

In a world where arranged marriages are the norm, the young and independent-minded female protagonist finds herself betrothed to the powerful and enigmatic Mafia King. As she navigates the complexities of her new life, she discovers hidden secrets and a forbidden love that challenges the boundaries of her arranged union. Will she find her own path and break free from the constraints of tradition? Or would she fall in love with her betrothed with all the obstacles and challenges. Would she break free from the bonds of duties? Would she submit to her husband and family? Or would she make her own path for herself and make her husband submit to her?

Seraph_Nathan · Urban
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10 Chs



I didn't know how the hell I ended up in this situation. I know my family needed the money and had debts to pay, what I didn't know is that they would sell me to him, the Mafia Lord. They said he needed a wife and I am the perfect person for the job so I was sold to him and now I'm about to get married to him. An arranged marriage, to the Mafia Lord. So now I would be part of the mafia family. The handshake already sealed my fate and I'm locked and have no where else to go. News circulated fast and even where I last worked won't take me in again, and besides, he has eyes and ears everywhere. I am just a price to him. I get to attend meetings with him sometimes, he would take me out just to show the public that there would be a continuation of his lineage.

To an ordinary person they would think Antonio Rossi is just and ordinary billionaire CEO, but to us, he is the most powerful and ruthless Mafia Lord, to me he is the devil who bought me and I'm going to be his queen. Other girls would be happy that they are going to hold the title of being his Queen, but I'm not. Why would I be happy. My freedom is cut short. I don't even have space and time to myself.

My own dad, that greedy bastard was owing him half millions of dollars all because he gambled and now he used me as a payment for his greedy ways. If mom was alive, I would not be here right now, but here I am, in a beautiful hotel room, getting my make up done and getting dressed and if I may add, a hotel that HE owns, oh the fucking irony.

The moment I walk down the isle and say 'I do' I'm chained and I won't have my freedom any longer. I would be in a gilded cage, locked up in my tower just like Rapunzel but at least someone came to save her, no one is coming to save me.

This is the story of my fucking life.