
Boy that can destroy a nation

its an boy story that is very poor family background but one day he obsess godess power that can destroy an entire nation and he obtained this power from an birdgoddes that going to die soon and she want to pass his power to other kindperson so she transform into a injured bird were this poor boy find him as a injured bird and take care of him and that how he get godess power.

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Boy that can destroy a nation

Its a story of a 15 years old boy name shirugi

he live in a kingdom side place were poor people live and he is hardworking an kind person that help other in any cost even it take his life and one day he was going home after he done his job then he his on way of home then

shirugi just remember other people talk about the tree that near to his house people believe that goddes live in that tree and then suddenly he see a bird injured he ran there and

take him to his home and take care of him untill one day she turn into goddes and shirugi was very shock like he show a manga that stop for so long time suddenly going to get new volumes :^)

after he shock he ask her why she in a form of injured bird for so long time then goddes reply she try to find kindpeople so she can pass his power to them because

she going to die soon and she wanted to pass his power to some kind person that not use his power for bad thing so she can die in peacefully and hopefully she succed in that

she transfer his power to shirugi by a lip kiss and after that she turn into little picess of light and disappear and shirugi know

that she was really die in peacefully because he felling nice when she turn into light pieces.