
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 250 If you can't beat them, join them

From Wanzhong Mall to the outside, the ground promotion of Pintuan is like the ripples caused by a stone falling into the center of a lake, expanding in circles.

The number of merchants entering Pintuan has also gradually increased, and the whole process is very smooth.

Of course, there are also some merchants who are unwilling to join, thinking that their products are theirs after they are sold, and it is unnecessary to give others 10% of them.

Pintuan does not force this.

Because most of the stores in the city are duplicated, it is not uncommon to have two or three milk tea shops on one street. If one is missing, there is another. As an O2O platform, Pintuan will never fail because of the lack of a partner.

"If we don't settle in, we can't survive? What a joke. We should do business as we did before. We don't ask for more, so isn't it less?"

"You make money yourself, but you have to give 10% to that group buying guy. What's the point?"

"Now those big businesses just want to suck your blood. They are so ugly. Don't be fooled!"

On Xinmin Street, Meng Bing, who runs a ramen restaurant, was expressing his opinions to the nearby merchants along the street in fierce words.

Hearing what he said, several merchants who were originally planning to sign a contract hesitated.

Yes, the cost is borne by ourselves, the goods are made by ourselves, and the money is earned by ourselves. You suddenly come and interfere, and you say that we should cooperate without doing anything, and I will give you 10% of the turnover.

Fuck, what's the difference between this and robbery?

You might as well just say it, open your cash register, I'll take some money to spend, don't resist, smile!

After sorting out this idea, the merchants around were furious, and they wanted to tear up the contract and wipe their asses, saying that they would not cooperate with them.

"Brother Meng is right, we do our business, can we survive without cooperating with them?"

"They took 10% of our money right away, too shameless."

"I will spit shit on their faces when I see the salesmen who buy in groups again!"

The merchants on Xinmin Street cursed and turned back to their shops, and then started another day of hard work.

But as time went by, everyone found that except for the employees in the office building opposite, the number of individual tourists strolling in this street was decreasing at a visible speed.

Yes, this street slowly began to be desolate, and correspondingly, fewer and fewer people went into the store to consume.

Meng Bing didn't take it seriously at first, and even called his neighbors to come over to play cards, which lasted for a whole morning. After all, the weather was getting hot, and people didn't like to go out. For them, business always has off-seasons and peak seasons, so there was nothing to worry about.

But gradually, the flow of people began to decrease, and decrease... Meng Bing began to get restless.

He left his card partners and stood at the street corner every day to observe carefully. As a result, he found that although there were fewer individual customers on this street, surprisingly, the number of customers at the Liangwei Roast Duck Restaurant in the middle of Xinmin Street was increasing.

Many people drove here, and when they arrived, they went straight to the roast duck restaurant, bought one and turned around and left.

The location of this roast duck restaurant is not as good as Meng Bing's ramen restaurant. Just because it signed a group buying cooperation agreement, it can enjoy a huge flow of customers alone?

Meng Bing strolled around for a whole morning, and finally couldn't help it. He lowered his head and went into the roast duck restaurant and came to the back kitchen.

"Since I signed the cooperation agreement with the group buying service, they have given me a wave of traffic and exposure. As a result, the customers who came here enjoyed the food and left me many good reviews. A few days ago, my store was named the No. 1 Roast Duck in Linchuan."

"Nanbo Bay? What's that?" Meng Bing was puzzled.

Lao Liang was speechless: "Nanbo Bay means No. 1 in English. My store is now the No. 1 roast duck store in the city. Damn, I have been making roast duck for a lifetime, and I just found out that my craftsmanship is the best. Isn't it amazing?"

"So now everyone knows that your roast duck is the best in Linchuan?"

"Yes, so many people come here to buy my roast duck. I can't sell it every day."

So that night, Meng Bing took out the business card of Li xx from the group buying business department from the drawer and signed the contract in the dark night.

Sure enough, the first wave of traffic was very powerful, and Meng Bing didn't have time to join the card game all day.

But the merchants nearby are not fools. You didn't advertise or hand out flyers, so how could your business get better inexplicably?

It wasn't until the salesperson from the group-buying business department came to this street for the third time to conduct a follow-up visit and investigation, and gave Meng Bing a group-buying poster to stick on the glass door, that everyone suddenly realized.

Damn you, you didn't let us move in, but you moved in first?

"Meng Bing, you have a dirty heart, do you believe me if I spit shit on your face?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone calm down, it's all about making money, it's not shameful!"

Meng Bing smiled and grinned shamelessly, while peeling off the sticker with both hands and sticking the group-buying poster on his own glass door.

In this way, a street full of proud and heroic style gradually began to be covered with group-buying advertisements.

At noon, the sun was shining brightly, and a group of young employees came out of the office building opposite Xinmin Street to find food.

There was a regular customer of Mengbing Ramen Restaurant, Tao Wang, who was 25 years old.

After the high-intensity promotion of group buying, Tao Wang's friends and colleagues were all using group buying, saying that there were often coupons to be received during the promotion period, and some people even won free meal cards and enjoyed themselves for a week.

Tao Wang sneered at this.

He felt that he was a very smart and noble person. As long as he didn't take advantage of small things, no one could cheat him, so he insisted on not using group buying.

Until he started to have no money after paying the rent, and he was reluctant to add sausage to his noodles, Boss Meng took the opportunity to start hooking him to use group buying.

"You can try group buying. Our noodles are two yuan cheaper on group buying. I can also give you a sausage, but you have to give me a good review."

"Good reviews? What's the use?"

"This is the evaluation value growth system of group buying. The more good reviews you get, the more exposure and customer traffic you get."

Tao Wang hesitated for a moment, looked at the remaining money in his wallet, then took out his mobile phone, registered an account on wap, and placed an order.

With this simple operation, eight yuan became six yuan, and there was an extra sausage, which was just like eating a free meal.

Damn, it smells so good!

Tao Wang regretted it a little. If he had used group buying earlier, maybe he could have saved some money to wash his feet.

In fact, in this society, there are many people with the same personality as Tao Wang. Whenever new things suddenly appear, they always look at them with a questioning eye, thinking that the whole world wants to cheat them.

However, little do people know that all new things are most likely to be fleeced during the promotion period, but when they really grow up and become stable, it is not easy to fleece them.

Like Tao Wang, who insisted on not taking advantage of small bargains and thought he was extremely smart, he missed the half-price discount and the 60% discount promotion, and finally only got 80% off and a sausage.

This is actually a microcosm of group buying in business negotiations and ground promotion work. There are many examples of resisting group buying, understanding group buying, and joining group buying when they can't beat it, which are repeated every day.

In this process, the group buying praise system also played an unimaginable role.

First of all, the emergence of the praise system does allow consumers to quickly understand the real situation of a store, and can help them make reasonable judgments and choices, saving them a lot of time.

Therefore, the stickiness of users began to increase, and the trust in group buying gradually increased.

On the other hand, in order to obtain more traffic and exposure, merchants also began to guide customers to place orders with group buying and continuously accumulate praise.

In order to provide consumers with a better experience, some merchants even upgraded their stores and designed questionnaires.

This is a virtuous development that can be recycled. Merchants are upgrading their services, and consumers have also experienced what high quality means. The image of group buying in stores is growing day by day, just like a wildfire in spring, which is getting more and more popular on windy days.

Deng Yuan received another 1,500 yuan bonus these days, and even Zhang Yu received a 1,000 yuan bonus.

The two sisters once again returned to the rental house with large and small bags of things, some for their own use, and some for their family. They also bought new clothes in Wanzhong in the afternoon, one set each.

In addition, Deng Yuan's family is not well off, and the Nokia in her hand has been used for five years. This time, she gritted her teeth and changed to a new one.

Seeing this scene, Liang Xiao and Qian Lele looked very unhappy.

"Another bonus?"


"How much?"

After changing her shoes, Deng Yuan walked into the living room: "This time I gave out 1,500 yuan, and Zhang Yu also gave out 1,000 yuan."

Qian Lele opened his mouth wide: "What did you do? How come there are so many bonuses?"

"We are doing ground promotion, and the bonus is distributed according to the number of new users."

"You got 2,000 yuan in bonuses this month?"

Deng Yuan nodded: "Yes, we just finished promoting an entire business district, this is a phased reward, and then we will go to the next business district, and after the next business district is finished, we may There will be more."

The more Liang Xiao listened, the more uncomfortable he felt: "I have checked clearly, your group buying has discounts every day, and you can't make any money at all. The boss is still giving you bonuses lavishly. Aren't you really worried about bankruptcy?"

Zhang Yu also walked into the living room at this time, smiling slightly: "Whether it will go bankrupt is something the boss has to consider, and the first thing we have to consider now is where to go to play on the weekend."


"Well, Deng Yuan and I have money in our hands. We plan to go out and play for two days. Let's meet next Monday."

Zhang Yu spoke softly, but to Liang Xiao, it was sharper than a knife.


It's okay that Deng Yuan and the others were not deceived, but why are they still getting bonuses all day long?

That's obviously a small, unknown company!

Liang Xiao was so angry that he couldn't even eat dinner. He went back to his room with a gloomy face and started looking for a job.

Go buy wedding supplies and order clothes. The afternoon session might be late, but it's enough for Daidai.