
Bound to be: The lycan's vampire mate

BEING TOGETHER MEANS BETRAYING THEIR FAMILY, HER KINGDOM, HIS PACK, BUT STAYING AWAY FROM EACH OTHER MEANS BETRAYING THEMSELVES, BETRAYING HIS WOLF, WHO SO DESPERATELY WANTS HER. After running away from her Kingdom, Blaire Vagary happens to land herself with a pack of werewolves where she is deemed their soon-to-be alpha's mate, but instead she finds herself being drawn to his icy cousin, Javier, but there's a problem, she's a vampire, and he's a werewolf, they are sworn enemies that can never be together. She has a duty to her family, to her Kingdom. He has a duty to his family, to his pack. He's the only one who knows her secret. She's the only one who understands him. Moreover, she's supposed to be his cousin's mate. The universe is against their love and it's well known to them, but matter how hard they try, there's a thread that joins their very souls together. Will they have their happy ending? OR Will they let everything come between them?. Note: It is a slow burn enemies to lovers book and they both try to kill each other.

glorygodson115 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 7


Travel log

It's been a week since I first came to Dark crescent. The werewolves are surprisingly welcoming, despite their immense hatred of vampires. I must be careful to conceal my true nature, lest I be discovered and sent to my grave. Still, I can't help but be fascinated by this strange and wondrous place. I must document my experiences here, for Rissa back at the castle.

The speech here was less formal than that of Varsaile. It's almost like the vampires and the werewolves are living in entirely different times, I'm starting to get used to their language and ways.

Oh and yes, the women here wear trousers and breeches instead of feminine wears like gowns and skirts. It's fascinating, I even tried one on, but... let's just say I'm used to gowns and skirts instead.

And the food here comprises mostly meat, I usually sneak out at midday to feed on animal blood. It's the only way I can survive without being noticed, the werewolves are nocturnal creatures like us, so it's rather hard to leave at night.

I've gotten rather close with the werewolves except for Javier who has a fierce animosity for me, the feeling's mutual anyway.

Then there's Rafael, Javier's cousin, the next alpha of the pack.

He's kind to me, and I developed some sort of affection for him, nothing serious, but...

I heard a knock on my door and immediately snapped the book shut and hid it under my bed and went to answer the door.

It was Rafael.

"Good morning " he said with a huge smile which spread across his gorgeous face.

"Good morning" I replied

We stood there in silence for a moment and just stared at each other until he finally spoke up.

"There's a bonfire tonight at the main field."

"A bonfire, what's a bonfire?" I asked.

"They don't have bonfires in Sylv?"he asked

I gave no reply and he said.

"It's just a large outdoor fire for celebration and stuff."

"Okay" I replied.

Things were always uneasy between us, like there was something to say but none of us wanted to say it.

"Are you hungry " he asked scratching the back of his head.

"Not really" I replied.

" Do you want to go for a walk?" he asked.

"Yes, please" I replied " Let me change into something else that's, you know not for sleeping" I said before dashing into the room.

I quickly changed into a gown that was casually sitting on the dresser before I came out of the room.

I found Rafael still standing outside.

I shot him a quick smile before saying, " let's go."

He took my hand in his and led me to the Central area.

We hadn't walked far when we heard a voice behind us.


We turned around to find Zayn, the Delta.

He walked over to us,

"Where are you and the fair maiden going this time of the day" he said.

"A place called none of your business" Rafael replied.

"Slow down there mate, I'm just concerned for the fair maiden's safety" he said and I chuckled.

Apart from Rafael, me and Zayn had gotten close, he was carefree and jovial, but he and Rafael never seemed to get along.

"I assure you she is safe with me" Rafael replied tugging me away.

"What's the deal with you both?" I asked as we walked away.

"He's just mad that the ladies always liked me better than they do him" Zayn said coming to our side almost immediately.

"Sometimes I forget you all have all these insane powers."

"Abilities" Zayn corrected.

"I think the lady's had enough of you, now scurry away and go bother someone else" Rafael replied.

"Aww, he's afraid that you'll end up liking me, more than him" Zayn said.

"That's not true" Rafael said.

"You don't have to worry about anything, I'm into guys remember, and nope, Blaire, Rafael is not my type" he said.

Rafael shot him a death glare and he quickly said.

"I'd better run, before Rafa here, lets that wolf out of its cage" Zayn said.

"Goodbye fair maiden" he added before running off.

"Don't pay any attention to him" Rafael said as we continued walking.

"What, Why not, I like him" I said teasingly.

"You like him?" he asked the surprise clear in his voice.

"Yes, he's friendly" I said.

"Just that, right" he said.

"Yes" I replied.

I looked forward and found Javier and Diana at the shed chatting happily.

Why didn't he act like that around me?

Why did I care?

He seemed to have a thing for Diana and her for him, kind of like the hatred we had for each other.

He spotted me and his cheerful demeanor changed into a bleak one.

I rolled my eyes at him and he turned back to Diana with that same cheerful demeanor.

Of course he did.

Rafael noticed that my countenance had changed and he touched my shoulder.

"Are you alright" he asked.

"I'm fine, I just want to get away from here, I'm feeling a little sick" I said and Rafael looked at Javier.

He knew how much I didn't like him, how we didn't get along, so he didn't argue and just said,

"Let's go somewhere else then" he said as he led me out of the Central area.