
Bound To You For A Lifetime

"There will be stars, but you'll be the brightest of all. There will be music, but everyone will be entranced by you instead. There will be laughter, but the sound of yours will bring peace to their hearts. Then, there will be us. You and I for a lifetime because you are bound to me amd I to you." This was his promise to her. "I will wait for that day to come. This is our first steps to forever. You are my final destination." That was her promise to him. This is the third installment of the THREE AMIGOS story. Welcome to Flora's happily ever after.

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52 Chs


When Frank woke up, he saw that Flora already put on a bathrobe and breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You're up?" She walked in front of him and handed him a glass of water.

"I thought the test was over," he sat himself up and took the glass from her.

"What test?" She looked at him in confusion, sitting by his side.

"Test to see if I am strong in the face of temptation so that you can feel safe in my home," he recited innocently. Greg had instilled this piece of information into him.

"What? What does that even mean? Where did you get that from?" She couldn't help but ask in amazement.

"The sexy lingerie to bed every night. My dad said you wanted to test me," he replied a matter-of-factly.

It took a while for Flora to process. What test? Strong in the face of temptation? As it all settled in, she couldn't help but scold Frank.

"What strong in the face in temptation? Ehn? Of course it was temptation, but I needed you to take action, not remain strong. If I didn't feel safe with you, I would have broken up with you long ago talk less of moving in with you."

At this point, she was out of breath.

Frank sat still like a wooden statue. It wasn't a test? She wanted him to act on it? He had missed so many opportunities to improve their relationship? It wasn't a test for strength but to prove his knowledge of granny Janet's educational materials? Wow.

"I cannot believe it. You could ask me, your mom, my grandmothers, and you'd get the right answer. Why did you even ask your dad? I mean... it's your dad."

Frank agreed with her. What was he thinking? His dad had led him astray so many times, somehow he still went to him for answers. He must be a blockhead.

"Babe, we could have just talked about it. The temptation was too much for my poor heart to handle. I lost so much blood," he put on a sad face. To have missed out on her hints, that was heartbreaking.

Flora smiled and used her finger to trace down the buttons of his shirt, "well it's not too late. We have the room all to ourselves."

His heartbeat quickened. This kind of Flora seemed very different from her cool image. This Flora was new to him, but her charms were irresistible. He pushed the proposal to the back of his mind forgetting that some oldies were waiting on his signal.

He loosened the sash around her waist and helped her pull off the bathrobe. As his hands were busy, Flora was also pulling his shirt off his body. He took the lead and kissed her, their tongues entwined. He lifted her to the bed to continue the good deed.

Just as the couple was getting in the zone, thunderous knocks came out of nowhere.

Damn it!

They both cursed.

Who was it that was ruining the moment that took so long to happen, hmmn?

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