
Botched ritual

Lily Potter botched ritual and after final moment of Harry Potter life at the Voldemort wand - travelled back to the end of her 5th year. — I don't own any of J.K. Rowling's works. — work in progress. multiple typos and quite broken sentences. English is my second language. be patient please. — I often rewrite chapters, check modification time for updates.

GorMartsen · Movies
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update log

20 October 2023

- new chapter, time to meet Marlene. Still writing. NSFW

19 October 2023

I got this feeling that while development is what I had idea about, is not so believable.

So I am going to rewrite and adjust some chapters from beginning.

This chapter is for changelogs for future, if you want to know what changed.

- non important updates will to 1 and 2 chapter

- chapter 3: dad died from heart attack at the end of the summer, mom latter before Christmas. Marlene is not going to spend some summer break at Evans, but they will go for short trip to London.

- chapter 4. Related changes due to Marlene is not coming to visit and Severus is not comming for dinner

- chapter 5 - removed ward related part, changed dinner talks, no Severus present.

- chapter 6 - a bit of cleanup

- chapter 7 and 8 removed, due to changes to storyline

- new chapter 7 added. NSFW