
Born again Who will fall in love?

Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that! DISCLAIMER: To show my love for the book, I am sharing it and giving credit to the original writer(What Went Wrong) And Shout out to Google translate; Can we get some W in the comments!?

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Chapter 144 Polite Robbery

  There was a sound of footsteps in the empty corridor.

  Zhang Baiqing, the vice president in charge of school affairs, and Gu Chunlei, director of the school's publicity department, came to the entrepreneurship base. Surrounded by teachers, they walked around and briefly inspected various entrepreneurial projects.

  "Principal Zhang, Director Gu, this is a photography studio opened by students from the Department of Communication." "

  This is a tutoring class founded by the Department of Foreign Languages."


  Cao Xinyue, as the host, followed the leadership team step by step. , gave a brief introduction to each entrepreneurial project.

  Zhang Baiqing nodded while listening, but it was obvious that he was not very interested.

  To be honest, every school has such entrepreneurial projects. It can't even be regarded as starting a business, it can only be regarded as a small business.

  "Where's Jiang Qin who runs the forum? Let's go to him first."

  "Jiang Qin's project is in 208."

  "Let's not look at the other projects for now. Let's go straight to 208."

  Since the vice principal has spoken Now, Cao Xinyue is not obsessed with introducing all the projects. To be honest, some of the projects here are earlier than when she came to the main office. She usually doesn't see many people, and the door is only opened when the leaders inspect.

  Regarding the introduction of these projects, she still memorized them according to the files, otherwise she would not know what those classrooms were for.

  So, a group of people came to the second floor and walked towards 208 in the middle of the corridor.

  Room 208 was very dark at this time, which was obviously different from the previous bright mobile classrooms. It felt quite cramped.

  The five people in the technical team took turns using a computer. The operator was Sunai. The other programmers were watching from behind and giving a few suggestions from time to time.

  Dong Wenhao's content team also took turns using the same computer. Lu Feiyu was responsible for typing, and the others were responsible for beeping.

  "Principal Zhang, Director Gu, this is 208..."

  Cao Xinyue took the lead in reaching the door of 208, looked in, and was stunned for a moment.

  What's going on?

  Why did it make it so dim, as if the lights weren't on? The 208 in her memory doesn't seem to be like this, right?

  "Why are the conditions of this 208 so difficult?"

  Zhang Baiqing stood at the door and took a look, and couldn't help but frown.

  "No, I remember in the photos published in the newspaper, 208 was very luxurious. The table was covered with notebooks. It looked better than our school office."

  Gu Chunlei also looked confused, and even felt like buying puffed food in the supermarket. , the real thing does not match the photo anywhere.

  Cao Xinyue knew something about Jiang Qin and knew that this guy must be causing trouble again.

  In order to get the classroom in 207, he could even think of a way to accidentally pick up the key. No need to ask, he must have dug a hole and waited for it this time.

  "Jiang Qin, Principal Zhang and Director Gu are here."

  Cao Xinyue called at the door. After her words fell, Jiang Qin slowly raised his head behind the desk, straightened his clothes, and stepped out to greet him.

  In fact, he had heard the news a long time ago, but in order not to affect the leaders' first impression of the hardship and simplicity of 208, he still held back until now.

  "Hello principal, hello director, welcome all leaders to come and inspect!"

  Zhang Baiqing smiled kindly: "You have done a good job on this website, and you have also done a good job in promoting work-study. I have heard about it a long time ago, but the affairs in the school It's so cumbersome that I didn't take the time to take a look until today."

  Jiang Qin nodded to express his understanding: "The principal and director have so many things to do, so they can take the time to come and care about us. This is a great honor for all the 208 staff." "

  What's wrong with you, this lamp? What's going on?"

  "Oh, it broke two days ago. I've been too busy recently and forgot to contact the school administrator. It doesn't affect my work anyway, so it's just like this."

  Gu Chunlei couldn't help but walked in and walked around. The more she looked, the more she felt. He was puzzled: "Jiang Qin, the Linchuan Youth Daily published a photo of your office. It was not what it looks like now. Where is the computer? I remember there was a very impressive boss chair."

  Jiang Qin coughed: "I knew at that time that Lin A reporter from the Sichuan Youth Daily is coming, so I went to borrow some computers and chairs just so as not to embarrass our school. Now I will return them all after taking the photos." "

  It's just three computers, used by a dozen people, it won't affect the school. Is it efficient?"

  "It's enough when you're free, but when you're busy, you have to work in shifts."

  Zhang Baiqing couldn't help coughing: "Since there's not enough stuff, didn't you go to Professor Yan to apply?"

  Jiang Qin He sighed with embarrassment: "The application was submitted, and it was approved quickly. Both Professor Yan and Senior Sister Cao are very supportive of 208, but the application form needs to be reviewed and approved at many levels, and the implementation speed is indeed a bit slow..."

  " How long has it been since you submitted your application form?"

  "It's been half a month. Not to mention the computer, I haven't seen the mouse pad yet. We relied on these three computers to run the business at the University of Science and Technology. Sunai's keyboard has been smoking for two days, and there is also a problem with the stereo. Strange noises always come out when a person is in the office."

  Sunai, who was writing code, stiffened, and his eyes gradually opened wide. A cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

  Boss Dog, there's something in your words, right?

  Please explain what the strange sound is!

  "The spirit of hardship and simplicity is worth advocating, but it's not good if it's too hard. How about this, you write a new application form and explain clearly what is needed, and I will take it back to you for implementation."

  Zhang Baiqing, as the leader of the school affairs office, Implementing some support applications is just a matter of moving a finger. Unlike Professor Yan, he really has real power.

  "Boss, please take a seat first. I'm going to write now. Lan Lan, go to the main office on the first floor and get a glass of water for Principal Zhang and Director Gu."

  Wei Lanlan was a little suffocated and thought to herself, boss, you are so impeccable. No wonder the water dispenser is hidden!   

  "Okay, I'll go to the first floor to get water immediately. Principal, director, you two wait a moment."

  After hearing this, Gu Chunlei looked at Jiang Qin: "You usually go to the first floor to get water when you drink water?"

  "No, I usually Ask them to bring a cup from the dormitory every day and stop drinking it after finishing it. This will save water and save them trips to the toilet." "


  Jiang Qin was talking nonsense. He was not in the mood to answer questions now and was focused on the application form. .

  Computers, printers, air conditioners, televisions, power strips, electric kettles, water dispensers, heaters, brooms, mops... I

  think I have everything I need at once. The formal approval process is really slow.

  Zhang Baiqing's smile gradually stiffened, and then shrank little by little. He thought to himself, "Hey boy, are you here to make a fortune?"

  "Write half of it first. It's not good to ask for more." Jiang Qin held up the application form with both hands.

  Zhang Baiqing took it and took a look: "You need a lot of things, is this half of it?"

  Jiang Qin sighed: "Principal, it's not that I want a lot, it's that I lack a lot." "

  Okay, I I'll implement it for you when you get back. You can quickly ask someone to repair the lights."

  "Okay principal."

  "Your project involves work-study, so you must do it well and report any problems to the school as soon as possible."

  Zhang Baiqing explained . After saying this, he took the people out of 208, opened the application form and took a look at it, thinking to himself, is this called an application? This is totally polite robbery.

  I will rarely visit this 208 in the future, there are holes everywhere.

  Cao Xinyue leaned on the door frame of 208 at this time: "Junior, you can do it, right?"

  Jiang Qin's eyes became much deeper: "In the early days of starting a business, it was indeed too difficult, so this is the only way. In fact, I don't like myself like this either. Who doesn't want to be a refreshing and energetic male god? Who doesn't want to buy whatever is missing with a wave of his hand? There is really no way to become a greasy philistine, just live a good life." "

  … ..."

  "Senior sister, do you particularly look down on people like me? I must be missing some of the integrity and kindness of college students. I smell like copper. I don't think anyone will like it, not even myself. Myself..."

  "Junior, I'm not mocking you, it makes me feel uncomfortable if you do this."

  Cao Xinyue took it in, and her eyes instantly became full of sympathy.

  She really wasn't sarcastic, she just wanted to complain. Moreover, she had watched Jiang Qin run back and forth some time ago, and she didn't even have time to go back to the dormitory. She could only live in 207, so she actually had a certain understanding of how tired he was.

  And she also understands that this is how business is done, every penny must be spent wisely, and what can be saved is saved.

  "Let's do this. If you need help from now on, just call me. If I'm not here, you can find Hong Yan and Tang Lin. We will definitely help if we can."

  Jiang Qin was silent for a while and then said: "Actually, I am just right I need help from my senior."


  "I need a project promotion ppt now, can senior make one for me."

  Cao Xinyue reacted: "You are pretending to be pitiful on purpose, not just waiting for the principal , still waiting for me!!"

  "No, absolutely not. I think it is best to leave professional matters to professionals. You have been exposed to so many entrepreneurial projects, and you must know the preferences of the leaders. I am going to go next. This ppt is very important for the relationship between the Polytechnic University and the Normal University."

  "Will you give me money?"

  "Yes, as long as you do well, you will never be mistreated in terms of remuneration."

  Cao Xinyue pursed her lips and said to herself, junior, you are still a little bit With a good conscience, at least he didn't plan to have sex for nothing this time: "There really isn't much work in the general office recently. I'll go back and arrange it, and send someone over to help you make ppts."

  Jiang Qin put his hands together and bowed: "Thank you, senior sister. ."

  "When the ppt is finished, you must treat me to dinner!"

  "Of course!"

  Jiang Qin watched Cao Xinyue leave, turned back to 208, and ordered Dong Wenhao to move the things over quickly, and asked Lu Feiyu to screw on the light bulb, good guy , having been in this darkness for a long time, his eyes almost blurred.

  "Thankfully your boss lady didn't come for a stroll today." Jiang Qin said quietly.

  Sunai raised her head blankly: "Why?"

  "If Principal Zhang sees her buying such high-end imported fruits, our trick will not work today."

  "That's true..."

  Dong Wenhao moved Jiang Qin's boss walked in from the chair: "Boss, how about playing cards?"

  Jiang Qin rolled up his sleeves: "I got great support from the school today. I'm in a good mood. Let's play cards."