
Born of a Star (HP FanFic)

If you would like advanced chapters or just want to support me, come here patreon.com/Ravven. A fanfic reader ends up in the Harry Potter world...but is it the one he remembers? Studying magic and having new experiences, how will Rigel face his future? I've tried to be fairly accurate to the canon but I may add or change things whenever I need to. If this is similar to any other fanfics out there I do apologise, but I haven't come across any like it so far.

Ravven2769 · Movies
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Chapter 6- Challenging Flight

Thursday Lunch:

"Hey Rigel, you ever flown before?" Dean asked from across the table, some kind of cheesy potato on his fork.

"In the month and a half, I've been a wizard," the heir jokes, "No. Arcturus was more worried about me learning basic laws, and expected behaviours of nobles and encouraged my study of magic. So, no flying."

"Oh. The way you act it's like you were born a wizard. You're like a less poncy version of Draco." Rigel glares at being compared to Draco, something everyone around notices with a wince.

"Again, etiquette and learning," the boy says, diverting the attention to Neville. "What about you Nev,' any tips?"

"Oh, Merlin no, I've got no experience on a broom. Nan wouldn't let me near one." The table shared a look that said they all agreed with Nev's Nan. The boy was lovely, but he was as uncoordinated as they come, only Tonks being more accident-prone according to the books.

Ron then asked Jasmine, who was whinging about having to share the class with Slytherin, "Failing in front of Draco would be awful. He'd never let me live it down, would he?" Rigel simply patted her shoulder.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't think much ACTUAL flying is expected in the first class. You know, to accommodate the muggle-born and inherited children." A smile burst from Jasmine as she hugged her blue-eyed friend.

Meeting the teacher at the field green just outside the east-wing courtyard, the class gathered around the twenty-or-so ancient and dusty brooms that lay in the grass. Madam Hooch strode towards the centre of the class, her short grey hair and yellow eyes making her seem like a hawk. 'I wonder if she went through a ritual or two to get the eyes of a bird of prey,' Rigel wondered. "Well, what are you waiting for," she barked. "Everybody step up to a broom, now." Rigel stood to the left of Jasmine, though he hadn't actually moved since Hooch arrived, the knotted broom with frayed bristles lay beneath him. "Stick out your right hand over your broom," called Madam Hooch at the front, "and say 'Up!'"

"UP!" everyone shouted. Both Rigel and Jasmine's practically teleported to their hands, desperate to get into their owner's possession. Most others were simply flopping on the floor like Hermione's or playing dead like Neville's, though Rigel burst out laughing as Ron began screaming at his broom, only for it to fly up and smack him in the face.

"Shut up, Rigel."

Hooch then explained how to mount and straddle the broom without sliding off the end, correcting the positions of students as she walked around. Malfoy, who'd been bragging about being taught by an ex-quidditch player years ago, was corrected as well. "It doesn't matter who taught you, if you ride like that at high speed, you will slip off the back."

Each of the students stood mounted, feet on the grass, waiting for the instruction to kick off, but Neville jumped early in his nervousness, floating up twenty feet, pale as a ghost, which the students could now compare him to. In a panicked fright, the boy leaned back, sliding off the broom and falling to the floor. "Oh, dear. Broken wrist," Madam Hooch said tutting. "All of you stay here with your feet firmly on the ground. Anyone seen flying I will have out of Hogwarts before you can say 'quidditch.'" The students watched as the boy was taken away to the infirmary, the shocked silence broken only by the annoyingly arrogant voice of Draco.

"What's this then? It's Longbottom's remembrall. I think I'll keep it, finders' keepers and all that."

"Maybe you'll remember to grease back your hair every morning," Rigel says sitting on a low-hovering broom comfortably. "Or perhaps you will remember to make sure your father hears about this." The goons of the blonde ponce stepped forward but Rigel simply unsheathed his wand, fully aware that fighting the golems Crabbe and Goyle with his fists would be a poor idea.

Jasmine stepped up, of physically similar frame still due to their young ages, though the girl-who-lived had an aggression Draco was not ready for. "Hand it over Malfoy."

"Ooooh, defending Longbottom, are we? No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for the idiot to find. Like the roof," the bipedal ferret said, mounting his broom and taking off with surprising grace considering he was just told that he would slide off a broom himself not ten minutes ago. "Come get it, Potter," the boy snarled mockingly, knowing that he had far more experience on a broom than she, and thus the advantage.

"Jasmine no. You're going to get in trouble," Hermione whined, only to be ignored as the noble and brave, if a little reckless girl joined Malfoy in the sky. Initially, she sat a little wobbly but corrected herself quickly as instinct took over.

"Hand it over Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom." Draco sneered again but said nothing, so the Gryffindor hero leaned forward on her broom, spearing towards him like a javelin, only missing him because he frantically dodged. Pale-faced, even for him, Draco decided not to fight in the air, aware that the two were far higher than Neville had been, and Jasmine was apparently a superior flier.

"Fetch, Potter," he called out, throwing the glass ball far off towards the castle. Jasmine took off, lying almost flat on her broom for aerodynamics, she catches up with the falling ball just before it smashes into the courtyard wall, flipping over in a tumble to catch it, just barely a few feet over the ground, landing smoothly on the ground.

"JASMINE POTTER!" McGonagall's voice calls out from behind the audience of first-years. "Never, in all my time at Hogwarts…" Professor McGonagall was almost speechless with shock, and her glasses flashed furiously, "how dare you? You might have broken your neck…"

"But Professor-," Pavarti tried to explain.

"But nothing young lady," the Scottish witch cut her off.

"Malfoy took-," Ron tried again, facing a similar response.

"I'm not interested currently Mr Weasley. Potter follow me." The Slytherins were jeering and Malfoy looked especially pleased as they watched the green-eyed girl walk behind the vice-headmistress dejectedly.

"She'll be expelled I bet," Malfoy said, the Gryffindors flinching at his words.

"Wanna bet, Draco?" Rigel inquired, just as relaxed as before.

"On what, you heard Hooch."

"I think she'll end up being rewarded rather than punished." Draco was incensed but more than willing to take the bet, believing the other heir was simply riling him up. "What do you say, 50 galleons on a bet?" Malfoy basically jumped at the bet, more than willing to have the extra coins, and more importantly bragging rights over the new inheritor of the Black fortune, of which he had spent his childhood being told would eventually be his.

"Deal, if she hasn't been rewarded in some way and remains in the school within 48 hours," he said looking down at his pocket watch, something he carries only to display his wealth, "You will give me 50 galleons." The two shook on it while Ron and some of the others muttered and chattered about the bet, and the ridiculous amount being waged. The half-bloods and muggle-borns, who had had to convert some muggle money before were shocked as the two so easily wagered a total of over five hundred pounds over such a small bet.

It was only at dinner in the great hall when Jasmine revealed to Rigel, and her roommates, with Neville still sitting in the infirmary and Jasmine tired of Ron's crass attitude, that she had been made part of the house team, taking the roll of seeker. "Youngest seeker in a century, Wood said. McGonagall's making this the punishment instead of expulsion, so I guess I have to attend training from next week. Rigel observed the girl. Unlike Harry, she didn't have an obsession with quidditch, and though she was excited to fly, she was equally interested in remaining on the ground learning magic. Something Harry was renowned for failing at.

The Weasley twins came from behind and congratulated Jasmine for her position, "Seeker. Congrats."

"Wood told us."

"We're on the team too."


"You must be good though; Wood was practically skipping when he told us. We are definitely going to win that quidditch cup this year for sure."

"Wood might strangle us if we don't."

"Only one more obsessed with quidditch than professor McGonagall our captain."

"Anyway, we're off. Lee Jordan said he found a new hidden passage."

"Probably the one behind the statue of Gregory the smarmy we found in our first week." With that they dipped, leaving the group in relative peace for the five minutes it took for Draco to waltz over.

"Enjoying one last meal as a witch, Potter?" He said mockingly, his smirk upturned as he looked at the girl.

"You're a lot more confident on the ground Draco. Feel safer with your pets behind you?" She bit back, teasing his cowardice and poor flying skills simultaneously. "And I'm not leaving Hogwarts. Wood told us not to say anything but there was a large group of Slytherins watching us talk anyway. I'm Gryffindor's new seeker Draco." The pale boy became almost translucent as the shock hit him.

"But.." he managed before Rigel reminded him of the bet.

"Hey Draco. That sounds like a reward to me. Becoming the youngest House seeker in a century, the only first-year allowed to have a broom. Definitely positive rewards right?" The other Gryffindors with them hummed in agreement, smiles wide. "You owe me fifty galleons Malfoy. Make sure you pay me by tomorrow evening." The Malfoy heir had shifted from shock to anger so quickly he looked purple, twitching with fists clenched he turned back to Potter.

"I challenge you to a wizard's duel, Potter. No fists, just magic."

"You forgot, sanctioned by a teacher," Rigel added. "And as an heir, isn't it a pathetic representation of your family to challenge a witch with less than a week's experience with magic? Lord Malfoy will be pleased to hear how you disgraced the honour of House Malfoy."

"Fine, then WE'LL duel tonight, midnight in the trophy room. Crabbe is my second."

"I'd rather not lose sleep wasting time with you Draco," Black said, causing Draco to swoon at the opportunity to mock him.

"I know you're family has an inclination for insanity Black, but I didn't know cowardice was in it too. Maybe that's from your mother." The Black heir smiled softly, but Jasmine and her roommates swore they saw the boy's eyes glow brightly for a moment, something they would definitely discuss tonight.

"Hogwarts house elf, a student requires your assistance." A small pop sound prompts him to continue, "I know this is a hassle, but could you summon Professor Flitwick from the table to officiate and sanction a duel?" Another pop sound and Flitwick's approach ends the hushed murmuring over whether students could do such a thing.

"Mr Black," the charm's professor squeaked, "Who would you like to duel and why?"

"Draco Malfoy, of Slytherin Professor. He refused to acknowledge his loss in a wager, and challenged me first to a duel at midnight, however, we all know the curfew is at nine. Then he insulted both my parents, calling them crazy and cowards." The boy hadn't entirely told the truth, but Malfoy was too shocked by events to call him out on it, much like Hermione, who was fascinated to see wizard duelling for the first time.

"Hmmm. Are you sure you wish to challenge him Mr Black? You have only been studying magic at Hogwarts for less than a week, and with your family for a month?"

Rigel looked at Draco, scoffed, then with a wide grin spoke clearly, "Absolutely." The two of them were taken to a small classroom where a temporary platform was constructed, and both Snape and McGonagall were brought to witness members of their house duel, having heard the explanation of events from Flitwick.

"The two of you will only use non-lethal spells, and any attempts to perform otherwise will result in a loss and further discipline. In order to win you must make your opponent surrender, fall unconscious, drop their wand or knock them from the platform." The two boys affirmed their understanding, wands pointed to the ceiling as they bowed lightly, neither removing their gaze from the other. While it was believed that the match began from the bow, several fan fiction novels Rigel had read described the duel as having begun the moment both fighters are on the platform.

"Ready to lose, Black?" Malfoy spat from across the platform as they walked away, Flitwick counting their paces.

"As if I'd lose to a Malfoy. The best of you is your mother."

"Three!" As soon as the half-goblin let out a shout the boys spun on their opponent, wands facing the other.

"Flipendo/Tarantallegra." Rigel had sidestepped as he spun, causing the dancing feet charm to miss while his knockback spell struck the blonde boy in the chest, shoving the boy back nearer the edge of the stage, landing on his arse. Red-faced the boy rose, scrambling to his feet while his opponent stood calmly waiting. Before he even stands up he fires a basic cast. Not really a spell, but rather a small blast of pure magic, the bolt being low in power, but quick as anything. Rigel had witnessed their effectiveness in DADA class with Quirrell, and knew that being hit would open him up to following attacks, leaning as far as he could to avoid the bolt. The bolt was almost dodged barely scraping along his ribs, leaving no marks but causing a hiss to escape the boy's lips.

"Langlock," he countered, the colourless ray immobilising Draco's tongue, binding it to the roof of his mouth, preventing him from casting, or surrendering verbally. A quick glance at Snape shows that he either didn't care that the spell was known by others or was exceptional at hiding it. "Everte Statum," Rigel advanced, causing the mute boy to fly backwards, flipping and spinning in the air and crash into the floor with a groan, his wand far from his reach.

"Duel Over. Mr Black is victorious."

"Woah, Rigel you were amazing," Lavender said rushing up to the victor with Parvarti.

"Yeah, you were amazing," her caramel-skinned friend added wide-eyed.

"Where did you learn those spells?" Hermione badgered.

"From the book of charms?"

"I've read them too, but I can't use them like that. The way you apply them is experienced," she said indignantly.

"Maybe he just practices rather than spending all his time with a book," Lavender said gripping his arm tight, the professors having taken Draco and left the group to their conversation and drama.

"Rigel, could you show us how you did it?" Jasmine asked, disappointing the boy.

"Have you tried training the spells yourself? No. I'm not going to help you if you aren't even willing to put in some of your time to train." The Potter survivor looked away embarrassed, nodding as she took Hermione and left the room, leaving the boy with the gossip mill Gryffindors, who he knew would grow up to be quite attractive.

This world, luckily, seemed to follow one of the clichés of Harry Potter fanfiction, enhanced maturation. Young wizards and witches matured faster than muggles, but when they appear in their early twenties, they would stop aging, living for a century and a half without significant issues. This meant that both the girls and himself would look and feel like a 14-year-old muggle by next year, 16 by the third year, 17-18 by the fourth, and as the rapid aging slows the next 3 years would take them to their early twenties. 'Right now, they are cute, but by next year or the year after these girls will be delectable,' he considered looking down at their smiling faces. The concept of rapid aging was supposedly because the physical body of a wizard or witch, needed to grow quickly to adapt to and accommodate the increasing amount of magic stored and channelled through it, which made sense to him. An old Reddit post instead blamed the films, as the actors quite obviously looked older than they were meant to.

"She's so cute when she's shy," Pavarti spoke, referring to Jasmine.

"It's just Hermione that can be a pain," Lavender said. "She's really bossy, and she doesn't stop trying to correct others, butting her bushy head into things." The boy consoled her, rubbing her head with one hand while the other rubbed Pavarti's back gently, tracing up and down her spine. The girls enjoyed the sensations for a few minutes before Pavarti, whom he was being slightly more intimate with, squeaked out an excuse about homework, dragging her blissed friend out of the room along with her. "Well, I can break them down over time."