
Booty Conqueror

{ Part of the Zoniverse: Nova } Waking up in an unfamiliar room, a young man holds his head as he tries to remember what happened to him. He was interrupted when he felt a wave of pain as memories began pouring into his mind. Taking a few minutes to organize these thoughts, he finds out his name is Alex. Although everything is very fuzzy, he understands that he is not in his hometown... and maybe not even his home planet. The words that stood out to him in his memories were "reincarnation" "system" and many more related to novels and fantasy plots. Just as he was wondering what to do next, an attractive young woman appeared on his lap with an audible pop. "Hi there cutie! I'm Aria and I'm the goddess of life and love." Armed with the knowledge given to him by this sexy goddess, Alex must go out on his own journey throughout this new world, Nova, to discover his purpose in this new life. A path that is paved with blood, sex, alcohol, and more sex. - - - This is an R-18 novel so there with be sexual scenes. I will be trying to use a wide range of kinks but I will NOT be labeling my chapters R-18 so you are forewarned hehe. If you do not like a certain kink or preference then tough luck cuz it's my book and I can do what I want. I will leave warnings for chapters that contain more risky topics so be aware of those. Chaps are also about 2k words sometimes more, up to 3k. - - - Don't know who the cover belongs to, I found it on the internet so if it is yours, and you would like me to take it down, please leave a comment or review and I will respond.

QueiterNoises · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Future Woes

After Kaya slobbered on his cock for a while, even getting another mouthful of warm cum, she faced him and directed his cock over her pussy.

She put it inside, much easier than before and let out a long satisfying moan. It felt like her pussy was already made for his cock as it filled every inch of her without being uncomfortable.

As she slammed her ass against his waist, she watched the two lovers in front of her make out.

Although she liked to kiss as much as the next girl, Alicia seemed to like it too much. That girl might even be able to cum just from it which she never thought was possible.

She watched Alex's hands massage and pinch her nipples roughly but Alicia took it like a champ, moaning louder than her.

Kaya liked a little roughness at times, but what she saw them doing was too much for her. Apparently, Alex's words were right, and Alicia was a pain junky, or at least she liked to feel pain while she was pleasured.

She couldn't understand how being in pain would feel good, but she didn't question it. There were too many kinks to count in this world and some of them would undoubtedly be gross or immoral but still bring immense pleasure to the right person.

Alex gave Alicia's ass a few hard slaps, making the latter squeal in delight and shake her butt. Kaya couldn't help but chuckle between moans as his dick filled her up with a huge load of cum. Alex had cummed a ton but his dragon refused to settle down.

He never felt this horny before and he would take advantage of it as much as he could.

Eventually, he broke off his kiss and whispered something into Alicia's ear. The latter giggled a while later and nodded. They both then grinned at Kaya who felt death looming over her.

She paled and paused her movements before she suddenly found herself on the bed and Alex over her. Although Alex liked when a girl took charge, he was itching to pound some ass himself.

She felt small as his massive body blocked out the light above them and she grew incredibly wet. Although she liked to take charge, it didn't mean she didn't like being dominated.

Alicia was to the side of them hugging Alex on the left side while his hurt arm was over her shoulder. She made sure he was comfortable and kissed his shoulder while her breasts squished against his chest.

He had asked her to help him up and although she didn't want him to hurt himself, he soon convinced her promising to choke her later. She shivered with anticipation since she had a bit of a thing with asphyxiation.

This was something Kaya wasn't aware of and would be in for a surprise when she saw it.

Kaya waited with a mix of fear and nervousness as he positioned himself over her. Her legs sat on his wide open and his dick sat on top of her stomach. She noticed how it went pretty far up her and eagerly waited for him to pound her.

With Alicia's help, he stuck his tip in her tight hole and went as far as he could.

"Ah~ Fuck! Don't make me cum so quick!" Kaya complained as just inserting it made her cum a little.

He pulled back out, dragging her walls with him before shoving his length back in.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Harder~" She moaned in rhythm with his thrusts.

Alicia explored his chest and back as she watched "her man" penetrate her roommate. She was a bit surprised by how much she enjoyed this session despite having another person added.

She kissed his neck as well, trying to give him hickeys. She had never done it before but remembered how it felt on her and tried to replicate that. Alex put his good hand on Kaya's stomach, making it a bit tighter.

The girl below him held her legs out by the backs of her knees and her tiny breasts jiggled with his every thrust.

After a while of this position, he turned her over and pounded her doggy style. She suddenly felt like he got bigger as he rammed his cock deep inside her. Her eyes rolled back a little and she fell down with her ass sticking up.

He noticed that she seemed to have dermatographia since his hand print from earlier was still visible. The outline of it was raised but she didn't seem to care so he gave her another good slap that overlapped the previous one.

"Ah~ Fuck me harder!" She screamed when he began slapping her ass.

Kaya quickly approached orgasm again as the cream built up against the base of his dick. She paused to shake from her orgasm but Alex didn't give her a break and continued ramming her.

Her orgasm lasted a long time, even going right into a second one before Alex blew another load into her. Alex pulled out of her, letting the cum glob out of her onto the bed as he turned to Alicia and began making out with her.

Kaya had passed out with a look of ecstasy on her face. Her eyes were half open and her body still twitched as it fell to the side. They had been going for an hour or two now so it was about time for her to stop.

Both Alicia and Alex were evolvers while she was just a normal human. She had lasted quite a long time despite that but it seemed she would be sleeping for a while. Alex and Alicia took this as a chance to get rough since her friend might not approve of it.

They left her bed and moved to one of her absent roommates' bed and continue their loving making. Alex gripped her throat and she smiled and bit her lip.

When he shoved his dick into her tiny hole, her eyes rolled back and she gripped his good arm tightly. Since he only had one hand to use, he put more weight on her neck this time and she seemed to get tighter because of it.

They continued to fuck for the next few hours, taking a few small breaks or passionately kissing while Kaya slept peacefully among the moans of pleasure. They paused every time he came in her so she could help him change positions if they felt like it.

He wasn't sure how it worked exactly but the Pussy Popper was definitely an interesting invention that was definitely better than the condoms he knew from earth and worked similar to the pill that lots of women would take.

When evening came, they had finally spent themselves. The two used the majority of the day just fucking like rabbits. Kaya had also woken up earlier and was shocked at their stamina. She joined them for less than another hour before being down for the count.

She just couldn't compete with these two.

"Do you think you could sleep here?" Alicia asked him while they cuddled afterward.

There was a bit of cum that still flowed out of her but she paid it no heed as she waited for his answer. Alex thought a bit and really wanted to say yes right away, however, he was concerned about what Alan, Sharla, or Marie might think or do if they found out where he was.

"I think I'd have to ask for permission, unfortunately," He began and could already see her look down depressed, "You do remember I'm leaving tomorrow right? Although I'm injured Alan said I would go with the miners and mill workers tomorrow and I don't want to upset him more than he already is with me."

Alicia held him tighter when he mentioned leaving and dug her head into his chest. He sighed and felt awful.

He had met a wonderful girl and now he was leaving. On top of that, he wanted to leave the inn and this city in the future but now he had someone waiting for him.

Part of him felt that he should stay here forever, but the other part knew he couldn't. Aria, the Goddess of Life and Love, had given him a second chance. He had to do something with his life.

He held her for a while longer before he got up and began getting dressed. She was sad to be away from his warmth but she knew he had to go. It was decided over two months ago he would go into Ether forest to hunt the beasts there.

She knew he had a future of adventuring ahead of him but it was still sad to her her friend go. Would she ever see him again? Will he forget about her? Many things ran through her mind as tears fell from her face.

Alex came over and gave her a big hug. Although he wasn't leaving right away, it still hurt to part with the ones you cared about.

Her crying managed to wake the blonde who had messy hair and smeared mascara on her face. Her pussy was swollen and felt like she couldn't stand.

Alicia quickly stopped crying when she heard her roommate stir but it was hard to hide the tears. Kaya wondered what was going on when Alex came up to her and told her what was happening. She was quite shocked to hear he had to go to Ether forest.

Alan and management had kept a tight seal on what he would be doing but he felt it wasn't a bad thing for her to know. That way, she could understand why Alicia was sad. She wobbled over to her friend and the two naked girls talked about things while Alex got dressed and said he would be back tonight for a visit.

Alex felt stiff and tired after everything that happened but he had many things to do. First he hoped to talk to Alan about what he was doing tomorrow, and about the problem known as Marie. Next he wanted to meet Sharla to hopefully get her to heal him again so he was ready for tomorrow before hopefully spending the night with those two girls.

He sighed and made his way into the Inn. It wasn't quite dinner rush yet but it was getting busier. He quickly went through the kitchen and didn't see Sharla there so he went to the front to find Alan.

He was there doing his bar dance when he felt a familiar aura come in. He glanced at him before he paused and glanced at him again with narrowed eyes. Alex was confused as Alan approached where he sat down usually and glared at him.

"Really?" Alan asked him but he was still confused.

Alan sighed at his stupidity.

"Did you forget I can feel the auras of others on you?" He looked at the idiot sitting in front of him.

Alex processed it for a few seconds before realizing it. His face paled and he quickly tried to explain.

"I-It's a long story but I promise I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Mmm-hmm, just like I promise I didn't mean to nearly swipe your neck off your shoulders," Alan complained before going back to work.

Alex felt sick as he held his neck where the new patch of skin was. He thought it was maybe a scratch or something but it was much worse apparently.

After a few minutes, Alex spoke again.

"I'm sorry about what I did, but I came here to ask about what the plan is for tomorrow. Do I just leave? Do I need my own weapons and supplies?"

Alan continued his dance while he glanced at him. He served one last drink before coming over and resting his arm on the counter. He looked Alex in the eyes before speaking.

"Take one or two of the regular weapons from the training room and I'll prepare some supplies. It will only be a few days worth so you may need to hunt for your own food. If there's anything else you may need, grab it from the training room but you really only need a bag."

Alex nodded and seemed it would be a pretty easy trip. He could only hope the monsters he had to get weren't too strong.

"Also I need to talk to you about something. Preferably in private." Alex's gaze turned serious causing Alan to raise an eyebrow.

The latter nodded, "We can talk about that after we close the floor."

Alex sighed before remembering something.

"Also do you think I could spend the night wi-" "No."

Alan shot him down before he could finish. Alan was already pissed that he "infected" another worker of his so he definitely wouldn't allow that. It was bad enough that he "infected" Alicia the goody-two-shoes.

Alex smiled wryly and got up before going to look for Sharla. She still wasn't in the kitchen so he checked some of the other rooms not finding anything. The only places he hadn't checked were the office and the Setter rooms in the basement.

He sighed and went towards the basement. He was almost certain that the bitch was in the office right now and didn't want to deal with her. He went through the storage and cellar area arriving at the 3rd floor.

The door that led to their "house" was unlocked usually but he also didn't want to be rude if they were there.

He went in anyways after knocking and checking a few doors before making his way to Emma's room. He also had to go to the training room at some point so he had to go through there.

He still never knew why Alan put the entrance in his daughter's room so maybe he could ask her about it. He knocked and heard a voice behind.

"No mom I'm not masturbating again!" He heard Emma's voice from the other side.

He let himself process what he heard before clearing his throat.

'It's normal for young women.'

"Umm... It's me, Alex. I was wondering if you knew where your mom was?"

He heard a bunch of shuffling and throwing of things before she opened the door and glared at him. She was dressed in casual clothes instead of her work clothes he always saw her in.

Her plain T-shirt and short shorts accented her curves more but her glare kept him from staring.

"Why the hell are you here." She growled at him with pink cheeks.

She had just embarrassed herself and it was all his fault. Alex felt the words caught in his throat but he coughed them out.

*ahem!* "I wanted to thank your mom for saving me but I haven't seen her today. Do you know if she's available?"

She narrowed her eyes at him before giving a "Hmph!"

"She's asleep," She replied, "If you weren't aware, healing magic takes a lot out of people, especially the high-level spells she used. She's been asleep all day."

Alex felt awful.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. If that's the case I don't need to ask her anything."

He paused before continuing, "Are you working tonight? I was just wondering because I need to get some things from the training room before I leave tomorrow."

She sighed, "Yes I'm working so you don't have to worry about me being in your way."

Alex felt like he couldn't win, with anyone in this building.

"Also I was curious, but why is the training room connected to your room?" He asked.

"Cuz it's my training room." She said matter-of-factly.

Alex blinked a few times in confusion.

"Dad built it for me and him to use for my training. You're lucky you don't have overprotective parents and can do what you want." She complained with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Now if you're done bothering me, leave." She slammed the door before he could say anything else.

Alex sighed and turned to leave. He got to the end of the hall before he heard another door open behind him. Turning, he saw a beautiful sight he never thought he would ever see in both of his lifetimes.

Standing in the hall was now a beautiful, mature redhead wearing a thin silk robe that was open slightly at the top to reveal the cleavage of her bountiful breasts. Alex had his mouth wide open as the woman rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw him.

She smiled and walked up to him with a cup of coffee in her hands.

'I need to leave now!' Alex paled as he realized what would happen if Alan found out.

Yes mommy~


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