
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Chapter 49

( Dissident, is an epithet or designation for a group of beings whether animate or inanimate that possesses unique characteristic traits. Instead of acting like common beings, they choose to run away, get out of the way, rely on aimless fate and thus create a condition where a group is considered to deviate from the teachings of the Master. )

Wow, having a conversation without including human expressions? Original, you look like a living robot, really. But never mind, you gave the reader one valuable piece of information. Say thank you to Azriel, reader. Even if he doesn't ask, he'll want to hear what you have to say verbally, okay?

Sending out an argument containing important knowledge, a bright beam of light momentarily painted around the room where Azriel was staying.

Aih Zril, I honestly want to say thank you, really. But somehow laziness always prevents me from saying it from mouth to mouth. Ciyus, I was struck by so much laziness. Seriously, I'm not joking, you know.

( Yep, that's right, the teachings of My Creator. If I dare to swear, every moment I want to curse this group. How could I not? Born without a will and then ignoring the rules around you, do you think your actions will be forgiven? Hell nah, it's not that easy, bro. For all you know, the law of good or evil, the flow of human life aka destiny, the existence of all kinds of blueprints along with all the stanzas in the Book of Destiny are actually violated as much as possible by these people. Well, you must feel annoyed, right? Haah, me too! )

Hooooh, flapping both wings nonchalantly? Your expression really surprised me, Azriel. I didn't expect an angel like you to get emotional despite your evasive face. Unbelievable, bye.

Remaining in a position neither above nor below, the movement of the wings in two different directions was as smart as a picture with no indication of experiencing any slowing effect at all.

Steady, Archangel. Since you first appeared, this is the first time I've seen one of the holiest creatures created by God being able to experience what humans feel. Well, although it takes quite a lot of foresight, anyway, his movements indicate that the mood is experiencing unstoppable annoyance.


( Haaah, every day you have to monitor the movements of the many Dissidents, right? Hayyaa, very lazy, lah. Moreover, their job, if not to destroy, is to disrupt. How many of the Dissenters have factually destroyed the great evil? Even if you are only silent and do no harm, your mere existence under the heavens is enough to make the decree of God's law become fragile and destroyed in the blink of an eye).

( Huuuuh....)

Relax, Azriel, relax. It may seem annoying, but even the slightest action from you can affect the singularity of the world and its contents. Don't let one problem cause you to take the wrong action. Unexpected, indeed.

Staring at the sheet full of moving writing without the slightest intention of looking away, another long and detailed statement momentarily came out from none other than the mouth of the Guardian of the Book of Destiny.

Truly, I was amazed at first, but for some reason now I'm a little stiff, huh? The way he stared at that thing was extremely frightening. Seriously, let alone you, the goosebumps all over my body are now starting to rise senselessly. Makes the mind half dead, right? Never mind, I don't want to make any further ba-bi-bu comments. Afraid of what's wrong, sir.

( Owh, speaking of this, I'm reminded of the fate of those three people. Haaah, how unfortunate their fate was, because of a ridiculous intention, those Dissenters intended to abolish God's Law, a fundamental rule as well as the origin of all rules in the joints of life. My friends like to call it the Absolute Right or Wrong, so I'll just go with it. )

Hoooh, God's Law, huh? Naruhodo, it's the source of all the rules in the whole world, after all. True or False? It turns out that what I just said was backed up by a statement from one of the Archangels. Steady, bye.

Hoooh, God's Law, huh? Naruhodo, it's the source of all the rules throughout the world, after all. True or False? It turns out that what I just said was supported by one of the Archangels. That's great.

Turning the pages of the book without giving a touch, a sheet of paper containing the battle between fellow Dissidents was written quite clearly in front of the eyes. Originally, looking deeper into the writing, you will find their memories. True, people with self-sufficiency can surpass God's rules.

Anyway Azriel's head seems to be raised towards the top of the room, right? Hmmmm, maybe his wishful thinking started to get carried away as the story on the gold ink was written.



The World, Year 1678 AD


Somewhere far from the residential area, two young men in the medieval period were seen fighting each other. Hayya, nothing has been thrown into the memory of the past, shucks.



A beautiful move, my friend, but your opponent is unlikely to stay still.

Realizing that the fist he was aiming at was being blocked with both arms, a man of about 20 years old swiftly retreated, positioning himself a little further away to ensure safety.

Well, I honestly don't know why they can fight. But what can I do? It's better to just shut up and watch, huh? After all, we are not asked to do anything, hihihi.

"Why? Why are you doing this?!!!"

Masbro, if you want to talk, you should be close enough. 500 cm, no, the position between you and the interlocutor alone is as far as heaven and earth are created. Really, woylah!

Asking a question from the mouth, the tone was not relaxed accompanied by a red face as smart as painted on the senses.

Being asked to witness a battle of strangers might not seem so bad. Very exciting to look forward to, that's what!

"Huh? What do I care, you fool! God alone is incapable of restraining my movements, let alone you as His artificial scourge!"


Actually, I'm fascinated by you. Long blonde hair is of course my only dream. However-

... Nature doesn't match physical appearance, huh? Moreover, she's sending out a spiral in a straight line towards the front, isn't she? Too bad, young man, it looks like you'll have to expend all your energy to crush her spirit, huh!

Presenting a response to refute the young man's words just now, a short move was suddenly thrown without any notice.

Hmmm? Opinion? I don't know, suddenly my mind was hit by an endless void. Seriously, I didn't mean to deceive you all. Dare to swear, bye. There's no way I intend to deceive the readers, believe me!

"Diamonic Destroyer!"

Fuuuh, tantrums can't be helped? Humu, naturally, if I were in a similar position, I would act similarly to him. Even though the context of the battle goes on without either side's explanation, at least we can refresh our eyes by watching our fellow Human Change.

Moving both arms towards the face, a fragment of prophecy that was nothing but the content of the young man's thoughts spontaneously hit the two leaves of the sound-capturing senses.

Oy bro, I'm honestly confused about which one to support. Either the girl or the boy, aahhhh, don't make my head spin.

