
Bounded to the Evil Vampire! He wants to make Children.

Revealing his white fangs, he bit gently on her neck. She tried to struggle but felt helpless like a fish out of water, having no strength. “Pain,” she whispered into his ear, hoping that he would let go but instead, he bit even harder. Struggling, even more. she kicked and tried to shout, but it was to no avail. Just when she was about to lose consciousness, he let her go with an evil smirk on his face. He looked into her Amber eyes filled with hatred while slowly whispering. “You taste even sweeter when angry.” Hearing this, she got even angrier. “I… One day, I will kill you.” A burst of laughter echoed right after she said that and he replied while gently biting her ear. “Well that's for sure! But how will you take care of our children alone?” A shiver ran down her spine, and her voice filled with despair sounded. “PLEASE! LET ME GO!”

badblood · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Leave me Alone!

Ryker checked the time from his Royal wristwatch and said, "You can choose any room here, move here today."

Amber's soul can't bear to be here. She wanted to leave as soon as possible, after a while, he let her go.

She immediately jumped down from the bed, put on her shoes, and within a minute, Amber rushed out of that place like lightning without caring about the money she saved after a hard struggle.

Ryker looked at her back while running and squinted his eyes while smiling. That was not a smile; he was laughing in his heart to see her so scared of him.

Amber didn't stop and ran directly toward the school, but she could not pay her tuition fees at all without money.

As Amber was worrying, the Vice-principal entered inside the class and asked politely," Are you Ryker's classmate?"

Amber nodded in response. The Vice-principal took her appreciation and said," I assigned you the best class of our session, class S. You can go to that class now to prepare for your examination."

Amber became so happy to hear that, but then she realized something and asked," But the principal, I didn't even pay the tuition!" as Amber kept all her hard-earned money in that devil Vampire's house.

The Vice-principal looked at her while smiling and handled her hand with care while saying," You just remembered wrong; you already handed it to me before, now hurry up, go to your class."

Amber doubted him, but she thought it was good to study with the first-class. Her classmates thought that there must be someone in the S class who had a crush on her and paid her fee.

After saying goodbye, the innocent expression on her face instantly flushed away.

In the corner, The vice-principal talks to a young boy mysteriously, "The matter has been done."

This young boy turned his back and stood under the light. The light pulled his shadow so long he tilted his head slightly. With a sigh, he walked toward the school building.

Amber packed her stuff and went toward the fifth floor to join the S class. The corridor was quiet and spotless. There was only one class on that floor.

Amber looked inside through the big window. There were a considerable number of people inside that room.

All the teachers inside that class were known as the famous teachers in the world, and the students studying inside that class were children who belonged to highly wealthy families or were from the most powerful, but a single one did not provoke Amber.

As Amber entered that building, she touched the bite mark on her neck. She felt humiliated. After turning up her collar, she walked inside the room.

Amber opened the classroom door. As she stepped inside, the teacher who stood in front of her looked indifferent, but she didn't try to find the fault.

The teacher looked at her and asked," Your name is Amber right?"

Amber looked toward the students sitting in the first row of the class and replied nervously, "Yes, Mr. Paul."

Mr. Paul welcomed her with a smile, pointed toward two directions, and said, "These are two places, you can choose one of them."

On the left side, a boy was sleeping on his bench carelessly, and on the right, she saw Ryker's face. He was expressionless and arrogant, and his arms clasped his chest, squinted his evil eyes, and was looking out of the window.

Amber swallowed and replied without hesitation, "Teacher I will sit on the left."

She took a small bag on her shoulder and walked toward the far left bench. Amber put the school bag on the desk and greeted the boy beside her enthusiastically, "Hello, my name is Amber. I am new in this class."

The boy awakened, opened his hazy eyes, looked at her, and smiled slightly, "Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you."

Amber was good in studies; she always worked hard to be the best student in her class stood first in her categories rankings. Since this class was more advanced, she had a lot of catching up.

Initially, she was bored of the mathematical equation, with sleepy eyes, she tried it again but couldn't solve it. The boy sitting beside her suddenly took the pen, yawned, and explained," Actually, this is very easy, you should solve this question like this, understand?"

Amber blushed in happiness, nodded, and replied, "Thank you, Mike."

In the distance, Ryker looked toward her with his deep dark eyes. Just at that time, Amber was smiling at Mike. That smile was sunny and optimistic. It seemed good.

Ryker didn't care what Amber was doing and how she was performing in the class, but he was just unhappy. Somewhere in his heart, the vines of hatred began to grow instantly.

Suddenly Ryker broke off the gel pen in his hand with the sound of 'Click!', stood up from his seat, and started to look in Amber's direction wrath.

There was pin-drop silence in the class. Everyone heard this and got terrified. The teacher in the class also stopped and looked toward Ryker with respect and fear, "What's happened, Ryker? What are you dissatisfied with?"

Ryker ignored his teacher and kept glaring at Amber. The eyes of all the students instantly shifted toward Amber.

Amber glared at Ryker and lowered her head in fear and guilt. 'However this is a school, Ryker can't disrespect me.' Amber thought in her head.

She gritted her teeth in anger and couldn't do anything but think in her head,' Why… are you all looking at me like this?'

Ryker shouted in a low voice, "Mind your own business." He started to walk toward her and grabbed her wrist. His grip was so tight that Amber thought her wrist was about to break.

She gritted her teeth in pain, couldn't complain but said, "Let me go."

Ryker looked at her angrily, narrowed his dangerous eyes, and took her out of the class in front of all the students. Their teacher was not allowed to be loud with these students. That's why Mr. Paul went to the Vice principal's office to complain.

Amber suddenly thought of the sucking blood and started to think about him, 'No, is he hungry? But this is the first class of the morning, isn't it?'

Amber stopped him in the middle of the classroom, looked at him in anger as she didn't want to follow him, looked directly into his eyes, and said, "Ryker Maxwell, I said I don't want to follow you, leave me."

As soon as she said those words, everyone in the class sighed!

One student from the first bench whispered to the girl who sat beside her," She must know that no one can call him by his full name. She dares to disrespect him."

Everyone looked toward Amber with regretful eyes and thought to themselves, 'This girl is over.'

Amber thought to herself, 'Ryker will be kicked out of the school soon because of this act.'

Ryker's handsome face became more attractive when he smiled and approached her face, then slightly whispered, "If you don't want to die,come with me."

Amber instantly felt that her feet were not in her control. Unwillingly, she started to follow him in fear.

The classmates in the classroom were curious and excited to see what happened next, so they decided to follow them one after another and leave the class.

Ryker took her to the enormous library, threw her in, and slammed the door with a bang. Amber leaned against the wall, scared to death.

'What is this perverted devil doing?' She thought to herself.

Ryker looked at her with dark eyes, lowered his voice, and asked, "Why don't you sit with me?"

'Why is his tone sullen and dissatisfied?' Amber thought as she heard him talking like this for the first time.