
Born unlucky

Azula makes one mistake and creates, a bloodline of blue fire bender. Her daughter is the unluckiest person but at least she has talent.

Laughing_skull · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Swept to the wrong current.

Zaya was scrubbing the deck with Bumi. "I got kitchen duty, I bet they will regret it." She chuckled.

Bumi decided to ask. "Why, are you going to set the lunch on fire?" he joked. "Have you ever done an angi Kai?" She chuckled. "What?"

She threw the bush into bucket. "I would challenge my mom to one, every time before I went to bed." Bumi laughed. "No really! and my mom would set my pony tail on fire so I would run myself out." Bumi held his side laughing. She took brush back and went back to scrubbing the deck.

"Yea, my brother was worse. When he didn't want to go to bed he would be running around the ceilings. I think a spider monkey would be easier to catch. Only my dad could catch that little lemur, another weird fact our family is the only one with a picture of us all smiling." She gave a confused look.

"You're kidding me! It takes like 15 minutes to have a photo taken! You're not insane right?" He shacked his head. "Even at the circus, no one smiles in a photo well if they do, they have to pay extra."

"Oh I remember those curiosities of man? I bought a picture of the conjoined twins."

"Hua and Huan they were like brothers. Though the two changing between each other during conversation, was annoying." Bumi nodded. "So how is it being the avatar's son?"

Bumi sighed. "Being a disappointment, every air acolyte thought so."

Zaya spat on the floor. "Yea self pitty doesn't get any sympathy from me, bumble bear." He snickered. "What?"

"Bumble bear?" He asked trying to hold in his laughter.

"What? There are like thousands of diffrent bears. I even I saw a bear." Bumi looked confused.

"What like a platypus bear?"

"No, it was just a bear! No other animal stuck together, or anything but it was still scarry." Bumi still shacked his head. "I got the lucky life traveling the world with my bounty hunter mom, then traveled with the circus and now I'm traveling the world on this ship.

"Wow, you're nomad just traveling around huh?" She nodded.

"I did ride a air bison and then I ended up unconscious afterwards." She chuckled, while bumi gave a roaring Laugh.

After they were done they went to their stations for lunch. "New chef?" Then the entire ship shacked. All the crew went to upper deck to see a hundred year war era ship. The Pirates started climbing to united forces ship and then the earth benders launched disks at them but then one of the pirates cut the flying earth in two shocking the united forces. The edge of the saber glowed an intense red degrading the moral of the crew as it cut the floor.

He sleeveless shirt his hands covered in burn scars from exposure to his sword at their fullest heat and his hair pulled in into a pony tail. Zaya stared released a lighting strike but it was caught and redirected toward the sky just to show he was untouchable. "Hahaha! This is united forces! Pathetic!" The pirate pointed his blade forward signaling the pirates to charge. Blade meet blades, ice flew through the air no one knew who was who only that the leader was butchering their men like animals. Even when the metal benders created defensive wall the glowing blade cut through it.

Then scream was heard a fool came throwing a barrel at the leader not wasting the energy in heating his blade, simply cut the barrel in two but then the liquid spilled on him. "What- Is this?" He never got to ask as Bumi screamed.

Bumi smirked "FIRE!" Zaya got the message and launched a inferno of fire, sparking the liquid that spilled on the Pirate burning him before he jumped into ocean all looked in shock then a war cry heard. "ATTACK!" The united forces cheered, the moral restored the offensive of the united forces returned as the the pirates were outnumbered and retreated. To smaller boats they used to climb up the opposite end of the battleship where it was rammed.

Then something grim was revealed the pirates had destroyed the engines, stole or destroyed all their life boats. This meant they were stranded in the middle of summer and worst part was that the fire nation war ship had pushed them out of a current making it so that they wouldn't be found for who knows how long.

Day one.

The power was off and the ship was a boiling pot on sea the metal and water benders stopped the leakage and got the water out. Sadly the worst part was the fallen that all were given a sea burial.

"How much food do we have?" Zaya asked Bumi who sighed. "I was so happy to have some shore leave."

"That's why the supplies are low, we're lucky to be even alive. It will last a week or two then we start eating nothing but fish."

Zaya shrugged. "I wasn't expecting this, hero." Bumi scratched the back of his head.

"I'm no hero you're the one who set him on fire." Zaya nodded remembering the man arms and catching fire before ran of the ship. and the her hand's started to shake. "Are you ok?"

Zaya gulped biting on her inner cheek. "It was horrible his skin boiled and- That's why I attacked him with lighting first because it was supposed to just knock him out. It was horrible and the way he easily cut through people, It was like seeing a dragon devour a herd koala sheep." Bumi hugged calming zaya. "His gone now, isn't he?" Bumi nodded.

on a hidded base

A partially burned man sat in a bath tub as multiple water benders healed him. After they were done he played with a few ankle bones and then a woman with a hook hand entered. "Well how is your fortune?" the man glared as everything up to his chin had been burned. "I hope you took care of the red lotus members." He nodded smoking on a pipe.

"Painkillers and I did kill the red lotus members, before a clever man threw a barrel of alcohol at me and then a master fire bender set me on fire" This caused hook handed woman raise a brow.

"Why the praise to someone who set you on fire?" He let the knuckle bones fall to those who read it it showed a bright path.

"I have give praise to talent." He shrugged.

The hook handed woman took out a note book and scratched out two names. "With that, the red lotus' encroachment on the united forces have been halted." The fire bender sighed. "What?"

"It is "Has been halted."" The hook handed woman moved pin needle just by moving her eyes. "Fine, I already faked my death and most of my former crew has formed their own pirate empires, now I just need to leave and I will find a new apprentice." The hook handed woman rolled her eyes.