
Bound To You For A Lifetime

"There will be stars, but you'll be the brightest of all. There will be music, but everyone will be entranced by you instead. There will be laughter, but the sound of yours will bring peace to their hearts. Then, there will be us. You and I for a lifetime because you are bound to me amd I to you." This was his promise to her. "I will wait for that day to come. This is our first steps to forever. You are my final destination." That was her promise to him. This is the third installment of the THREE AMIGOS story. Welcome to Flora's happily ever after.

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Just as she had said, Flora visited Sandy's ward immediately she arrived at the clinic Saturday morning.

"Hi angel." She walked in carefully and spotted the pale-looking girl on the bed.

Sandy gave her a huge smile and waved at her enthusiastically.

"Sis Flora! Dr. Frank said you'd be coming and you came."

Flora ran her hand across her hair pettingly.

"I'm glad to see you in great spirit. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be able to leave soon."

Flora kept Sandy accompanied for a little while before the little girl fell asleep. She visited other wards afterwards like she usually did. She didn't get to see Frank before leaving and was a bit disappointed, but after she remembered her plans for the weekend, she regained her strength.


Frank was also disappointed that he didn't get to spend time with his girl, so he let her know over the phone that he'd be home an hour earlier.

"Dad, she stopped. No more test. What does this mean?" He called Greg during his break time.

"That means she approves of you. Now she sees you as husband material. Haha that's my very good son." He could already visualize what the wedding hall was going to look like.

"So you mean if I was ready to propose, she wouldn't reject me?" There was a tinge of excitement in his voice.

"Of course not. Now that you've proven yourself to be a real man in the face of temptation, she definitely feels secure around you. Marriage is all about security, so she'll definitely say yes," he replied reassuringly.

"Dad I think I'm ready." He took out the velvet box from his drawer and opened it up. Even without sun rays, the diamond still glistened. He got the ring the week before they moved in together. He wanted her to feel comfortable in his home.

When it was time to give it to her, he hesitated. What if she rejected it? What if she said that she was too young? What if she thought I was only giving it to her to get laid? What if she thought it was too burdensome?

Before he could propose, he already gave himself 100 reasons not to go through with it. But he loved her so much.

"If you had listened to me a long time ago, you won't be worrying about a proposal now, you'd be planning your first child together." Although he scolded him, his joy couldn't be hidden about his son's decision.

"I'll do it next weekend. I let you know my plans later."

He felt a lot better after speaking with his dad. This time around, he wasn't going to retreat. Even if she rejected, he'd stick to her like glue until she changed her mind.


"How are your plans going?" Claudia asked as she took a seat opposite Flora in a coffee shop.

"We are both free next weekend. I'm done with the push part of my plan. I'm on the pull part now. No more sexy lingerie. Next weekend, I'll get a room at a hotel close to us. I'll give a random excuse like 'I was feeling dizzy and couldn't make it home, so I stopped to get a room. Come quickly.' Then when he arrives all worried, I'll pounce on him."

Claudia couldn't stop laughing at how ferocious her older sister was. Was she a lioness and Frank an antelope? What was with the pouncing?

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