
Boy that can destroy a nation

its an boy story that is very poor family background but one day he obsess godess power that can destroy an entire nation and he obtained this power from an birdgoddes that going to die soon and she want to pass his power to other kindperson so she transform into a injured bird were this poor boy find him as a injured bird and take care of him and that how he get godess power.

GraCk · Fantasy
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After he get godess power he don't have

any clue how to use this power so

he start to learning it's power and after

3 month he pretty good at it and after

few week there was an announcement

that king start magic battle tournamnet

and yea i know that u yes u who read it

dont know what

they do in magic battle don't worry i tell u

they battle each other

that is also known has 1vs1 battle and that battle know as dance battle

they both dance until 1 stop dancing

hey wait wait wait !!!!

i dont think u take it seriously

im just kidding :^)

ok lets get to the point

ahh!!!! were im ohh yeah tournament

this tournamnet suppose to

fight each other and find out

who is the strongest person

in the kingdom and there are 4 division

were u can fight solo, duo, trio and squad

and most good thing is anyone

can participate in this tournament

and yea ur right if u think our

mc join this tournament.

shirugi thinking to join this tournament because

if he win this tournamnt

he can get money and fame its obiously

that every one want in that kingdom

of course i also want it:) and some of u yes u who reading this also want it don't be shy

i also want it:^) ok jokes apart.

shirugi pack his items and way to kingdom with jirugi.

Its me writer

this is just my imagination that what kind of mc i want and im surely make this mc badass 😁 so please support me just comment what kind of mc u want so i will do some changes.