
Boring Psychopath

(Hello, I'm translating my novel, I hope you like it) Still unable to open his eyes, Simon died of boredom for hundreds of years until he felt great pain and an endless source of light and darkness... is a novel about a hypocritical psychopath who will do anything to get rid of the feeling of boredom (NOHAREM(NORAMANCE)

Agony_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Dance with Shadows

Simon, barely able to move, felt a faint smile form on his face, though his eyes betrayed the torrent of tears streaming down his cheeks. Attempting to comprehend the haunting echoes of the nightmarish tableau before him, he approached Anna's lifeless body, her perpetual smile frozen on her face.

As Simon neared Anna's body, a shadowy figure emerged from her open abdomen. The formless silhouette began to take shape—a sinister hand extending towards Simon. Despite the horrors he had witnessed throughout his existence, Simon's stoic demeanor wavered, replaced by a primal fear that sent shivers down his spine.

The shadowy hand closed around Simon's throat, and an indescribable pain radiated through him. While Simon had weathered countless tribulations, this pain was unlike anything he had ever experienced. In a brief moment, the world around him blurred, and he found himself ensnared in the clutches of an otherworldly force.

Suddenly, the tableau shifted, and the ominous image reappeared before him. The value associated with Physical Strength had changed to 0.2. The significance of this alteration remained elusive, obscured by the surreal events that unfolded. Simon's body, once a vessel for malevolence, now underwent a transformation.

A black, viscous substance engulfed his form, a strange liquid that seemed to defy the laws of nature. The fluid cascaded over Simon's body, swirling around him like a malevolent serpent. Strangely, the dark substance began to be absorbed into his being, starting from his feet and gradually enveloping him entirely.

Staring once again at the ethereal canvas, Simon found the three sentences transformed. "LIFE-1" adorned the space beneath them. The cryptic nature of these revelations intensified, leaving Simon grappling with an unsettling cocktail of confusion and dread.

Simon's mind raced, attempting to decipher the enigma unfolding before him. The numerical values, the shadowy transformations, and the cryptic sentences painted a surreal portrait of an existence teetering on the edge of comprehension.

The shadowy hand released its grip, and the pain that had seized Simon began to dissipate. He stood in the wake of a surreal metamorphosis, surrounded by the remnants of his own torment. The air hung heavy with an oppressive silence, broken only by the echoes of Anna's haunting smile and the enigmatic whispers that seemed to linger in the air.

As Simon surveyed the altered landscape, he knew that the answers to his existential quandaries lay shrouded in the shadows of this surreal reality. The dance with the unknown had only just begun, and Simon, now marked by the peculiar transformation, faced a journey into the depths of his own fractured psyche—a journey where the line between reality and illusion blurred into a nightmarish tapestry of his own making.

To be continued...