
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 145 The landlady is a master.

  "Can you play with money?"

  "If you don't play with money, I will be a poor man, and I have nothing to do with gambling and drugs!"

  Dong Wenhao coughed: "We don't usually play with money, it doesn't matter. The boss is here, so you want to play with money."

  After hearing this, Jiang Qin had a question mark on his face: "Oh, do you think I am the one who was taken advantage of?"

  "No, no, no, it's because you have a distinguished status, boss, so We just want to play something valuable."

  Jiang Qin's mouth twisted: "Haha, literary giant, you want to imitate me and trick people, right? It's a good idea, but it's not enough to make people excited."

  Luffy Yu couldn't bear it. He said, "Boss, we usually have fun playing with stickers, but think about it, putting a bunch of notes on your face would be too detrimental to your dignity. You can't buy dignity with money." "

  Dignity ." This word is really a bit embarrassing."

  Jiang Qin poked Dong Wenhao after hearing this: "Listen, I can learn the old way faster than you, I will be tempted soon."

  Dong Wenhao coughed: "Great, the boss agreed You're playing with money, five yuan a handful!"

  "Damn it, when did I agree? Five yuan a handful is too expensive, I even eat ice cream for fifty cents!"

  "Boss? Are you so controlled by the boss lady? "

  Nonsense, five yuan is just five yuan!"

  Jiang Qin cursed, stretched out his hand and started to touch the cards.

  The poker game played by 208 was taught by Dong Wenhao. It belongs to his hometown style. A total of five people participated.

  The emperor is in the light and the eunuch is in the dark. They join forces to deal with the three common people. When all the cards in their hands are played out, it is considered a victory. The fun lies in the mutual suspicion caused by the hiding of the eunuch's identity. Even the emperor does not know who his escort eunuch is.

  A game requires four decks of cards, totaling more than two hundred cards.

  Jiang Qin listened to Dong Wenhao explain the rules and felt that he understood it. He was very confident and played his cards with a bang, finishing last.

  "Boss, you lose, give me money!" Dong Wenhao stretched out his hand.

  Jiang Qin frowned and looked at him: "Keep the accounts first, why are you panicking? Maybe

  you can win it back later." Lu Feiyu raised his head: "Boss, just don't forget, there is still my five yuan. "

  I only played one damn game. Why do I owe you two money?"

  "Brother Dong is the emperor and I am the eunuch. If you are last, you must pay double. This is the rule." "

  What is this?" Stupid rules are worse than mine."

  Dong Wenhao and Lu Feiyu looked at each other, their faces filled with the excitement of a big dog-killer. In this kind of chess and card game, it is difficult for people who come into contact with it for the first time to gain an advantage. They are basically at a level of one and a half. A state of half-understanding, so losing money is doomed.

  Without eight or nine games, no matter how smart you are, you can't even figure out what's going on inside.

  Therefore, they felt that the boss agreed to play cards today just to provide benefits to his employees.

  "Boss, you won't be impatient if you lose money, right?"

  Jiang Qin sneered: "That's too tasteless. There are no big or small poker tables. I understand this. Shuffle the cards. I have already figured out the trick."

  Ma Yubao coughed: "Shuffle the cards for losers. This is also the rule."


  Jiang Qin cursed, shoving all the scattered playing cards in front of him, and then restarted the game. Unsurprisingly, he lost again, and was in last place again.

  The four people on the opposite side were laughing so hard, especially Yang Shuai, that his mouth was almost split behind his ears.

  While he was smiling, the door to 208's room was suddenly pushed open. Jiang Qin heard the sound and looked over, and found a pretty little face sticking out of the door. His eyes were cold, and his expression looked cute and plump. Her cherry lips looked soft and moist under the light, as if water would come out of her with a sip.

  At the same time, all the employees of 208 also looked outside, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they shouted "Boss Lady" in unison, as sweet as they wanted.

  Feng Nanshu nodded happily, then opened the door and came in, sitting next to Jiang Qin with a well-behaved look on his face.

  It seemed that he had just taken a bath. As soon as the little rich woman came close to her, the soft fragrance of flowers penetrated Jiang Qin's nose. It smelled a little elegant and made people feel itchy.

  "Want to play?" Jiang Qin handed over the cards.

  Feng Nanshu leaned over and took a look: "I don't know how, I just want to watch you play."

  "Touch the cards, touch the cards." Jiang Qin shuffled the cards and placed them on the mat.

  "Boss, you didn't even give us two. We agreed that we can't default on the debt if we lose."

  Jiang Qin raised his eyebrows: "I can run away from a monk or a temple? If you really refuse to pay, you have to take all the notebooks in the office." Take it away, I won't say a word."

  Dong Wenhao was stunned for a moment: "Those notebooks seem to belong to us."

  "What does one family say to two families? Hurry up, I want to avenge my shame."

  So, several people There was another clatter of cards, and this time the mutual pull was more serious. Except for the civilian Luffyyu who left first, the others were still in a state of anxiety.

  Seeing that it was Jiang Qin's turn, he was a little hesitant, because in his opinion, his hand was not very good, and it was very difficult to run second. The safest way was to run third, or fourth.

  "This will come out next time."

  Feng Nanshu stretched out her white hand and pointed at Jiang Qin's card. Her breath sprayed on Jiang Qin's face, carrying a warm girly fragrance.

  "This is the biggest one. If I were stopped, I would choke to death."

  Jiang Qin looked at Feng Nanshu so close for the first time. He felt that he could touch the tip of her cute nose if he turned his face, and even the warmth of her skin I can feel the heat, but I don't know if it's an illusion.

  "They don't have any bigger than this."   

  "I don't believe it."

  "Brother, next time this comes out, I'll believe my sister." Feng Nanshu turned to look at him, so close that his mouth was close to him.

  Jiang Qin's breath was stagnant, and he accidentally threw out the biggest five jacks. The faces of the people opposite him suddenly changed, and then they shook their heads and said no.

  The situation in the next round was similar. When the little rich woman said this, Jiang Qin would do this. When the little rich woman said that, Jiang Qin would do that. It was fast, accurate and ruthless, so much so that Dong Wenhao, a dead eunuch, did not dare to take the lead.

  Ma Yubao kept silent. In fact, it was the worst. He planned to keep his cards to hold back the boss, but he accidentally let Jiang Qin throw away all his cards.

  After a few games, Dong Wenhao and Lu Feiyu each lost more than ten yuan, and their expressions changed drastically.

  "What do you think, keep coming?" Jiang Qin's mouth turned crooked.

  Dong Wenhao pursed his lips and shook his head: "No more playing. The boss lady is a master. If you continue to play, you will lose   your wallet

  ." Feng Nanshu said seriously: "I don't know how to play."

The truth is not true." Dong Wenhao whispered.

  Feng Nanshu's eyelashes trembled slightly: "I really can't play, but I can do math. I got 671 in the college entrance examination and only got a 12 in the essay." "


  After a long while, Dong Wenhao took out his wallet with tears in his eyes, took out a few pieces of change and gave it to Jiang. Qin, I don't want to play anymore.

  Good guy, if you continue to play, the situation will become that the boss's wife will win back the salary paid by the boss. It will be an infinite cycle, and the company will continue to develop healthily and prosper.

  Damn, you two are laundering money, right?

  Seeing Dong Wenhao insist on evacuating, Lu Feiyu and Ma Yubao also paid, packed their things, and planned to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

  Jiang Qin raised his head and found that it was already dark outside the window. The night after winter seemed very thick. The wind through the window was a bit cold, and there was a damp smell in the air, as if it was going to rain.

  Turning around again, Feng Nanshu was still sitting obediently, staring at him with her beautiful eyes intently.

  "It feels like it's going to rain. I'll take you back to the dormitory first."


  Jiang Qin stood up, picked up the coat on the chair and walked out, only to find that the little rich woman was still standing there and looking at him quietly, as if What awaits.

  "Let's go."

  Feng Nanshu lowered his head and looked at his feet: "Jiang Qin, I can't move."

  Jiang Qin frowned: "Are your feet numb? Wasn't it fine just now?"

  "The feet are sealed. It's good to feel the power you convey from the palm of my hand."


  Jiang Qin understood, he wanted to hold hands, right? The hateful little devil, he just kept getting into my arms when we were playing cards, and now he's doing all kinds of tricks.

  "Then you stay here, I'm leaving first, but let me remind you that as soon as I leave, Sunai's computer will make a terrible sound." Sunai's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his heart

  was like a dog. Boss, you have the guts to try it here yourself. If I weren't afraid that the boss lady would see blood, today would be your death anniversary next year!

  Seeing Jiang Qin leave, Feng Nanshu's eyes lowered slightly, but he still opened the door and followed him out, his leather shoes making a clicking sound in the empty corridor.

  "The wind is so strong, is Zhu Bajie here?"

  Jiang Qin came outside the entrepreneurial base and found that a strong wind was blowing in the school. It sounded like a goblin was causing trouble, and the whining sound continued to surround it in all directions, and the blowing things had not had time to fall. The leaves are messy.

  The little rich woman was a little panicked, her eyes always glued to Jiang Qin, walking step by step.

  Jiang Qin slowed down slightly and waited for her to catch up. Then he took her arm, took her cold hand and squeezed it tightly.

  "Has the seal been lifted?"

  "It's been lifted."

  Feng Nanshu said nonsense seriously, and the only trace of fear in his heart disappeared.

  Jiang Qin led her towards the girls' dormitory, but just halfway through, he bumped into Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue holding hands. The four of them looked at each other, and the atmosphere became very subtle.


  "Yo, get out of here!"

  Cao Guangyu just uttered a single-syllable word, but was immediately interrupted by Jiang Qin's "get out of here!"

  He knew what Lao Cao wanted to say with this dog coin. It was nothing more than tut tut. Why did he hold hands again? Who said dogs don't talk about love? Then he put on a mean smile, as if he had discovered a huge secret.

  Jiang Qin felt that he was open-minded and naturally had nothing to be ashamed of, but Lao Cao's mean behavior made him unbearable.

  Get out!

  Cao Guangyu cursed and pulled Ding Xue away.

  "Jiang Qin."


  "If the final outcome of lovers is to grow old and die without contact, why do so many people want to be lovers?"

  Feng Nanshu looked at the direction Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue were leaving, and spoke softly. He asked in a tone of voice, his expression full of doubts and confusion.

  "Probably... just for a while."