

In a world where arranged marriages are the norm, the young and independent-minded female protagonist finds herself betrothed to the powerful and enigmatic Mafia King. As she navigates the complexities of her new life, she discovers hidden secrets and a forbidden love that challenges the boundaries of her arranged union. Will she find her own path and break free from the constraints of tradition? Or would she fall in love with her betrothed with all the obstacles and challenges. Would she break free from the bonds of duties? Would she submit to her husband and family? Or would she make her own path for herself and make her husband submit to her?

Seraph_Nathan · Urban
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10 Chs



My father or should I say the person that sold walked me down the isle. The hall was soo big and beautiful. If I wasn't angry and sad this would actually be the best day of my life. My dad was actually smiling like he didn't sell me out to the devil. The walk was short or maybe it was just me. My dress was purely white with stones of silver and diamonds. I didn't bother looking at my face in the mirror because I'm not sure if I looked happy enough. Ever since she die, I don't remember when I have smiled like I meant it. The pinch from my dad on my elbow brought me back to reality. I was standing side by side with my husband.

The vows were recited and then he said 'I do' it was now my turn, I repeated after the priest, then it came to this part,

'Do you take Antonio Rossi, to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in poorer and richer' the hall was dead silent you could cut through the tension with a knife. This was it, the time where I would seal my fate and be in a gilded cage, asking for permission before I do anything or go anywhere, my freedom would be limited from now onwards.

'I....' I said, my heart raced in my chest, if I said 'don't' my dad and I won't come out of this hall alive.

'....do'. My fate was sealed. Everyone released a collective sigh including my dad and the priest.

The priest turned to my "husband"

'You may now kiss the bride'. We both turned and faced ourselves. He raised up my veil and I looked up. I stared into black voidless eyes that I could get lost in. He had a man bun on his head with the sides back shaved and a five o'clock shadow. His lips curled up in a little smirk and I saw his dimples. His nose looks like it has been broken one, two many times but it fits his face perfectly, he has a perfectly full bow shaped lips that is drawing me in.

'Maria, focus, you can't let his handsome face blind you, he is still the devil we know' under a normal circumstances I would have actually fallen for him, but fate decided to curse me in this life. I let out a little sigh and I tilted my face upwards. His index fingers found my chin and rose it up a little higher, he leaned forward like he had all the time in the world and he does, after all he is a Mafia Lord. My eyes fluttered close and our lips connected. He made no move to deepen the kiss and I was fine with that. He drew back but his finger was still on my chin.

'Mi pequeña novia' he whispered. I knew he was fluent in both Spanish and Latin but I knew none. I had no intentions of finding out the meaning of what he said to me. I was soo lost in his eyes that I didn't notice people were cheering for us. He dropped his hand from my face like it was on fire, he slipped his hand to my waist and turned me to face everyone. I didn't need to see it to know that my cheeks were fiery red color. The plan was to get married and be a breeder for him and not to fall in love with him. As far as I don't fall in love with him, I am safe.