
Bound to be: The lycan's vampire mate

BEING TOGETHER MEANS BETRAYING THEIR FAMILY, HER KINGDOM, HIS PACK, BUT STAYING AWAY FROM EACH OTHER MEANS BETRAYING THEMSELVES, BETRAYING HIS WOLF, WHO SO DESPERATELY WANTS HER. After running away from her Kingdom, Blaire Vagary happens to land herself with a pack of werewolves where she is deemed their soon-to-be alpha's mate, but instead she finds herself being drawn to his icy cousin, Javier, but there's a problem, she's a vampire, and he's a werewolf, they are sworn enemies that can never be together. She has a duty to her family, to her Kingdom. He has a duty to his family, to his pack. He's the only one who knows her secret. She's the only one who understands him. Moreover, she's supposed to be his cousin's mate. The universe is against their love and it's well known to them, but matter how hard they try, there's a thread that joins their very souls together. Will they have their happy ending? OR Will they let everything come between them?. Note: It is a slow burn enemies to lovers book and they both try to kill each other.

glorygodson115 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


We reached the pack house and found Javier at sentinel's ward.

"You finally made it back here." he said but I walked past him.

Rafael rushed to my side,

"Are you sure you're fine?" he asked

"Yes." I replied and he squeezed my hand softly.

A woman standing at the main pack house beckoned on Rafael and Javier.

"Ma!" he exclaimed before he went over to her.

I stood there for a brief moment watching them as they talked, Javier walked past me and I could've sworn I saw him look at me.

Or was it all in my head, because as soon as our eyes made contact, he looked away, it was a split second, almost like it never happened.

But it did, didn't it?

Why do I care?

Rafael called out to me and I walked over to them.

The woman looked me up and down before she finally said.

"Your father was an honorable man, a huge pain but an honorable man, we shouldn't speak ill of the dead so, I'll honor his name and fulfill his wishes, you can stay here for as long as you want." she paused for a moment before continuing.

"Welcome to the dark crescent pack, we're happy to have you here."

"Not all of us" Javier said and Rafael shot him a nasty look, so did I, at least in my head, I did, in reality my eyes were locked on the woman before me.

She had brown hair, paper white skin and almond eyes, she was of average height, but her presence reached beyond the skies, towering over me like a giant among men. 

"Thank you." I said with a forced smile.

"You have to meet the others." Rafael said taking my hand.

"Oh yes, the formal introduction." the woman said as Rafael lead me inside.

"So this is how it works, you have to introduce yourself individually to everyone here." he said as we passed what looked like the lobby.

"Everyone?" I asked in sheer bewilderment.

"Yeah, it's something like tradition, something all newcomers do." He answered.

We walked into the house.

No, not even a house, a mansion, I mean my castle was big, but this, this was on another level, I mean it was built to house a pack of werewolves.

"I could get lost in here." I said.

"Not to worry, you have me to guide you." he said.

We entered a room, and I was met with different people all staring at me, it felt like their gazes could pierce through my very soul.

Javier and the woman entered behind us and the woman made an announcement.

"We have a guest, she is from Sylv so you are to treat with the same care as you would your fellow packmates."

"The introductions shall commence." she added.

"I'm Bethany Diaz, the Luna of this pack" she said.

"Blaire Vagary of Sylv." I replied.

The introductions went round until I came to Javier.

Do I have to do this again, well I did introduce myself all over again to Rafael but Javier was just different.

I walked up to him slowly and stood at least 5 feet away from him.

"I'm Javier Diaz of the dark crescent pack." he said and did a bow.

If I didn't know better, in that moment, I'd have thought he was some kind of gentleman.

"I'm princess Blaire Vagary of Sylv" I said whilst curtsying.

We both raised our heads at the same time and he stared directly into my eyes.

We both stood there unmoving just looking straight into each other's souls.

The tension in that moment was nerve-racking but we both refused to look away.

Oh, what sweet torture it was to stare at him like that. 

I took the time to study his face, every single feature seemed to fall perfectly into place

His perfectly chiseled jawline, his high nose bridge, his dark brown hair that fell perfectly across his face, his full lips and his monolid eyes that looked empty.

But I saw a gleam of light in his eyes.

Did I imagine it?

It couldn't have been my imagination, it was real.

Whatever it was that snapped me out of that trance was nonexistent because the next thing I knew I was moving away from him, or him away from me, both actually.

"Come, I'll show you to your room." Rafael said.

To everyone else no time had passed, but what had been only just a few seconds felt like a lifetime to me. 

"Okay." I replied. 

 ★ ★ ★

I haven't fed in the last few days, I'm slowly getting weaker, I can feel it, I have to do something about it soon or I could die.

I looked at the food Rafael brought me one last time.

I considered throwing it across the room, they kept giving me human meals.

Well I am 'human' though.

But that didn't change the fact I needed blood and fast.

I could go hunting for some animal blood at least that will sustain me for a while.

I was brought back from my thoughts into reality by a knock on my door.

It was Rafael.

Of course it was.

"Good morning Blaire." he said as I opened the door.

"Good morning." I replied.

"I thought I should see how you're faring." he asked.

"It's the same as always." I said.

" I'll be at the dining room." He said.

"Okay." I said and he left.

Rafael and I had gotten closer over the past few days but Javier was 'of course' the opposite.

We hadn't said a single word to each other since the formal introductions.

To put it simply, he was avoiding me, and I was doing the same.

The pack was friendly, it felt like home, home away from home, but I couldn't help but think that none of this would've happened if they didn't think I was someone else.


They were the strongest and most feared pack, they were a deadly foe but great friends.

The last thing I want is to be their foe.

I resumed writing my travel log, I'd taken it from the castle, but was oblivious of it's existence until a day ago. 

I went outside to find a more comfortable place to sit down and write when I bumped into Javier.

I ignored him and sat on the bench and he sat directly opposite me.

The silence was so heavy and there was so much tension between us.

I hated the tension.

I hated Javier.

I hated how confused I was.

I hated it all.