
Bound to be: The lycan's vampire mate

BEING TOGETHER MEANS BETRAYING THEIR FAMILY, HER KINGDOM, HIS PACK, BUT STAYING AWAY FROM EACH OTHER MEANS BETRAYING THEMSELVES, BETRAYING HIS WOLF, WHO SO DESPERATELY WANTS HER. After running away from her Kingdom, Blaire Vagary happens to land herself with a pack of werewolves where she is deemed their soon-to-be alpha's mate, but instead she finds herself being drawn to his icy cousin, Javier, but there's a problem, she's a vampire, and he's a werewolf, they are sworn enemies that can never be together. She has a duty to her family, to her Kingdom. He has a duty to his family, to his pack. He's the only one who knows her secret. She's the only one who understands him. Moreover, she's supposed to be his cousin's mate. The universe is against their love and it's well known to them, but matter how hard they try, there's a thread that joins their very souls together. Will they have their happy ending? OR Will they let everything come between them?. Note: It is a slow burn enemies to lovers book and they both try to kill each other.

glorygodson115 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 9


I woke up with no idea of how I got to my room, the last thing I remember, I was drinking with Rafael and then we kissed and he asked to meet me in the morning.

I had to write about it, all of it, I looked under the bed where I last kept my travel journal but it wasn't there.

Where was it?

I searched around the room frantically, desperate to find it.

Where had it gone?.

Did someone else take it?.

Who did?. 

Who else came into my room?.

Last night, someone definitely brought me back here.


So many questions and so many possibilities, and with every question in my head, no answer was found, and all the possibilities all had unfortunate outcomes.

I sat on my bed pondering over the journal.

Was what I wrote enough to disclose my identity?

My head did a little spin for a moment before I finally got up to go outside.

I'd barely walked out of my room when I saw Zayn approaching.

"Fair maiden, did you sleep well?" he asked.

"I think so, Who took me back to room yesterday?" I asked almost immediately.

"It was the big bad wolf" he said "after a lot of complaints that is" he added.

"Who?" I asked perplexed.

"Javier, I asked him to " he replied.

"Do you have an idea of where he might be" I asked.

"Not really, you're the first person I've ran into this morning, but his room might be a good start" he said.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put something in this empty stomach of mine" he added before he gestured me with his hands and then walked away.

I rushed over to Javier's room and placed a knock on the door.

Once. Twice. Thrice. Four more times. No reply.

I resisted the urge to either bang the door furiously or break it and just tried to open the door. It was locked. Of course it was. I let out a deep sigh before I left his room balcony.

I proceeded to the dining area but he wasn't there, I then went to the Central area, the garden, the shed, still no sign of him.

I bumped into Rafael on my way back to the mansion.

"Have you by any chance seen Javier this morning" I asked him.

"And good morning to you too" he replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry my head is just a bit all over the place, good morning" I said.

"Yes, I figured, and no I have not seen Javier, you should ask Diana, he's always with her."

"Oh, okay thanks" I say trying to shake off the fact that the statement made me feel uneasy.

"What do you need him for anyway?" Rafael asked grabbing my arm before I could leave.

"Nothing important really." 

'Did I just say that?, my whole life depends on this.'

"I just want to ask him some questions" I continue.

"Okay , I want to talk to you, um, about last night."

Last night, I forgot that even happened. I was so wrapped up in finding the journal to remember last night.


"I'll be waiting for you at the garden" he said before I walked away in search of Javier.

With Diana he said, but where was Diana?

I feel like I'm moving in circles.

After sometime, I finally found Diana at the back of the stables cradled in a rocking chair.

"Hello" I said and she jumped up almost immediately like she'd been in some kind of trance which I woke her up from, that may have been the case, but moving on.

"You scared me" she said with one of her hands on her chest and the other holding a book.

"I didn't mean to" I replied.

"Blaire, wasn't it" she asked.


"Do you need something from me?"

"Not really, I just wanted to ask you if you'd seen Javier."

"And why are you asking?" she said.

"I just wanted to ask him about something, nothing more, nothing less" I replied.

"Really" she said doing a thing with her eyes where it looked like she was scanning me or looking for a shift in my expression to detect a lie.

"Yes, really" I said.

"I haven't seen him. " 

Where was he, practically no one had seen him and he wasn't in his room.

"No use looking for someone that doesn't want to be found" she said walking back to the chair.

"He disappears, that Javier, he'll be back, he always comes back home, so, if you want my advice, just wait it out, it's just a question, isn't it, you could ask me."

"You wouldn't know the answer, so don't bother, well, thank you for your time" I said before walking away.

So he just takes my journal and disappears, there's still a slight chance it isn't with him though, but if it isn't with him, then who was it with.

I walked to the garden and found Rafael sitting on a bench.

He sensed me and turned to me immediately.

"Sit" he said gesturing to the place beside him.

I sat down and he immediately said

"I think you're my mate."

"What" I replied stunned beyond belief

I mean we kissed, but that was it, it may have been my first kiss in 99 years but it really didn't seem like that much to me. It was just a kiss, and that was it, nothing more, nothing less. So how was I suddenly his mate.

I'd heard about mating in werewolves but I had no idea of the context but it felt like some great bond and I didn't feel that with Rafael.

I'm attracted to him but that's all there is, pure mutual attraction, I guess it wasn't mutual.

"I mean there's all this things I feel around you" he said.

"But I'm human, isn't your mate supposed to be like a werewolf and stuff. " 

"It doesn't matter, I mean there are cases and besides I'm the next alpha so in general, I get whatever I want, and you're what I want."

"I don't want you, well, not like the way you want me, as friends that's all" I wanted to say but I stopped myself.

"But what if you find your actual mate" I say instead.

"But you're my mate." 

"I'm not sure about all this" I say my voice low.

"Then I guess you should think about it" he said.


"I have to go, Blaire, I'll see you later"he said and rose up to his feet.

He planted a kiss on my cheek before leaving.

I walked back to my room as thoughts rummaged through my head.

He thought I was human, this could go wrong in so many ways I couldn't count, and with my journal just gone, the situation was worse, if it wasn't with Javier, it could be anywhere just lying around.

I opened my door to find Javier seated on my bed. To think I was running around in search of him while he was here all along. I looked at his hands closely and found my journal in his left hand.

He did have it.

"Give that back " I said instantly reaching out for it.

His hands wrapped around my neck as he threw me against the wall.

"What the hell" I said.

He looked down at me with so much hate in his eyes and I fumbled.

"Don't play fucking pretend with me, Blaire, if that's even your real name" he said as he loomed over me indistinctly.