
ᕙ[ᕗLegaspi Cassie ・

•• Gold 18

Every class in Blue High has it own name from animals to jewelries, sand. Rita stood infront of class looking at the people before her. The most annoying thing is the guys where blowing kiss at her.

Not wanting to ruin the fun Rita smiled at them blowing some kisses at them but it seems the ladies too fell for the kiss in the air.

" This is our new students Mrs Smith" the teacher said her hands on Rita shoulders.

This was all she wanted but it felt strange that now she is afraid. The dream to be in a such a school has come into reality but there this feeling.

It like she is bonded to someone her heart is attached to someone. Although Rita was happy to be here she was taken aback about what happened between her and the guy from earlier . She slapped someone on her first day in this school.

Her mind was cloudy now , was there a possibility that he will come back for revenge that to twice the slap she gave to him.

Although she knew the trouble she had gotten into but her heart beat became rapid as she felt a strange sensation in her.

A while ago she felt the strange sensation with him.

The guy she slapped.

Was he here , she searched in the students she was standing infront but couldn't find him but there were two sit in the classroom and that too with names on it.

Her name was on one Rita Smith

The other was Kelvin

May be the person was absent it can't be him right . Rita tried assuring herself when a hand grabbed her waist. Shockingly it was him again , the guy from before.

The one she slapped and ran away

" So you must be Rita , such soft hands " he said filling his nostrils with her scent.

They taste like vanilla his favorite.

Rita tried releasing herself from his grip but ended up using her head to hit his mouth.

His lips touched her forehead.

Blood started coming from his mouth simmering on her forehead. If it was India it would be called marriage. The man marries they lady. It was strange but her forehead felt calm.

Her body cooled . She felt like smiling at him but didn't have the courage to do that infront of him.

" Mine Jess , you are even blushing" he said with his eyes fixed on her eyes . So she was blushing at such little stuffs she must really be a soft type .

Rita palm hit his chest but it cause no harm to him , wanting to sniff more of her scent Kelvin pulled her into his chest intentionally landing on the floor.

" How l wish it was me "

" She will be dump like the others "

" She is playing with a player"

So there where others and he has the gut to play such a romantic role that too infront of his classmates. Rita got up from his chest going to her chair with her name imprinted on it.

The gossip still went on even during lessons, it never left the students mouths that it even became the topic of the day . Rita caught him secretly taking glances at her.

How shameless could he be that he even held his chest like he had a heart attack when she rolled her eyes at his lame acting.

•• Ruby 19

The next class to Gold 18. Ruby 19 had gained it popularity in the school since he came into the class.

Every single girl never absented themselves from school for even a day. Even the boys never did.

He is their role model for most boys

For the girls he is their crush

The problem now is that

He is a girlfriend snatcher it not him who snatches the girls but his looks do . He has this physics that every girl dreams off.

This is a completely different case for Sarah cause there is nothing about him she fancy. He is just normal even though he is cute but normal.

Such a guy is her dream guy but she has no idea why. But it was as if there is nothing to worry about cause he is already hers no one else's.

She followed a guy but ended up getting missing she searched around and got to her class only to see him again sitting looking at her like she is his.

" Miss Pauline please where do l sit " Sarah ask completely distressed just at the sight of him.

Miss Pauline forgot that the new girl arrival but this wasn't her there was another student but this student is beautiful than her . She pointed at the sit right next a girl with a dyed hair.

It looked yellow , but it suited her.

" Charlotte and you are " the girl said offering her hand for a hand shake.

" Sarah Smith"

" Nice dimples there "

After exchanging names and contact they both turned their attention to Miss Pauline who is the Chemistry teacher.

••• Sick bay

Benjamin kept checking his watch every second like he was waiting for someone.

That someone came

It was a girl , she looked way younger than her age.

" Get her cleaned up and show her around the school" Benjamin said answering his ringing phone.

He left the girl with Arabella who hadn't still gotten up after fainting. The girl in question is Kelly Clarkson. Miss Pauline's daughter but in the same class as Benjamin and very soon Arabella.

Kelly spotted the red stain on Arabella dress. So she was on her period, does he even know.

Guess no.

Cause his attention might not be there and he didn't know stuffs like this.

Arabella hand hit the glass of water beside her making Kelly jolt .

" Where am l "

" Sick bay "

" My stomach hurts alot"

" Because you are bleeding dummy, you are your period"

Finally Kelly got the talkative Arabella to keep quiet. So she talks like this , and so this two didn't know she is on her period.

Kelly helped Arabella change into new clothes and get back to class.

••• Sharks 20

Today they had Science and nobody in the school plays with Mr Jan . A half American half Korean science teacher. Started teaching five months ago but acquired the nickname Mr nonsense.

Yes, he hate nonsense. Arabella and Kelly ran back to the class breathing heavily their hands up. It was like the blood in them seizes to flow again. Even the droplets of blood never touched Arabella sanitaries.

Mr Jan has already been informed about the presence of this new girl. The school rule is that nobody comes to class late except them.

They are Calvin, Kelvin and Benjamin.

" New students herrr anyeong ha se yo" Mr Jan greeted her sending more shivers into Arabella.

" Last time Mrs Smith this will repeat itself" Mr Jan lifted his hand to the direction of the empty chair with her name on it.

It was beside Kelly and yes he too was there at the back of her . An inch away from her.

Damn her crush.

••• School canteen

All through the day the news of Rita and Kelvin's drama in the class spread across the entire school.

Everyone gathered at the canteen to get a looked at the so called Mrs Kelvin's.

Some where in awe at her beauty and as some being his ex girlfriend they particularly got jealous.

So fast he had gotten another chick.

None of Kelvin's relationships has lasted for over 2 months.

The longest is

1 months 3 days 25 minutes 5 seconds

That too not a virgin, the is no one's pussy he hasn't seen even if not physically it virtually through a text all video call.

The girls present on his dm where loads even old woman with grey hairy pussy.

Not quite a fun of been with granny's he blocks them.

Rita started ranting about her day with her sister not even given them a minute to express their view. Indeed she was a singer and that too a fun of rapping.

Sarah said nothing. Arabella mind was somewhere else her cramps are now stronger than ever. It wasn't anything special to her . The three sisters hated it when they are on their period is like they couldn't do anything.

" Can l buy such babies lunch " a voice said. They three turned their faces to the owner of the voice. They can remember the owner of the voice no matter the time or day.

It was their childhood bestie voice . Leo West . One of the most popular student in campus.

" See who we have here , the Smiling girls."

The three of them hugged him tightly. It been over a decade they saw him . After his parents moved away they lost contact with him but here they are finally meeting again.

The girls chit chatted with him for a long moment until the topic of the boys in the school popped up.

Leo's expression suddenly darken , fear swung in his heart. Where their new target them now. The rumors has it that the Calvin , Benjamin and Kelvin are players but the less player is Benjamin but that too it was still risky.

Now he regrets them coming here cause now they are the new target of the players.

Sarah left the group after having a call from Charlotte asking whether she could give Sarah a tour and show Sarah's locker.

Soon it was Arabella's turn to leave Leo and Rita after receiving a text from Kelly to show her the pharmacy to get her some pain relievers to smoothen the cramps abit .

After the other twins left Leo offered to show Rita around the school. Since he was sleeping in the school after getting a dorm room but the triplets girls are yet to get one since they haven't yet settled with the thought of getting up and sleeping in the school.

•• Legaspi Mansion

Cassie starred at the picture on her phone sent by an unknown number.

A picture of Calvin baby talking to a transfer student that too through scholarship.

She threw the phone at the wall damaging it completely. Mrs Legaspi ran to her daughter who was on the floor crying in tears.

This broke her heart , she hated when her daughter cries anyone responsible for this, life becomes hetic just after a few months.

" What is it baby" Mr asked trying to calm down her daughter.

With bloodshot eyes Cassie simply wiped away her tears and informed her mom that ' I don't want to lose Calvin mom , l love him please do something. I want to go to Blue High mommy "

Hearing this Mrs Legaspi immediately got working, getting an admission for her daughter without any sweat cause she has gained her fame in years as an actress. In one month time her daughter will be a student of Blue High

••• One month in Blue High💙

Time really went by quickly shocking everyone in the school especially the boarders . It was like an hour sleep was that as a minute sleep.

But not to mention how the girls rose up to the ladder gaining fans in the school.

But today seems to be a nervous day as a video spreads on the school website.

The video of Rita slapping Kelvin everyone saw Kelvin as a person who beats ladies. Kelvin grew distant to Rita hurting her. She loved his old self, staring at her , teasing but it was no more.

As Kelvin mind was made up that Rita was quite the same as others in because of his looks and fame. Sarah saw how her sister changed gradually and comforted her.

Arabella thanked God that her period was over and also tried comforting her sis but nothing seems to work.

The girls reputation in the school was tarnished now. People looked at them with disgust.

•• Roof top of Blue High 💙

A helicopter landed on the roof top of the school. Everyone gathered outside to see who this could be . This was a right time for Cassie to ascend from the helicopter.

The entire school screamed out ' Legaspi Cassie' . The boys tried touching her but her bodyguards blocked any guy who wanted to come in contact with their miss.

Their boss's wife gave out an order that no body touches her daughter if so they die.

Not wanting to die they all blocked the people from touching them. Some grabbed their phone getting live on TikTok to post who they have there.

It Legaspi Cassie

Someone shouted from the crowd.

Legaspi Cassie is a social influencer on all social media handles especially on TikTok with quite a lot of fans even surpassing lot of celebrities. She has gone on dinner with Black pink girls and even Twice.

But she wasn't single . She had a boyfriend.

"That Calvin another social influencer, singer too. He eat with influential people no wonder he was dating her " someone in the crowd blurted out .

One bodyguard has been strictly assigned to go live on TikTok on post the interaction between the students of Blue High and that of Cassie.

It unbelievable that just in 2 minutes over 200 billion people comment and send gift to her . Others planning to get into the school.

To be continued