
Born Amidst Misery

The country values men over women, thus female babies are abandoned in the forest. Even if they survive, the world views women unkindly, most being sold into marriage if they are beautiful. There are more women birthed than men, and men are generally blessed by the Gods and Goddesses. Only few women are selected by the Gods and Goddesses, if selected, the woman is allowed to live like men. However, in the last 500 years, no woman has been blessed by a God or Goddess, thus women have been scorned even more. Then, Delilah’s birth, which took her mother’s life, alongside her twin brother, Lucifer, led to her being left in the forest. She is found by a kind witch, who takes her in and finds out that she has been blessed by the Goddess of Misery, Agatha, and delivers the baby to the Prime Minister. However, unknown to all but the Goddess Agatha, Delilah is actually a grown woman inside the body of a baby. Upon finding her, the Prime Minister reports her existence to the king, partially because her eyes are the same golden colour as his, and mostly because she has been blessed by a Goddess. Agatha is the most mysterious Goddess and one of the three most powerful beings in the Universe alongside Theion, the God of Pleasure, and Thanatos, the Being of Life and Death. Even though she is blessed, the biases of the court and country were against her, thus Delilah had to use the powers of her cuteness to win over her new father and brothers. However, her powers grew within her, and she was able to train alongside Agatha whilst sleeping since her birth, a power that only Theion’s blessed had received before her. Who was that? Her father, King Evelon, of course.

ViViChi · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

The scream of cries emerged from the small room, as a woman used all her strength to push out a child. Her small stature rose and fell as she gulped the air. "It's a son! Milady you birthed a son! Wait, Milady! There's another coming!" shouted a nurse as she prepared for the second child. The woman screamed, she hadn't been ready to birth two children, she should have listened to her fortune. Two babies will be my death, she cried as she pushed out the second child. As the baby entered the world, the nurse's expression fell. "I-it's a girl." She whispered, her eyes bloodshot as she stared at the small child. Unfortunately, her lady kept bleeding from her womb.

"Bring me both children." she croaked an order as she lay still on the bed. She touched both babies, her love flowing into them. "You may be a girl, but I will always love you. Delilah. My son, you will be strong, protect your sister, Lucifer. I will leave you both under the cares of the Gods and Goddesses and the great Being. Protect them both." She whispered her final words and died, happily, with her two most loved by her side.

Somewhere far away, a king threw a goblet into a wall, smashing through the wall and watching as it burst into smithereens. "HOW DARE SHE RUN FROM ME!" He screamed as he cursed the world around him. Nine months ago, his beloved left him alone with a letter, 'I am pregnant. I must protect my children from the snakes that cage the walls of the castle. I will love you forever, please raise our kids with love.' he hated her with a passion as he felt her life disappear. "My beloved Calypso, how could you leave me forever?" His knees fell to the ground as transparent drops fell to the ground, remaining as small puddles before being soaked into the carpet. Theion, the King's God-blessing, decided to show himself.

"Evelon, you're the father of two children. One, more powerful than anyone can fathom, the other a boy, blessed by a small God. Agatha has come out, she has blessed your daughter. However, you know what the nurse will do if you do not find her right this second, don't you?" The God mischievously laughed at his pitiful human. "Well, let's hope her highness's misery doesn't end in flames." He grinned before a spoon was flung at him and he disappeared, teleporting to the babies. Only a God's human, and those with Gods of the same status's could see Theion, however, there was only Agatha and the Being that were at his status. He suddenly felt hatred in his chest, his human's hatred, it was against… his own daughter. However, he knew that his human would never be able even lay a hand on the girl, he himself wouldn't allow his lover's human to be hurt.

"Agatha, my love, come out." He whispered as a beautiful black mist flew towards him. The Goddess emerged, her skin clear was the night sky, with stars printed through it and galaxies within it, her hair was the fire flames within the stars, though they had been tamed to look beautiful with her powers. Her dress, though it barely could be called that, were the moons that covered her private areas, as she slipped into her lover's white arms.

Theion, the God of Pleasure, looked like the opposite of the Misery Goddess, however, he too was made of galaxy matter. His eyes were suns, his hair was also star-fire, however it was redder than her blue fiery hair, and his single clothing was simply a blanket made from the atmosphere of a planet. He touched his beautiful love, and hugged her back as he breathed in her scent. "Oh how I love you." He whispered as his heart exploded. "It's been too long, Agatha. Why did you pick this child?" He asked as he stared at the baby, all wrinkly and small. However, he suddenly felt an incredible surge of inner-power from the child, causing his eyes to widen. "How could this be? Agatha… how?" He was unable to articulate his thoughts, but her nod declared it true. "Oh my… goodness! Agatha, how wonderful!" He exclaimed in joy as he spun around his beloved. They kissed under the moon of the Earth, both crying of happiness.

"We must protect her. Theion, don't you dare ever let him hurt her. I will kill him myself and curse the lands for the next 200 years if he does. I swear to it." Her promise rung through the grounds as a warning, shaking them completely. The earthquake that unexpectedly shook the grounds caused scientists to quake with surprise, there had been no seismograph readings of the event. One blessed God informed her human that it was caused by a Goddess, a very powerful one. The human shrugged and informed the king's attendant who quickly let the king know.

"THEION!" Evelon called in fury. He had enough of the day, his mind had been set on his new daughter. He hated her, he knew that she had come after the son, she had been the cause of his wife's death. He knew that giving birth to a child blessed by a powerful God or Goddess would require a powerful woman, how could his lady ever be seen as powerful? She was so small, he thought as he thought of how she only reached to half his chest. Though he was a tall man, she was shorter than he could imagine. His tears dropped again as he screamed in anger. Theion suddenly appeared in front of him, causing him to grab the God's hand. "How could she die, Theion? How?" He begged.

"Human lives are fragile, however even in her last breath she asked for her children to protect each other. Human, you must love your children and protect them. Especially your daughter, her name is Delilah, her mother loved her more than you could ever imagine. If you let any harm reach her, Agatha has promised to kill you and curse the Earths for 200 years. Never ever doubt my Agatha. You must love and protect your children, both of them." He instructed, however Evelon would never know how badly Theion needed him to protect his own daughter until Theion took her away from him.