
Chapter 22

His untouched explosion was an aphrodisiac for me and a grunt of excitement escaped me. I then performed my own elaborate orchestra of grunts, which echoed in the night. My torso quivered with bliss and I instantly knew my creamy load was ready to be released at any second.

Sweat-slicked, sticky from his load, Just’s chest rose and fell. He fought for oxygen, asphyxiated by his attraction. Between clumsy breaths, he murmured, “Spray it, Benry. Don’t hold back.”

I was dreamy-eyed, numb, and so very misplaced at that moment of pent bliss. Without being told twice, I removed my dick from his ass, ripped off its latex, and tossed it to the floor where it became lost until dawn. Next, I bucked my hips forward and banged my bare palms with speed. Pleasurable fingers added friction to my self-chaos as a timely rhythm occurred between jacking fists and hip-blasts.

“Do it, Benry. Come on me,” he cheered in his drunken state, wanting to watch me erupt all over him.