
Boruto: HHHHH

Vitekc2312 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Awakening

Chapter 1: Awakening;

There was a strong sandstorm in the desert, not even the horizon was visible. However, it was clearly possible to understand that behind this storm the blue sky and the bright sun were hidden, occasionally seeping through the curtain of sand. And in all this, one could see a silhouette lying on a lonely stone. His raincoat was fluttering in the wind, and the sleeve of his blue shirt was visible from under it, which also dangled from side to side. He was a young man with short black hair and the same black eye color. He had a slim build and was tall, about twenty-seven years old in appearance.

- Ugrh. – The man groaned, trying to move at least his hands. – What a heavy body... It's like I spent a few days in the gym... I can't even move my head...

This young-looking man's name was Sasuke Uchiha, but the one who got into his body didn't know that yet. All he could do now was lie there and stare at the sky, unable to move. When suddenly a strange sound rang in his head, and then several windows appeared in front of his eyes.

[Personal skills:]

Strength: 100000 (at the moment only 100 are available to you)

Dexterity: 130,000 (currently only 130 are available to you)

Endurance: 200,000 (currently only 35,000 are available to you).

Intelligence: 124 IQ

Chakra volume: 370000 (however, due to your low chakra control, you will not be able to fully use the entire volume)

Aura: 1000 (because of who the original owner of the body is, this paragraph is extremely high, it also shows your influence on the people around you)

Belief: 10 (this skill depends more on you than on the influence of the body)

Massage: 100

- What the fuck is this? The man whispered, reading the windows that appeared in front of him. For some reason, he knew exactly what these indicators meant. – Strength is a combination of the characteristics of the body and the high control of the chakra flowing through it. Dexterity is the same, only the infusion of chakra into the legs for movement, not attack, although for attack too... Endurance, the totality of the volume of the chakra and the endurance of the body itself. Well, intelligence is understandable. The volume of the chakra... so now, even though it's huge, I still can't fully use it as needed? Aura is understandable, I can intimidate, fall in love and so on. I've always been bad at persuasion, fortunately I'm good at massage...

Reflecting on all these topics, the man tried to move his fingers a little, but nothing came out, which led the soul inside the body to despair, but from all these windows he was at least able to find out where he was.

- As I understand it, this is Naruto-vers, although there may be another one besides him, I don't know any other with a chakra anyway...

After a few more hours, he was still able to start moving and it turned out that he was able to sit down. And also only now realized why all this time he had some strange feeling, looking at his missing left hand.

- It reminds me of something, I also remember these clothes and a familiar sword. However, I don't have any memories, everything I know got into my brain from watching anime. Which I also hardly know a C grade. Apparently I'm in Sasuke's body... well, a pretty good choice for rebirth...

Sighing, the man decided to discard all these thoughts for now and focused on regaining control of his body, which did not take him that long. In the end, Sasuke, feeling an incredible heaviness in his whole body, waddled off somewhere towards the horizon.

Several times during the whole journey, he managed to stumble out of the blue, falling to his knees. And sometimes right face in the sand, it was so difficult to control this new body.

After a few days of traveling through the desert, he felt thirsty and hungry for the first time, but his body's control also grew. Now he could even run, feeling a little heavy in his body. Gradually, she completely came under his control.

- I'm thirsty... and there is...

He muttered as he entered the territory of the forest, apparently moving into a completely different "biome".

- Oh, how lucky...

Sasuke noticed a rabbit sitting quietly in place by a bush.

- If I can get in, then I can eat too. It's a pity the system doesn't give me hints on how to use the chakra or apply elemental techniques...

Taking out the kunai from his bosom, Sasuke examined it with some interest and then threw it straight at the rabbit, but as expected, nothing came of it. The kunai only flew into the ground and stuck its tip into it, and the rabbit quietly ran away.

- Damn you! Sasuke swore. – I thought that nothing would work out for me!

Sighing from his fig skills and bad luck, he picked up the kunai and headed on, eventually coming to the river, where he was able to drink some water normally and get at least a little satiated, interrupting hunger. Next, he took out his ninja paraphernalia, which he found on his first awakening: kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, seal bombs, and katana.

He also began to notice that his left eye saw much better than his right eye when he closed them in turn. During his journey, Sasuke also learned to control the chakra flows in his body a little, which reduced the severity that he felt. And also to direct the flows of chakra into the eye, his vision changed greatly, which was extremely unusual.

- I need to find at least some familiar place. Sasuke muttered thoughtfully. – Besides, my system does not show any changes after the first time, even when I learned to control the chakra flows... haaaa...well, figs with him, while I go at random!

Having made a rather hasty and reckless decision for an ordinary person, he simply went ahead. However, while Sasuke was walking through the forest, he suddenly stepped on some stone and heard a distinct crack.

- What?

The next moment, the ground fell under him and Sasuke fell down, getting into a fairly spacious corridor, in which only the distant light of the sun was from the lighting.

- Surprisingly... it doesn't hurt... Sasuke muttered, getting up from the rocks and brushing himself off. "Where am I?"

After looking around, he shrugged and headed down the corridor. And after a few minutes I got into some room in which there were a lot of monitors, and also all this surprisingly worked.

- Amazing... apparently, this place is a lot of years old, but it is still in working order. Sasuke muttered, looking around the monitors. – Fortunately, I remember how to use computers.

After studying the computer for a while, he found something interesting and immediately tried to contact another laboratory. To this signal, the laboratory in the territory of the country of Fire responded quite quickly.

The moment he was answered, he noticed a guy with blue hair and shark-sharp teeth.

- Oh! Sasuke! Where are you calling from? And where have you been lately?

- Do we know each other? Sasuke asked.

"I don't remember his name, but in the anime he was in Sasuke's team, but I'd rather pretend that I have amnesia... which is essentially true."

- what? How can you not remember me! We've been through the whole war with you! the guy shouted. - Are you kidding right now? Although not... you've never been able to... he muttered. - Hey, who are you?

- Will you shut up? - Sasuke put it crudely. "I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Better tell me who you are and who am I?

- You... - the guy was amazed. - The manner of speech is almost like Sasuke's... he muttered. - My name is Suigetsu, and whoever you are, tell me where you are? I'll come and talk to you.

- How should I know? I'm in some abandoned laboratory at number one hundred and three, that's all I know.

After looking at Sasuke, Suigetsu poked at the keyboard several times and after a while confidently looked at Sasuke.

- Can you wait until I come?

- Do I have a choice? Sasuke asked somewhat sarcastically. - I'm waiting. Go quickly.

With these words, Sasuke disconnected, and Suigetsu froze in place with a dumbfounded look.

- This guy... is it really someone who pretends to be him?

"Is something wrong, Suigetsu?" - he heard a voice behind him with some hissing. - I heard Sasuke's voice.

- Oh, yeah... I think it's someone who pretends to be him," Suigetsu replied, looking at Orochimaru. - Mr. Orochimaru, I will be away for a while, it is necessary to check who this person is. He claims that he doesn't know me with Sasuke's appearance, which is very suspicious if he tries to pretend to be him.

- Okay, check this person and come back as soon as possible, we still have a lot of things ahead of us.

- Yes, Mr. Orochimaru.

With these words, Suigetsu left the laboratory and went towards the one where Sasuke is, who has now decided to get out and practice throwing shuriken and kunai.

The waiting took a couple of days and he learned how to hit rabbits from a shuriken, although not fatally from the first hit, and kunai for the most part did not hit with cutting parts, he still had problems with them.

And now, more than two days later, he was sitting on a chair in front of Suigetsu, who thoroughly examined him from all sides and tried to study him, eventually coming to a shocking conclusion.

- You're real! "But why don't you remember me?" Partial amnesia or complete amnesia?

"Full," Sasuke replied. - I can't even remember my identity exactly. Who I am and what I've been through, friends, family, nothing at all. I still can't figure out what's wrong with my left eye and who am I anyway? Can you tell me briefly about everything?

- Well... He tilted his head to the side and folded his arms at his chest. – Of course I can, but do you need it?

- In general terms, who am I and what kind of world is this.

- Okay, - Suigetsu nodded, sitting down on the chair opposite. - I can't tell you everything at all, because I don't know how you lived before meeting me, but I can tell you some of it, but it's the same... stressful in your life...

"I'm listening," Sasuke said seriously.

"Even though I know most of the anime, but I have to continue playing the role of the one who lost his memory."