
Chapter 18- Suggestions and Relaxation

Rigel lay on his bed, staring up at the enchanted ceiling above his bed, which he had asked for almost immediately after getting home, thinking over the end-of-year break. The starry sky used in the great hall was truly beautiful to look at, and his own came with the option to change the weather to whatever he preferred, which helped drastically in getting to sleep as he watched and listened to pattering rain. Jasmine had come home with him, as his family were her legal protection, which confused some and ruffled the feathers of a few more, though Rigel had made sure not to have anyone annoying in his compartment.

It had been a week since he returned home, and as per Dumbledore's orders, Jasmine had been requested to spend a week with the Dursleys, for her own protection. Rigel had explained to Arcturus that Jasmine was currently protected by blood wards, a technique that used the blood relation in a member of the household to protect and/or conceal family members from harm. It was definitely not light magic, but it wasn't necessarily dark magic either. Pure-blood families often used the squibs of their bloodline to power similar blood wards, though when used on a larger estate with far more people it wasn't nearly as effective. So today, after they ate, Sirius and Rigel would be visiting the Dursleys and picking her up. If the Dursleys happened to get threatened and jinxed, so be it. While Rigel wasn't allowed to perform magic outside of his family's property due to the damned trace, that wasn't to say he couldn't take a look at the wards set up on her house and see what their effects were.

Side-along apparation was still horrific, but unlike my cousin Tonks, I wasn't completely unbalanced, managing to not only remain on my feet but also avoid throwing up as the world stopped spinning and squeezing me. Looking at the completely regular house, that to be honest, looked similar to the one he, back when he was Leo, had died in, Rigel couldn't help but shiver as memories passed through him. Sirius was distracted, yet he noticed the shiver and his son's pale expression.

"What's wrong? Something you can see?"

"No, I…I'm just glad to be alive, I guess." Plastering on a fake smile he shook himself off. "By the way, can you shift into a dog again? If we want to see their true colours, it will be easier if they feel in control." Sirius's eyes turned steely.

"If what Lily said about the bitch is true, Dumbledore is lucky Jasmine is as strong as she is."

"Well, she's been taking nourishment potions pretty much since the school year started. You didn't see her until Christmas, so she'd had a little time to develop. When I saw her on the train, she was practically starved. I think it was only magic that was keeping her healthy at that point." Sirius let out an expletive Arcturus would no doubt have complained about, before shifting into his Grimm form, as it was sometimes called in the third book. 'How anyone would be terrified of such a fluffy boy is ridiculous though.'

Making his way to the door, Rigel knocks, hearing a sudden rush of movement and a few yelled orders for "getting the door," and "don't say a word." His eyes narrowed at the last and he had a sudden urge to break Vernon's nose. As the door opened to reveal Petunia, far less horrific-looking than he had expected from the books, Rigel gave his best 'friendly child smile.'

"We don't want to buy anything," she spat and went to shut the door, but Rigel had stuck his foot in the gap. "What're you doing?"

"Normally one would ask the identity of their visitor Mrs Dursley. I am Rigel Black, Jasmine's god-brother."

"Another FREAK?!" she shrilled, and immediately he was tempted by the urge to shove the umbrella beside the door down her throat. "Get out."

"Not without Jasmine. I'm sure she told you that she would only remain here for a week?"

Vernon at this point had waddled over to the door, yanking open the door red-faced and fuming.

"Fuck off you little shit, or I'll throw you out myself."

With a chuckle, Rigel greeted the walrus, "And YOU, must be Vernon. I have to ask, why are you desperate to keep her here if you don't like her?" Both of them paled a little, but Vernon soon returned to his colourful reddy-purple hue. "Are you being paid?" Again, Petunia twitched. "Outstanding. What you should know, is that her previous guardian is no longer in control of Jasmine's bank account, so you won't be getting paid from now on." Vernon went to grab him but Sirius jumped in, slamming the older man with his canine body, pushing him to the floor and baring his needle-like teeth in a low growl over the man's face.

With a swirl, the dog leapt in the air, transforming back into a man, who looked no less vicious than the dog before, eyes narrowed with hatred seeping from the grey orbs. "Put a hand on my son and I will rip it off you." 'Hrmm, regular dad instincts or family madness? Too tough to tell,' thought Rigel as he watched his father threaten the man at his feet. Everyone in the room was shocked at the transformation, and Rigel had a feeling the magic haters would never again trust an animal completely. Turning to look at Jasmine, who was yet again in second-hand, rough-looking clothes, Sirius beamed despite his growing anger. "Go pack little doe." Rather a fitting nickname due to her parents, though Rigel was a little annoyed he hadn't thought of it first.

Jasmine gave Rigel a warm look before turning and darting up the stairs, leaving the awkward atmosphere to pack and Rigel followed after her, leaving the rather healthy-looking adult wizard with magic to threaten the cunts below. "I take it you were under-exaggerating the relationship a little?" he asked, helping collect the few bits and pieces she allowed him to touch.

"They could be far worse," she reasoned, and Rigel couldn't help but clench at some of the memories of his own foster experiences. "And besides, it's only for a week every year, so it's nothing I can't handle." Leaving her to pack her clothes that she refused to bring out until he left the room, Rigel started looking around for the house wards, only spotting them after a few minutes.

"Hrmm." Rigel had put a lot of thought into runes, as he planned on selecting it as a subject in his third year, and he was relatively glad he had. "Protection from scrying and tracking spells. Nothing we can't do at home, and a defensive charm often used in the intensive care section of Saint Mungo's Hospital, which keeps a patient alive and assists in healing." 'Literally, none of this is particularly rare and makes me wonder what the original ritual Lily Potter used could have done to protect her. The fact Dumbledore tweaked a ritual to provide defence against scrying, tracking and provide healing, makes me wonder if he somehow weakened it, whether intentionally or otherwise, as Lily was a damn genius with paranoia and the urge to protect her child, using her own life to power it. There's no way this is all the ritual did.'

Hearing his name called, Rigel returned from the backyard, making note of the fear in the eyes of the Dursleys as they watched the three magicals take hands and leave. 'I guess the fluffy dog can be scary, who knew?'

The next few days were spent relaxing on the orders of Sirius, which gave both Jasmine and Rigel time to do their homework and spend some time relaxing around the house. Jasmine had been taken shopping for clothes again, while Rigel spent more and more time reading through the beginner section of the Black Library. While he had access to almost all of them, he wasn't an idiot and understood that developing a better understanding of the basics would be vital in understanding the more advanced theory and techniques. While he could have tried learning every spell and memorising them thanks to Occlumency, he didn't just want to know magic spells but understand it enough to manipulate magic itself to his will. He was after all, incredibly ambitious.


His time for relaxing was well and truly over, diving to the floor to avoid a swathe of flame and deflecting a transfigured spear with a raised wall. 'Two weeks of this shit, and I'm fucking knackered.' Throwing a flipendo at the ground beneath his grandfather's feet, he hears a panicked shout. Sticking his head out, he again flings himself like a ragdoll to avoid the incoming jet of blue.

"Deception is part of combat, Rigel. Master it." Rigel's attacks became more vicious as he grew more weary, hexes and jinxes with quick casting speeds smothered the older wizard's offence, and as a laughing curse hit the old man, Rigel summoned a thick cloud of smoke that filled the room in but a moment, dodging the two silent cast spells as he hid himself in the smoke.

Unlike Arcturus, Rigel had mage sight and made use of it. Moving swiftly through the concealing smoke which was swirling as Arcturus attempted to banish it from the air. A whispered transfiguration turned the chair into a small dog, which, with an Oppugno, began to attack the old man, leaving his back exposed for a stupefy. A quick Carpe retractum stole the man's wand before he reverted the dog back to a chair. Rigel removed the smoke, never turning his back on the old man. The stunner had been weak as he'd only learnt it recently and he knew the old man would nag him if he wasn't at least observing the supposedly downed man.

"Good. Not perfect, but certainly an improvement. Be aware though that while muting, or in this case forcing me to laugh may limit my range of effective and practised spells, there are many beginner spells that can prove just as deadly."

Wiping off some sweat after the hour-long combat practice, Rigel brought up the offer of Flitwick.

"You want to participate in the national duelling competition?"

Returning the man's wand he sighed. "There's a difference between combat and duelling, I know. But, there are several advantages if I perform well not only for me, but for our family. Having a talented heir will encourage investment and business relationships, and deter annoying prats from hassling or looking down on us during public events. Not to mention, I could earn some training from Flitwick when I return to Hogwarts, which would no doubt boost my skill, speed and finesse."

"The popularity that comes with winning isn't your goal?" the old man asked with an elevated eyebrow.

Scoffing lightly, Rigel retorted, "I'm not that desperate you know. Dad might have been, but I don't have the same goofy class clown persona holding me back." Arcturus held a small tinge of amusement as the edge of his mouth tilted upwards.

"Very well. The nationals are held over several days and begin in July. Do you want a tutor?"

Thinking it over, Rigel chose not to have a mentor but also sprung another piece of news. "Oh yeah, completely forgot. How would you feel if I became Professor McGonagall's apprentice? She offered at the end of the year." Arcturus was a little surprised as apprenticeships were often only discussed from the third year onwards as students needed time to become proficient in the art.

"Do you think it's a ploy from Dumbledore?"

'I'm not sure if I should be insulted or glad he is so cautious.' "I don't think so. After all, when have you heard of a student capable of creating living creatures after first year in a combat scenario. Not to mention," he said, directing his wand into the air, "Incendio." Just as the huge stream of wildfire filled the air, he cast again, "Incendi Serpens." With a small back and forth of his wand, the stream of fire took physical form, developing scales as the 12-foot-long, crimson snake fell to the floor, looking around curiously. Arcturus was more than impressed.

"That's a third-fourth-year spell. Transfiguring non-permeable matter is definitely impressive. Can you silent cast it?"

Rigel shook his head, "I can, but the snake ends up looking mutated and I can't guarantee control over the materialised serpent. Anyway, she said she'd be willing to teach me more advanced transfiguration and transmutation if I was apprenticed. She asked for a reply before the beginning of term."

Arcturus rubbed his chin in thought, considering the potential gains versus the factor of risk. "If you want to do it, go ahead. Transfiguration masters are almost as rare as alchemists and transmutation is a valuable skill very rarely taught anymore besides the absolute basics. If you think you can trust her, do it, but make sure to read the apprentice contract and suggest a secrecy rule implementation if there isn't one already." His hand slid to his neck as he thought over the possibilities. "It seems I may have to have a discussion with the witch in question in the next few days."


Two days later, Arcturus returned from a meeting with the transfiguration master and approved the apprenticeship, but there was a frown on his face as if the meeting hadn't gone well. "Forty minutes she spent talking about your…adventures. Rigel Sirius Black, what have I told you about remaining polite and noble in your schooling? Points stripped in potions, earning detention, stabbing another student with a fork, and even if you don't like Dumbledore, you should at least act with decorum." 'Shit.'

Before Arcturus could continue, or harass him into more etiquette lessons, a loud hoot came from the door before Kreacher strode into the room and handed Rigel an envelope.

"From Hogwarts young Master."

Rigel opened the envelope while Kreacher brought Jasmine down to open hers, and gasped at the grades.

Mr Rigel Sirius Black- First Year Report

Astronomy- O

Charms- O*

Defence against the Dark Arts- O*

Herbology- O

History of Magic- O

Potions- O

Transfiguration- O*

Quidditch- Pass

Congratulations on breaking records in your Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration exams. We hope you will continue your learning with the same enthusiasm.

Signed, Professor Minerva McGonagall,

Vice Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"FUCK YEAH!" Rigel exclaimed as he read the report, earning a swift smack on the back of the head from Arcturus. However, not even this could dampen his excitement. 'Three records were broken and more importantly, Snape graded my potions fairly.' As Arcturus read the report his chest swelled with pride.

"Kreacher," he summoned, "bring me a frame for this. I'm sure it will be the first of many awards and accolades." Hugging the boy in a rather rare show of excitement and pride, Arcturus waited as Jasmine nervously came down the stairs. 'Not sure why she's nervous,' Rigel thought. 'Unlike book Harry, Jasmine hasn't hidden away her intelligence in fear of losing Ron or upsetting Hermione, so she's scored pretty well the whole year, and after Christmas has been far more motivated in her studies.'

As she looked at the report, her smile returned and her shoulders released the built-up tension. All O's except Herbology, Potions and Astronomy, which were E's. She too had an asterisk above her DADA grade marking her as having achieved a level above first year, demonstrating the effectiveness of her time with Sirius over Christmas.

Jasmine's practical skills were good, and her theory was acceptable, but without the same urgency and grind mindset as Rigel, she would struggle to keep up.

Rigel used the temporary pride and desire to reward them both to his advantage and asked for something that could potentially backfire and revert the old man's mood.

"Grandfather, I have a request. I noticed on the family tree that some of the portraits were burnt away. Including the mother of a metamorphmagus." Arcturus stilled.

"Which name was blacked out?"

"Andromeda Tonks," he replied. "I don't expect you to accept Andromeda back, but her daughter is a metamorphmagus. Having one outside of the family is somewhat embarrassing is it not?"

His grandfather sighed as he thought back to Andromeda's act of rebellion. "Her parents engaged her to another pure-blood family and she fled, eloping with a muggle-born."

"And as the son of a muggle-born, so fucking what?" Jasmine watched anxiously from the side, not entirely comfortable with the sudden shift in mood. "I'll let you ramp up the training however you want, or force me into etiquette and dancing lessons, but could you at least meet the girl and think about bringing her back in?"

"Do you know the girl personally, is that why you're asking?"

With a heavy sigh, the boy brought down his occlumency shields, "Take a look at what I know about her." The old man swam through memories of imagined scenes from the book or scenes from the films themselves, as well as the few times he'd spotted the pink-haired Tonks at school in person. Breaking the connection, he stood shocked at the scenes of the alternate future Rigel had shown him. Only the scenes directly connected to Tonks were shown to him though, as Rigel's defences had become a pain to deal with even for him, and that was if he could find the invisible barrier in the first place.

"Young, beautiful and talented. Ruined by her need to be accepted and her isolation due to her talents. Marrying a damned werewolf of all things. What a waste….Fine," he grunted. "I'll send an invitation for her and her parents to come meet me in a day or two." His smile turned feral as he looked at Rigel. "Etiquette, dancing and control over your training for the rest of the break. How excellent."