
Bounded to the Evil Vampire! He wants to make Children.

Revealing his white fangs, he bit gently on her neck. She tried to struggle but felt helpless like a fish out of water, having no strength. “Pain,” she whispered into his ear, hoping that he would let go but instead, he bit even harder. Struggling, even more. she kicked and tried to shout, but it was to no avail. Just when she was about to lose consciousness, he let her go with an evil smirk on his face. He looked into her Amber eyes filled with hatred while slowly whispering. “You taste even sweeter when angry.” Hearing this, she got even angrier. “I… One day, I will kill you.” A burst of laughter echoed right after she said that and he replied while gently biting her ear. “Well that's for sure! But how will you take care of our children alone?” A shiver ran down her spine, and her voice filled with despair sounded. “PLEASE! LET ME GO!”

badblood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Damm You!

Amber didn't know how to answer. She found silence as the best answer but kept thinking, 'Who, who would choose to sit with the vampire? Isn't it worth dying? But he won't be angry because of this, would he?'

Ryker put his hands in his pockets and ordered her with an attitude, "Move to my house in a while. as my blood slave, you should always stay at my side."

Amber frowned. She felt highly aggrieved, "I don't want to."

'Becoming a blood slave is already enough, if I move next to him, I have to see him all the time…I don't want this.'

"You can try to run away," Ryker replied and turned around to open the library's door.

The class stood outside the library trying to hear something, and after hearing the sound of opening the door, they started to move randomly to pretend they were not spying on them.

Ryker looked toward them indifferently, ignored them, and walked away.

Mike transferred to Class A. Amber was forced to carry her school bag and moved to Ryker's seat at noon.

Amber was full of reluctance; besides studying, her center of concentration was Ryker's actions. She was afraid of Ryker while thinking, "What would happen if he started to suck my blood in the middle of the class?"

She took advantage of Ryker's absence, grabbed the shirt of the short-haired girl sitting in front of her, and said, "Hey classmate, can we change our seats?"

At first, the girl liked the plan, her eyes lit up to hear that, but then she saw Ryker approaching his seat. She waved her hand and said, "No, no…Ryker is here."

When Ryker arrived at the classroom door, his eyes were as cold as a knife. Amber shrank her neck, let go of the classmate's shirt, gritted her teeth in anger, and took her seat beside Ryker.

He came to his seat, stayed calm, and helped Amber casually with a poker face. Amber was in trouble. She was just about to freeze till the last morning class.

Amber was fighting with herself in her head as she didn't know staying with Ryker was helpful or not. After all, her lies took the place of truth; unfortunately, 'If I wished for something else, I probably would get it too.' Amber thought to herself.

The news of the incident spread to all the school students like a fire in a jungle. All the students knew about the incident at noon.

Half of the students waited for the bell to ring to see them together.

'I just wanted to study hard. If I knew about Ryker before, I would never have entered his house, what if he kills me?' Amber was busy in her thoughts. Ryker looks at her but pretends like he is not.

Suddenly he started to laugh. Amber looked toward him with questioning eyes, "Why are you laughing at me?" Amber asked while suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Ryker looked in her deep eyes but didn't say a single word. He was just staring at her quietly.

Suddenly Mr.Paul stopped writing and asked, "What is so funny about this lesson, if there is a joke that comes up in your mind then share it with your classmates. We want to laugh too."

Ryker looked at him for some seconds, moved his fingers, and Amber noticed his weird actions.

Ryker took a deep sigh and then replied expressionlessly, "Sir your lines are so funny."

"What is funny in this story?" the teacher asked confusedly.

"You should recheck it," Ryker replied coldly. The teacher checked the paragraph and finally got his mistakes, erased the whole board, and announced not to copy it. He took off his glass and rechecked them because he doubted himself.

Ryker's hands were in his pockets. He calmly sat down on his seat without taking permission.

Mr.Paul started to rub his forehead as he was stressed to see that what he wrote on the board was completely wrong, "I think I need some rest." He said while leaving the classroom.

Finally, the bell rang, and students started to leave the classroom one by one. Amber waited for Ryker to go first and then walked toward the cafeteria.

She was too late, that's why there was not much food left for her. She ate from the leftover items to fill her tummy and planned to take a nap after this as it was already an adventurous day for her.

As she walked toward the exit of the cafeteria, she slipped embarrassingly. Everybody, still taking their lunch, turned to look at Amber.

"Oh, this poor girl, look at her face.'' One of the rude students at her school pointed toward her to embarrass her.

As Amber tried to stand up, she slipped again, found something greasy on the floor, touched that liquid with her fingers, and smelled it, 'Dang! It is oil.'

"It's terrifying to be unlucky." A girl from the crowd commented to her.

Amber stabilized herself, but before she left, the students surrounded her.

"Look at her face, her body, this does not look normal but this sauce on your face suits you more than makeup." another girl from the crowd commented.

A boy from the crowd added an extension to her insult while saying, "I really feel sorry for Ryker."

Amber raised her eyes faintly, it was already a long day, and these people came to find faults in her.

She was full of aggression and wanted to kill all of them but shouted, "Go away!"

"Oh! you have a good temper." A familiar voice sounded from the crowd, and Ashley Steven came near Amber.

Ashley's eyes were full of resentment and envy. She was burning with anger as it was beyond her expectations to see Ryker sit beside her.

Amber was also angry at her because she got stuck in that trouble just because of her. She was the only reason Ashley had to be the blood slave of that bastard Ryker.

Considering it a chance, Amber punched her stomach hard.

"Damn you!" Ashley shouted in defiance while calling her friend. He was a heightened muscular senior boy of the school, twisted his wrist to punch Amber.

Amber was ready to defend herself from his punch, but he was so strong that Amber couldn't stop it. She knelt on the ground in pain.