
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 249 Master of Inciting People

When faced with a surging crowd, consumers' first reaction is that it's so lively here, let me have a look, while businessmen's first reaction is how much money this is going to make, I want to get a piece of it too.

So, the Ministry of Commerce is going to use this mentality to sign a batch of downtown merchants and expand its business scope outward.

"Boss, as you can see now, tonight's Wanzhong Mall is actually a comprehensive marketing case of our group purchase to the store."

"This is a brand new group purchase promotion platform. Unlike traditional group purchases, our platform adopts an online-to-offline business model, with the goal of promoting the digital upgrade of service retail and commodity retail, and bringing high-quality services to consumers."

"So, what are the benefits of this new business model?"

The newly appointed team leader of the group purchase business department, Sun Zhizheng, stood in the lobby on the first floor of Wanzhong Mall and asked loudly.

Even though the customers were coming and going, talking in a mess, and people often bumped into him accidentally, his voice was still loud and clear.

However, when the merchants who were envious of the huge flow of customers heard his sudden question, they were all stunned.

Why is there a question session?

Wait a minute, what was the question he asked just now?

Just as the bosses gradually showed a bewildered expression, Sun Zhi's high-pitched voice sounded again, and he pointed his finger to the back of the crowd.

"Yes, the boss with the hat is right!"

Sun Zhi suddenly spoke excitedly: "The good thing about the group buying business model is that it can perfectly utilize the convenience of online traffic and the rapidity of network communication. There is no time threshold, and it can also ignore the space threshold. Even if the customer has no chance to visit your store for a lifetime, he may become your customer in the blink of an eye!"

After the voice fell, the bosses nodded in sudden enlightenment, and then looked back at the same time, looking for the man with the hat he mentioned.

As a result, after looking around, I saw a lot of bald heads, but I didn't see anyone wearing a hat.

But that doesn't matter, because Sun Zhi's speech performance has not ended, but continues to move forward on the road of inciting people.

"Everyone, you can see that Wanzhong Mall is packed tonight. Every store is almost full. It is estimated that the customer flow is at least 8,000 if not 10,000. No platform or advertising company in Linchuan can achieve this."

"Our group buying is already the limit of the industry. Don't you want to be tempted?"

"The cost of TV advertising ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Elevator advertising is similar, not to mention outdoor billboards, but today, we don't want hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, or even thousands!"

"We are group buying to provide everyone with a free entry opportunity!"

"Become a cooperative merchant of group buying and enjoy the whole Linchuan cake together. Wanzhong Mall's tonight is your tomorrow!"

Sun Zhi raised his arms and shouted, causing another commotion in the crowd.

We are all doing business. Who doesn't envy the long queues at other people's doors? Who doesn't want to receive endless guests every day?

Wanzhong Mall reformed for half a year, and almost all regular customers ran away. It was on the verge of bankruptcy, but it was revived in a blink of an eye because of a group-buying marketing campaign.

If such crazy traffic is put into your own store, how terrible will the turnover become?

Not tempted? Only ghosts would not be tempted.

"Okay, I have seen everyone's excited expressions, so I will make another decision that goes against the ancestors for our boss. Customers who sign on the spot tonight will immediately enjoy the first wave of group-buying homepage promotion this week!"

Sun Zhi waved his hand and immediately called his salesmen to come over with the contract, and then began to explain them one by one.

The step-by-step guidance has been completed, and the seamless routine is to break them one by one.

At the same time, on the edge of the second floor of Wanzhong Mall, Jiang Qin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, thinking that it was no wonder that my family's ancestral grave suddenly smoked during the Chinese New Year. It seems that my employees have been helping me to go against my ancestors.

He watched with interest for a while, and his impression of Sun Zhi gradually deepened.

Not only was he bold and careful, but he also had an extraordinary ability to incite. How could his team have such a talented person?

"Manager Yue, please come over here."

"What's wrong, Mr. Jiang?" Yue Zhu walked over in high heels.

"Where did this guy below come from?" Jiang Qin pointed at Sun Zhi from a distance.

Yue Zhu looked over and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Qin waved his hand and said, "No problem, I just think his tricks are weird and sound weird."

"Oh, that person is called Sun Zhi, a current team leader of our Ministry of Commerce. He was a health care product lecturer before he came to the company, so he may like to lose more when he speaks."

"Specializing in defrauding old men and old ladies? No wonder he is so inflammatory, talent, where did you dig him from? Do you have such treasure boys? I can accept two more."

Yue Zhu waved his hand and explained quickly, "We didn't dig him, he came here himself. He said that he recommended ineffective health care products to people of his parents' age all day long, and he was afraid that retribution would fall on his relatives, so he wanted to change his job."

Jiang Qin sighed with disappointment and tapped his fingers on the railing twice, "Train him as a supervisor later."

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, should I ask him to come up and meet you?"

"No, I'd better stay low, it's safer to stay low. The more high-profile the group buying is, the more low-key I have to be."

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he continued to look downstairs.

In just a few minutes, several bosses at the scene were already very excited. After sorting out the cooperation agreement and profit-sharing terms of group buying to the store, they signed the settlement contract without hesitation.

Among these people, some are bars, some are beauty salons, and there are also nearby gyms, photo studios, hair salons, restaurants...

With the arrival of these merchants, the city center represented by Wanzhong has become a new consumption area that has gradually transformed from points to lines and woven into a large network.

In this large network, all small amounts of money will flow through Jiang Qin's pocket.


At this moment, Tan Qing also came to Wanzhong Mall from Linchuan University and was taken to the second floor by Bao Wenping. She is now responsible for the work connection of the Ministry of Commerce.

"Tan Qing, did you see that person? His name is Sun Zhi. Go and talk to him and listen to his report on tonight's work."

Jiang Qin pointed at Sun Zhi who was constantly inducing merchants to sign contracts immediately.

Tan Qing said that he understood, and then followed Bao Wenping to the first floor to talk to Sun Zhi.

Seeing this scene, the employees of the Ministry of Commerce couldn't help but be a little surprised, and they were also full of curiosity about Tan Qing's identity.

"Hey, why is Brother Sun chatting so happily with that little girl?"

"What little girl? Manager Bao said that this is Supervisor Tan, who is our superior leader and is specifically connected to the big boss. If you don't believe it, look at her work card."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look over and found that there were three numbers written on the other party's work card, 208.

The ID card does not have the group-buying logo, but a number, which makes those employees who are not aware of it feel strange.

"Aren't we all group-buying employees? Why are the ID cards different? What is 208?"

"It's a string of mysterious numbers. Manager Bao said that people with these three numbers on their ID cards can meet the boss directly. Some of them are veterans who joined the company in its early days. We should be polite when we meet."

"No way, this girl looks younger than me, at most 20 years old. Damn, the sense of disparity in life is too strong!"

While they were discussing, Sun Zhi had already brought Tan Qing over and took the initiative to introduce the members of his group enthusiastically.

Tan Qing greeted them one by one, and then asked curiously, "I seemed to hear you discussing me just now?"

"Yes, we all think you are too young."

Tan Qing smiled slightly, thinking that I am young, because I haven't graduated from college yet. Although I haven't graduated, I am at least a junior. Our boss is a monster, he is only a freshman this year!

The crowds you see now are surging, and the place is crowded. In fact, it is a chess game manipulated by a freshman behind the scenes. It is simply terrifying to say it out.

Thinking of this, Tan Qing couldn't help but look up to the second floor and found that the boss was no longer in the original place.

In a blink of an eye, the night deepened, and this bundled grand marketing finally came to an end.

The people in 208 did their best to incite the students and created an unprecedented prosperity for the masses, and the Ministry of Commerce took advantage of this prosperity to negotiate many contracts in the city center.

The combination of punches hit the target accurately and also achieved the effect that Jiang Qin wanted.

In the following days, the Department of Commerce received endless customers every day. Some came to inquire about the conditions for settlement, and some even came with money to buy marketing services. They were all very active.

In addition, the planning department's ground promotion work began to gradually deepen, and the target shifted from public places to residential areas, covering every corner of the area, further expanding the user group of group purchases to stores.

The most interesting thing is that the stunning appearance of Wanzhong Mall on the weekend even attracted a lot of local media. Even the livelihood program of Linchuan TV could not help but make a report and mentioned group purchases by the way.

The Linchuan business district, which had been silent for a long time, was like a pool of spring water that was stirred up, and suddenly began to become full of vitality and vigor.

"This year's Linchuan business banquet, I have to sit at the main table and see others pour me wine, right?"

Jiang Qin looked at the data list of new users and couldn't help showing an expression like the crooked-mouthed dragon king.