
Boring Psychopath

(Hello, I'm translating my novel, I hope you like it) Still unable to open his eyes, Simon died of boredom for hundreds of years until he felt great pain and an endless source of light and darkness... is a novel about a hypocritical psychopath who will do anything to get rid of the feeling of boredom (NOHAREM(NORAMANCE)

Agony_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Echoes of Despair

Shaken from the surreal encounter with his own memories and the mysterious ethereal canvas, Simon decided to follow the fragmented recollections that led him toward what was purportedly his home. The landscape shifted around him, morphing from one surreal scene to another as he traversed the disorienting expanse.

As Simon journeyed, the familiar contours of a dwelling materialized in the distance—a structure that whispered promises of answers to the questions that lingered in his fractured mind. His pace quickened with a renewed sense of purpose, driven by the elusive quest for self-discovery.

However, the path to enlightenment was fraught with eerie disruptions. A voice echoed behind him, slicing through the desolate air. "SIMOOON!?" The cry carried a tone of desperation, a call that seemed to tear through the fabric of reality itself. Simon turned to face the source of the anguished plea and beheld a vision that shattered the semblance of normalcy.

A beautiful, red-haired woman stood before him, clad in a tattered white gown stained with dirt. As he strained to recollect the details, he identified her as Anna—his wife. Her once-gleaming features were marred by numerous bruises, and her tear-streaked face bore the imprint of a harrowing ordeal.

Attempting to delve deeper into his own memories, Simon's gaze shifted, only to be met with a grotesque specter. A shadow with a demonic silhouette loomed beside Anna, sporting wings on its back, horns atop its head, and a tail trailing behind. The figure exuded an aura of malevolence, and its presence seemed to warp the very reality around it.

Curiously, Anna appeared oblivious to the demonic shadow that lingered beside her. As Simon sought to understand this enigma, the shadow vanished abruptly. In its wake, a river of blood cascaded from Anna's abdomen, soaking her torn garments. Her hands futilely reached for her spilled entrails, the gruesome scene unfolding with a surreal and nightmarish quality.

The juxtaposition of horror and the eerie calmness on Anna's face sent shivers down Simon's spine. He was trapped in a grotesque tableau, unable to comprehend the inexplicable events unfolding before him. The shadow's disappearance left an unsettling void, an absence that seemed to defy the laws of reality.

As Anna crumpled to the ground, an eerie smile etched across her face, Simon grappled with a profound sense of dread. The dissonance between the brutality of the scene and the bizarre calmness that ensued left him paralyzed.

The air thickened with an oppressive silence, broken only by the rhythmic sound of blood droplets hitting the desolate ground. Simon, trapped in the vortex of his own torment, yearned for understanding, for answers that remained tantalizingly out of reach.

To be continued...