peacekeeper, but Neil remained silent.

"We promise," Silas said. "What is your wish?"

Jack shook his head. "I'll tell you after I finish telling you my story."

Silas nodded.

"There were five of us: me, Ben, Freden, Karl, and Hill. We used to go to this forest regularly, usually to hunt food or cut trees when someone hired us to get one of these towering boys," he said, smiling at his recollection. "But when stories about those who had gone missing spread, we decided not to go too deep inside the forest like we always did. But that day…"

Jack laughed bitterly. "That day, Karl was sick for some reason, but he still decided to join us in the forest. We got a job that day from a local carpenter. We ventured far deeper than we usually did, ever since the news, because all those tall trees were hidden deep in the forest. We cut the tree, and we let Karl watch us. But just as we felled that tree, we realized Karl was missing."

Silas watched Jack from afar; he didn't like where the story was going. Jack opened his mouth, but then immediately pressed his lips together. He looked down, frowning in pain.

His shoulder pulsated once again, and the exoskeleton on his arm grew to consume his entire arm.

"Ha!" Jack gasped for breath.

"Mr. Jack," Neil said.

Silas was right; this man was indeed gullible.

"You should come with us. The doctors—they will treat you," Neil said.

'I judged him right,' Silas thought.

Jack shook his head. "The only treatment I will get from the village is a Lightservant who will put me to the fire."

Silas covered his mouth to stifle a laugh, knowing full well the grim truth in Jack's words.

"Let me finish this story. We ventured deeper into the forest than usual, cutting trees for a carpenter. Karl had been sick, but he came along anyway. When we felled a massive tree, we realized Karl was missing. We searched and soon found him, ensnared by a monstrous spider-like creature, its head a grotesque amalgamation of human faces whispering and moaning.

"Let me finish this story. To cut it, we found Karl being eaten by something similar to a spider, but its head contain several human faces. We stared and listened in horror as Karl struggled to free himself from that spider. Then as he died, his face shifted to where are hiding. He hated us for not doing anything to save him. That spider eventually attacks us, I manage to ran away from the forest as the rest of my friends shouted from behind me, asking me to help them. But you know what I did? I ignore their screams and ran as fast as I can … then I trip. And the next thing I knew, I was in my house with my son beside me, crying."

Jack looked. "I almost thought that everything happened was just a nightmare, but my son told me it wasn't. The next time, I woke up after he told me about it, I was unable to sleep. I have strange and vivid dreams and thoughts about … killing my son. Then this thing," he pointed at his shoulder, "appeared. The doctor said it was an infection. He gave me medicines for that but none of those work. That insect we encounter in this forest, he had put something inside my body. I am not me, there's two of us inside me and that thing is telling me to kill my own son."

Tears streamed from one of Jack's eyes while the other side of his face remained stiff. His lips curled into a sinister smile. 

"I ran away to save him. I'm losing control."

Silas mulled about what the man had told him. He had arrived at the conclusion that these insects seemed to have two ways of dealing with their prey, as a means of consumption and as a mode of reproduction.

Jack's friend being eaten was their consumption, and Jack unluckily ended up as their vessel for reproduction. However, seeing how Jack was slowly turning into an insect, he was more likely to be labeled as a subject of metamorphosis.

But does it mean that these monsters were not capable of producing offspring? So, they resulted in transforming their victim? There were so many things he wanted to ask, but Jack was just a victim. Silas knew that this man knew nothing about those things?

"Your promise," Jack demanded.

"What is it?" Silas asked, though he suspected the answer. Neil's presence complicated matters.

"Kill me. I can't bear to turn into something that would harm my son."


[Quest III: In the Forest of Lies and Deceit]

[Description: Jack told you what happened to him in exchange for a favor.]

[Go keep your promise to Jack 0/1]

The wizard glanced at Neil, but the young Peacekeeper only stared at Jack. Silas sighed and stepped forward, but Neil's hand clamped onto his shoulder, eyes squinting in suspicion.

"What are you doing?"

Silas felt a surge of irritation. "I wonder if you're really this naive or just pretending. I'm keeping my promise. Stop acting clueless."

"You cannot kill him! He's human; it's a sin to kill one."

Silas was about to retort when a piercing scream erupted in front of them.

'It's beginning,' he thought, watching Jack's transformation.

Jack's hands elongated as his nails morphed into claws. He gasped for breath and collapsed as his body started writhing. Neil rushed to Jack's aid. Silas had let the annoying Peacekeeper do what he wanted.

Jack shut his eyes, then opened them to reveal three additional pairs on his face: one on his forehead and two on his cheeks. A sheen of chitin spread from his neck, transforming into a shining carapace.

Jack's body convulsed again. Limbs sprouted from his back, and his human legs turned into hairy spider legs. His back expanded, bones cracking audibly. Then he stilled, gasping for breath. Jack looked up to see the fear on Neil's face. The Peacekeeper stepped back.

Despite the pain, Jack moved swiftly, lunging at Neil and sinking his fangs into the young man's neck.

"Ah!" Neil shouted.

He punched the beast clinging to him, but his efforts were futile. He turned to Silas, eyes pleading as darkness consumed his vision.

'He's for consumption,' Silas thought as Neil's lifeless body hit the ground.

Silas raised his hand and cast [Flickering Fire].

The fiery spell exploded on the spider's back, echoing through the forest. The birds hiding among the trees shrieked and took flight from the treetops.

The monster turned to Silas, rage in its eyes. Silas leaped back, luring the creature towards a pile of dried leaves. When Jack landed on the tinder-dry ground, Silas threw another [Flickering Fire] at its feet.

The spider screamed as the ground ignited. It attempted to web-swing to safety, but Silas cut the web with [Magic Pierce], then injured its legs with the same skill, immobilizing it as the flames consumed its frame.

The creature's screams echoed in the forest, its body slowly being charred by the fire. Silas watched without blinking, fearing the spider might escape. Eventually, it stopped struggling. Silas prodded the body with a stick; it remained motionless.

[You have received 70 Destiny XP]

[You have kept your promise to Jack!]

[Quest III: In the Forest of Lies and Deceit]

[Description: Go back to the House District and report to the captain what had happened in the forest.]

[Report to the captain 0/1]

Silas left the forest in silence, carrying Jack's clothes. He wondered how Jack's son would react if he heard the truth. Should he tell Roland first and let the man decide what to reveal?

Lost in thought, Silas barely noticed when he arrived at the gates of the House District. The captain was outside, pacing. His eyes widened upon seeing Silas.

"We saw smoke coming from the forest," he said urgently. "Tell me what happened."

Silas recounted the events: finding Jack, his transformation into a spider, Neil's death by Jack's bite, and the young Peacekeeper's brave but futile efforts to protect him. Of course, it was a lie.

"What about the fire?"

"Jack burned himself… by accident," Silas lied.

"A spider and someone who can breathe fire at that," the captain mused, placing a hand on Silas's shoulder. "You can rest inside the House District."

But the thought of staying in that dark, bare-walled place made Silas queasy. He politely declined, explaining he needed to report back to Mr. Roland. It was his next [Quest], and he was determined to finish it before the night ended.

He turned and headed toward the Monte Hotel. By the time he arrived, the sun was hinting at dawn. Jack's son opened the door, and Roland peeked from behind. As he saw Silas, he immediately told the boy to leave.

"Did you find him?"

Silas nodded. "He's dead."

[ Quest Completed!]

[You have been rewarded 70 Destiny XP, 1000 [Shields], Small Potions x5]

[Congratulations! You have reached Novice Wizard III!]

Woah! I just got two features!

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