
Bound to be: The lycan's vampire mate

BEING TOGETHER MEANS BETRAYING THEIR FAMILY, HER KINGDOM, HIS PACK, BUT STAYING AWAY FROM EACH OTHER MEANS BETRAYING THEMSELVES, BETRAYING HIS WOLF, WHO SO DESPERATELY WANTS HER. After running away from her Kingdom, Blaire Vagary happens to land herself with a pack of werewolves where she is deemed their soon-to-be alpha's mate, but instead she finds herself being drawn to his icy cousin, Javier, but there's a problem, she's a vampire, and he's a werewolf, they are sworn enemies that can never be together. She has a duty to her family, to her Kingdom. He has a duty to his family, to his pack. He's the only one who knows her secret. She's the only one who understands him. Moreover, she's supposed to be his cousin's mate. The universe is against their love and it's well known to them, but matter how hard they try, there's a thread that joins their very souls together. Will they have their happy ending? OR Will they let everything come between them?. Note: It is a slow burn enemies to lovers book and they both try to kill each other.

glorygodson115 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 8


I went over to the shed to get some tools to cut wood and found Diana.

"Hello" she said smiling at me.

"Hello" I replied.

"Why are you here? " she asked.

"Me and some others are going to get wood for the bonfire" I replied picking up the tools.

"Can I come?" she asked.

"You shouldn't do such difficult jobs, you're a salutary, we don't want anything happening to those tender hands of yours" I said.

"What do you mean?, I can do it" she said amidst laughter.

"Leave it to the people who are specialized in that area, Will you?" I said with a grin.

She was still protesting when I spotted Vagary standing at a distance with Rafael.

It was always the two of them together.

Our eyes met and she rolled her eyes.

Classic Vagary.

I turned back to Diana and grinned at particularly nothing but I watched them from the corner of my eyes.

They were both saying something.

I used my abilities to overhear their conversation.

He asked if she was alright and apparently she was feeling sick and wanted to leave.

Rafael looked at me before he offered to take her elsewhere.

Good riddance, she was insufferable anyway.

"Javier" Diana called out.

"What" I replied.

"You look spaced out" she said.

"It's nothing, so as I was saying, you're staying here while I go get some wood. "

"Even after my whole speech on gender equality just now."

"Even after that" I said before taking the tools and stepping down from the shed.

"Take care of yourself while I'm away" I added.

"I will " she said and I turned towards the sentinel's ward to gather with the others.

 ★ ★ ★

We finished and were on our way back from the forest when I heard some sounds coming from the east side of the forest.

"I'll meet you guys at dark crescent, there's something I need to do before I leave" I said passing my share of load to Theo.

"Okay suit yourself" Theo said.

"Don't stay out too late or you'll miss the bonfire" Zayn added.

"Okay" I replied before going off in the opposite direction.

I walked towards the place where I'd heard the sounds slowly. As I approached the place, I picked up her scent, Vagary's scent.

What was she doing here?

My curiosity was stirred as I moved closer. I hid behind a tree some meters away where I could see her clearly. She was feeding on blood.

I was right, she was a vampire. I moved in to have a closer look and mistakenly stepped on a twig. She turned to me almost immediately as I tried to conceal myself, but luckily she didn't notice me, she was too immersed in her 'meal'.

Vagary was a vampire, the most dreadful creature to ever walk this earth. I was right about everything, the cabin, how suspicious she looked at Sylv, everything, all my doubts were true.

I walked home with a thousand thoughts in my head. Half a thousand thoughts on killing her, the other half on sending her away from Dark crescent or exposing her, she lied and deceived us. She didn't deserve mercy, she deserved death.

Death for her lies, death for her deceit, death for her very being.

 ★ ★ ★

I got to the pack house a little before dusk with nothing but sheer anger in my bosom.

Vagary lied to us.

They were making preparations for the bonfire but I ignored them and went straight to my room to let off some steam. I needed to handle this situation with care.

After a while I went out and found Vagary and Rafael all wrapped up in each other sitting near the fire, the ceremony had begun, I sat down in between Rafael and Zayn, it had barely been a minute since I sat down when Diana walked up to me.

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"In his room, where else" Zayn replied for me.

She shot him a glare before turning to me.

"You know he's not a child, Diana, save it" Zayn said.

They kept exchanging words but my eyes were fixed on Vagary waiting for an opening to confront her. She excused herself to get some drinks and I was about to go after her when Rafael pulled me down.

"She's the one" he said.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"About time you admitted it you're all starry-eyed when you're looking at her" Zayn said sipping his drink.

"Is it that obvious, there's this connection I have with her" Rafael replied.

"That's impossible" I said.

"Why, because she's human" Rafael said.

"No, because she's a..." I was about to finish the sentence, but I had no evidence, saying it would only complicate things further so I withdrew my statement.

"She can't be your mate" I said instead.

"Who said she had to be my mate, I'm in love with her, I don't care, besides I'm the next alpha so there's no opposition."

"Really..." I said before Zayn cut me off.

"I almost forgot it's that easy, privileged much" Zayn said.

"You're not listening to me, you can't be in love with her, she's dangerous" I said.

"How, she can't even hurt a fly" Rafael said.

"What, are you jealous, grumps" Zayn asked.

"What, Why would you think that" I said.

"Then there's no problem then I'm taking the shot" Rafael said.

At that moment she came back with the drinks for everyone except me, I wouldn't have accepted it anyway.

I needed to get her to admit it, but I needed something to use against her.

The rest of the night was a blur, at some point in the night, Rafael and Vagary kissed and I felt my stomach churning so I excused myself and when I came back everyone was drop dead drunk except for Zayn who was taking people back to their room.

"I guess the party's over" I said and turned back to go in.

"You should take the fair maiden with you, her room is on the way to yours" Zayn said before putting Rafael arm across his shoulder.

"I'm not" I replied.

"Seriously, I already have a lot on my hands, grumps so take her" he said.

Not having the strength to argue further I reluctantly scooped her up in my hands and took her to her room.

As I laid her on the bed, my mother's necklace dropped to the ground, I bent to pick it up when I saw something poking out of her bed. A book.

Travel log was written in bold. It was hers no doubt, it had a familiar scent with her.

I took the book with me as I left her room, wondering what she'd written in it.