
Booty Conqueror

{ Part of the Zoniverse: Nova } Waking up in an unfamiliar room, a young man holds his head as he tries to remember what happened to him. He was interrupted when he felt a wave of pain as memories began pouring into his mind. Taking a few minutes to organize these thoughts, he finds out his name is Alex. Although everything is very fuzzy, he understands that he is not in his hometown... and maybe not even his home planet. The words that stood out to him in his memories were "reincarnation" "system" and many more related to novels and fantasy plots. Just as he was wondering what to do next, an attractive young woman appeared on his lap with an audible pop. "Hi there cutie! I'm Aria and I'm the goddess of life and love." Armed with the knowledge given to him by this sexy goddess, Alex must go out on his own journey throughout this new world, Nova, to discover his purpose in this new life. A path that is paved with blood, sex, alcohol, and more sex. - - - This is an R-18 novel so there with be sexual scenes. I will be trying to use a wide range of kinks but I will NOT be labeling my chapters R-18 so you are forewarned hehe. If you do not like a certain kink or preference then tough luck cuz it's my book and I can do what I want. I will leave warnings for chapters that contain more risky topics so be aware of those. Chaps are also about 2k words sometimes more, up to 3k. - - - Don't know who the cover belongs to, I found it on the internet so if it is yours, and you would like me to take it down, please leave a comment or review and I will respond.

QueiterNoises · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Cuddling with a Sleepy Milf

The sexy middle-aged woman smiled at him brightly with a bit of bedhead. She seemed to not notice that her robe had slipped down a bit so Alex focused hard to keep from looking.

"How are you feeling?" Her voice was soothing and fill with concern.

"I'm feeling much better thank you. You have saved me so many times but I feel like I haven't repaid you at all." Alex felt terrible but Sharla just giggled.

"Oh don't worry about it. I didn't become a healer to earn people's favor. I did it because I wanted to save people. This world is dangerous and there are few who are willing to become a doctor. And those who do usually live in luxury and only provide services to nobles and the upper class."

She looked at his arm and she looked sad.

"Can I see?" She asked and he nodded.

She carefully removed the gauze bandage and looked at his arm.

'He did an okay job but it won't heal properly.' She thought and touched certain areas gingerly.

He winced in pain a little as she asked which places hurt or if any bones shifted out of place. When she had all her questions answered she told him what he could do better next time and he listened intently. He didn't mention that her best friend had just ruined all his hard work by opening up his wound further since he knew she wouldn't believe him.

It was good knowledge to have anyways so he was very thankful. After that, she smiled and put her hands in front of her while her coffee cup floated. A pale green light came out as she chanted something he couldn't understand.

"You don't have to do that." He quickly told her.

"It's fine. You're leaving tomorrow anyway, right? Wouldn't want you to have only one good arm to use right?" She smiled, looking a bit sleepier than earlier.

She took back her coffee and took a drink.

"Are you sure? Emma said it takes a lot out of you?" He looked at her concerned.

Sharla rolled her eyes.

"That girl over exaggerates things. I just get a bit sleepy just like any mage who uses too much essence at once." She yawned but still smiled at him.

"Now let's get those sutures out." She said as she turned around and began walking toward her room.

Alex looked up at the ceiling as he swore he saw some pink-colored underwear hiding under her robe.

He reluctantly followed and prayed to his Goddess lover that she would reincarnate him again when he died. They entered the room that had a big king-sized bed and a fancy headboard. It was spacious and there was even a window that let light in from who knows where since they were underground.

Sharla went into one of her dressers that were full of medical supplies and pulled out some scissors and medical plyers.

"Sit on the bed." She said and Alex hesitated.

She saw him pause and thought he was cute.

"Don't worry it's fine. I don't bite." She teased and that only made him hesitate more.

Eventually, she held his hand and led him over. He had a feeling her sleepy state prevented her from understanding exactly what situation they were in so he could only hope this went by quickly.

She sat next to him, causing her robe to open at her legs giving him a small view of her panties. He looked away and cleared his throat.

Sharla smiled at his nervousness before she scrunched up her nose as she noticed his aura now that he was so close.

"Did you sleep with another girl?" She questioned with narrow eyes.

Alex felt like jumping out of that fake window and killing himself.

"Y-Yes, I didn't mean for it to happen but we got caught." He replied honestly.

Sharla kept her sleepy eyes on him as she analyzed his face. She looked for signs of lies but found none. Although she wasn't happy, as long as he didn't hurt any of those girls physically or emotionally, she would let it go.

"Alright, but be careful. It would be bad for business if people found out our workers fucked like rabbits whenever they could."

Alex was surprised by her vulgar language but she just laughed.

She snipped off the last suture and threw it into the trash in the corner of the room.

"All done! Anything else still hurt?" She asked.

"No, I'm okay, just sore." He felt awkward as her robe slipped down a bit more.

She narrowed her eyes before saying, "Take off your shirt."

"W-What?" He paled.

"Just take it off. It's easier to check your condition when I'm touching you directly."

"Mrs. Setter I don't think that's appro-"

"Take off your shirt before I rip it off myself!" She yelled at him and let a bit of her 3rd Ring aura flare out.

As a doctor, she hated uncooperative patients, and right now she was in doctor mode. Alex quickly did as he was told now and took off the shirt he had gotten from Alicia. It was the shirt he wore most times when he wasn't working out since it was a good shirt and came from a friend.

He left it next to him and tensed up when the sexy milf in front of him shot her hands towards his chest. She waited a few moments as she checked different places on his body with her palms. While to him it just looked like she was feeling him up, she was actually probing him with her essence to see the condition of his health stat in those areas.

The health stat referred to the entire body so if someone had an injury, that area would have a low health stat while the areas around it would be full health. Certain areas like vital organs or the head had more vitality than parts like his arm but they all added up to affect his entire health stat.

If he had too much damage to his limbs, he could still die even if the rest of him was fine. The health stat was really just a number, and the normal physics and biology of the world still affected the body.

She even went as low as his pelvis, just before his sleeping dragon and it made him suck in his breath, afraid that breathing would wake her up from her sleepy actions.

When she was done feeling him up. She let one last green glow come out of her palms and encompass his entire body. After a few seconds, he felt the vast majority of his soreness disappear. Magic truly was a wonderful thing.

*Yawn* "There all better." Sharla yawned and stretched her body. The robe rode up her body revealing her sexy naval area. She had thicc thighs that encouraged him to grab it and lay down in between them.

Her slim waist complimented those motherly hips and although he couldn't see them well right now, he knew she had quite the rack. She was quite the woman and he gulped at the sight in front of him. He wasn't sure why he was here but hoped she would go to sleep now so he could escape.

If Alan ever found out, he was dead for sure.

"T-Thank you Mrs. Setter, I should be going now then. I have to get ready for tomorrow." He went to get up but she held him by the hand to prevent him from leaving.

"There's no rush! Talk to me about you and Alicia a bit. How are you two doing?" She smiled and Alex groaned inwardly.

He did not want to be here when Alan was and the longer he was here to more dangerous it was for him. Heck, Emma could also come in and tell on him.

"We are fine Mrs. Setter. She is very sweet and she has been very patient with me after losing my memory."

"Oh stop calling me that, we aren't strangers. Sharla is fine. And that's good! She is an angel and I'm so glad she had become more open. Although I didn't approve of you at first, you have proven how much of a man you are for her." She giggled and Alex felt awkward.

Her robe kept shifting around and it wasn't known when it would finally come down. They talked about his relationship with Alicia and it got pretty personal. He was awkward at first but he owed it to her to be honest since she truly cared about the girl.

He would just explain to Alicia later the things he mentioned. He didn't go detailed about their sex life but mentioned they had done it a few times at least.

She also asked about Kaya since she smelled another woman on him and things got really awkward there. He tried to explain they were just friends, the same with Alicia, but she seemed to think it was impossible for a man and a woman of their age to be "just friends."

"Hey, I was wondering if it would be alright if I spent the night with them tonight. I'll be gone for several weeks and I know she's been really worried." Alex mentioned carefully.

He shopped for answers since Alan didn't like it but could the man fight against his own wife?

"Hmmm," She narrowed her lazy eyes at him, "Alright but this is a one-time thing. I don't want her freaking out the entire time your gone so make sure you reassure her."

'Yes!' Alex pumped his fist to the side and thanked her. He promised to help take away her anxiety before they argued again about the relations of a man and a woman.

They debated about it and he slowly forgot he was alone without a shirt, and someone else's wife in a robe and lingerie was right next to him. However he came to his senses when she laid on his shoulder asleep.

He paled but carefully picked her up to move her to her bed. He felt her smooth skin and his soldier twitched to life. he quickly put her under the covers and walked away but she held onto his arm like it was a pillow. Her silky hair tickled him and her sleeping face was gorgeous.

He struggled to stay calm when he caught the glimpse of a pretty pink gumdrop that peeked from under her thin bra. His brain short-circuited before he heard a knock on the door.

His life flashed before his eyes but he was interrupted when the strength of a 3rd Ring pulled him towards the bed. He rolled over the sexy milf as he heard someone shout.

"Mom, are you doing okay?" Emma said from the other side of the door.

Sharla had unintentionally hugged him like a pillow and he was now under the covers with her. His face was pale but his dick was rock hard as his head was smushed between her two beautiful mounds. She smelled like roses and he felt her soft skin from under her robe.

She didn't seem to notice him as she answered her daughter sleepily.

"I'm fine Sweetheart I'm just taking a nap."

Emma opened the door slightly to see her mother. Her mother was on her side probably hugging a pillow like she did often. She was clingy so she often clung to Alan in bed.

Emma sighed.

'That idiot made mom worry so much.' she thought.

It was hard to tell if she meant Alex or her father to anyone who heard her thoughts but she soon closed the door.

"Alright let me know if you need anything."

Emma soon left, none the wiser that there was a young man sleeping in her parents' bed together with her mom.

Alex felt his dragon touch her leg and he couldn't help but reach out to her butt.

"MMM~ Stop Alan~" Sharla mumbled as he grabbed her big butt. He was glad she was so sleepy but he really shouldn't be in this situation.

He was ready to slip out of her grasp when he felt a slightly cold hand touch his member. He sucked in his breath as she put her leg over him and gently ran a finger over his tip.

"So lively today huh? No, you're in trouble right now so no sexy time for you~" She teased "Alan" with her eyes closed.

He breathed into her chest which caused her to quietly moan. To make things worse, she unconsciously went behind her back and undid her bra. This revealed her pink gumdrops in full glory and he didn't hold back as he sucked on them.

"Ah~ No Alan~ Not right now~" She mumbled as Alex tasted her hard nipples. They were quite big after her time breastfeeding and there was a lot for Alex to taste.

He knew he shouldn't do this but this could be considered paying his debt right? He's just helped her release some stress.

He squeezed her butt gently as she went down further on his shaft to his balls. He lifted his head to look at her face that had a bit of pink on her cheeks and her beautiful red lips were parted slightly.

He moved up and brushed their lips against each other. Her breath was a bit minty and she slowly closed the distance between them and gave him a passionate kiss. He pulled her closer and enjoyed her taste as his dragon rubbed up against her stomach.

With a shaky hand, he decided to take a risk and reached a hand to her little sister.

"Mmmm slowly~" She whispered as she grinded her pussy against his hand a bit. Her crotch was hot and her pearl was hard.

He rubbed her gently and twisted her clit between his fingers. She moaned and held onto his arm tighter. He kissed her softly and swung his hips in rhythm with her hand.

He was getting closer and closer to the edge and knew he had to be careful.

Since these people could see the auras of others on himself, he had to make sure he didn't get any on her.

Soon, he plunged a finger into her wet cave.

"Ah~ Mmmm~" She moaned and swiveled her hips unconsciously.

He enjoyed her sexy body for a while as he approached orgasm. He now had 3 fingers in her and he even climbed on top of her.

She still stroked his dragon as he humped her stomach. He couldn't put it in her or he for sure would burst and worse, leave his aura on her.

They panted quietly as they kissed passionately. He wasn't sure how she was asleep during this but she seemed horny and he was going to deliver.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~" She moaned quietly as he slowly pressed his fingers deeper into her.

Soon he felt her pussy squeeze his fingers tightly and she gently bit her lower lip. Her pussy quivered as he continued to gently finger her until she calmed down.

When she came down from her orgasm, he noticed that she fell into a deep sleep. He saw this as he chance to escape so he gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before kissing her down all the way to her flower.

"Mmm~" She gave one more quiet moan as he licked up her juices before pulling her panties up and leaving from the bottom of the covers. He quickly ran to the bathroom and jerked himself off thinking of her sexy body until he unloaded ropes of cum into a wad of toilet paper he gathered together.

When he came down from his orgasm, he quickly flushed the wad away before going over to the sleepy milf. This woman was amazing even when asleep and maybe in another reality, they could have been together. However she was married, and he would definitely be killed if he was found out.

He put his shirt back on and hastily tied up his pants before heading to the door. He paused just as he was there and quickly ran back to her bedside with light steps. He carefully lifted the covers to reveal her mom bod and gave a big kiss on her butt cheek.

"Okay, now I'm done." He mumbled before running out. He checked both ways to make sure no one was in the hall before dashing up the stairs and away from danger.

'Please don't leave an aura.' He prayed as he ran to Alicia's dorm and decided to take a long shower to get the smell of sex and hot wife off him before showing himself in front of Alan again.

Playing with fire boy


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