
Borrowed Time: Three Months to Live

What will you do if you only have three months to live? How will you spend your last ninety days? Kati Sullivan is young and still innocent to the world. On one fateful visit to her Doctor, she is given the news that will change the rest of her life. Sebastian Caine is strong-willed and has been a friend to Kati for most of her life. He is willing to give everything up to spend these last days by her side. Sebastian will go beyond what is even possible to save Kati’s life. Kati’s three months is riddles with pain and failures, yet secrets and lies will threaten to end their three months even before they start. Can Kati overcome this challenge and find that miracle behind a silver lining? Will their three months become eternity for the rest of their lives?

Tatum_Whispers · Urban
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136 Chs

Missing In The Dark

...Kati POV... 

We cannot find Sebastian.

His phone is off, and there is no sign of him at his house. His house is in total disarray, and it is very clear that there is a struggle that has taken place. I told mom that we should call the police, but she said no, we must first check if he is at her home.

We have just stopped in front, and there is no sign that he was even here. Mom, though, is acting rather weird. I have asked her a few times now to tell me what is going on, and all she says is that she is just worried about Sebastien. Now, while I am standing in the kitchen, I can hear her in the lounge talking to somebody on the phone.

"Sebastian is missing."

She pauses, and I am only assuming that she is listening to the person on the other side. Then she speaks again.

"You need to come. I am here with Kati."

Once again, she goes quiet.

"Kati is his wife."