
Boombastic Imagination

God has created everything, be it the universe, the world and its life. One of the things created by their power is the presence of a group of superhumans who are nicknamed Human Change. Becoming a super hero to help the masses, who would want to refuse that, right? Even so, living as a Human Change does not guarantee that Alexander Richard can live happily. During his study period at the academy, sometimes there was a problem that required him to fight, even though he was unable to. Curious to read more deeply? Follow Alex's hilarious story while listening to your favorite music.

Quintessa_72 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Cut the Crap

Chapter 48

Immediately after the chanting of the mantra, a fairly strong blow seemed to occur around me as I treaded.

Original, how can you escape if the incident is suddenly present right around us?! Try to think using your brain, can I escape without suffering any injuries? Will you be able to?!!! No Sasha, no reader

You both piss me off, a lot!

Remembering the phenonema created without knowledge, the weak body then retreated, thrown tightly behind the back, throwing both the body and the soil particles together. How annoying is that!


There was no other choice, rather than the body being forced to sail in the middle of nowhere, it was much better if I took one precaution. Like it or not, bye!

Letting the whole body be pushed by the surface of the powerful wind, both arms unceremoniously moved, shifting to one position, placing the mover right in front of the face with the intention of all the surrounding dust not attacking the sense of sight continuously.

Well, what to do, huh? My situation was urgent, especially as the clouds of dust started coming towards me floating.


Man, oh man, why do you keep giving me surprises. So annoying!

Keeping both arms in position, the gusts of wind around the room again hit my body with such force. Just a breeze is fine with me, a tornado, you know. What an idiot, I swear.


Patience, bro, patience. All of this must have its benefits. Moreover, your patience has been trained in such a way. Calm down, relax, pass this problem using a cool head. Anger is certainly not able to reverse the atmosphere in the blink of an eye, right?

After 1 minute of being pushed behind the back, in a state of already stepping on the surface, for a moment the body feels a large gust of air in every part of the body.

Suwer, I spoke without a single lie. Rill, believe me, I don't intend to fool you all!

"Returns, starting from now!"

Huh? What are you talking about, Sha? My brain is really made of kar-

Sialaaa*!! Your deeds will be repaid in the future!!! Original, fighting against someone like him really makes my heart hot, graaaahhh!

After the words were uttered by none other than the boy across the area, a flurry of dust containing dark matter was quickly blown into the area around where I was standing.

I swear, three times and three moments I had to be bombarded by a bunch of dust. Aren't you satisfied, you little punk? Ahhh, so annoying, bye.

"Haaaah, it's over, Azriel. No matter how tough or great your position is, a sheet is nothing but a sheet. Please remember that well."

Aish, chatting without anyone to talk to. Well Sasha, so who is Azriel? Why are you able to declare victory? What do you mean by saying sheet over and over again? Ahhhh, I don't understand, bye.

While the body is struggling to maintain self-existence, there is no cause and effect as a sentence containing a person's success when he achieves something.

Hmmmm, I actually don't understand what he just said. A sheet? Position? Who exactly is Azriel? Could it be an entity beyond the existence of human reason? Or maybe....

Ah forget it, my head is too lazy to think further. Moreover-

"Se- exactly what are you saying, idiot?!"

I'm still stuck in a no-win situation.



Somewhere in none other than outer space, dozens of celestial bodies that had been declared comatose to make a single spontaneous movement were on their way, shifting from one position to another, placing each material on a per-individual work route. Planets, solar systems, black holes, star clusters, scattered space dust called Nebulae, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and so on are now active again without being trapped by a silly command from one of the Archangels.

Well, why didn't you do it earlier? What's more, is it just normalizing inanimate objects? Tcihhh, waste of m-

It's too early if you think this only happens for a collection of celestial bodies, because every basic thing as a guide for the universe to keep going and not experience a glimpse of interference returns to its previous position without any shortcomings or defects. Both the principle of humans existing, death existing, celestial material why it can exist, and all kinds of blueprints in every corner of the sky are displayed in synergy after being forced to stop by a sentence.

How is it? Satisfied? Or still lacking? Okay, you can look to the southeast, where one of these directions there is a realm called the realm of barzah. That's right, the beyond, a place where all the spirits of humans, animals, plants, and even all kinds of living things around the world are sent to be judged.

Now, what are you looking at? Are they still experiencing similar incidents? No, the cruel mothers who once killed a small child with up to 80 stabs are tried with similar punishments. There are also grandfathers who are quite handsome who are given a nice reward of being free from all punishment. The reason is none other than what he did when he was young.

So what? The procession of people on trial where it is included in a small series on the conception of death is depicted quite clearly before the eyes. Don't you see that the scene ahead is still frozen like the last time? No, right? Haha, very laughable.

Haaaah, thankfully the world has been reversed to its original position. All the materials and even the conception of the creation plan itself managed to escape the absurd freezing effect. Phew, your strength deserves a thumbs up, Sasha. If you didn't have such a brilliant idea, all life including the universe itself might have been wiped out and lost to worthless memories.


Behind the horror is a beauty like no other, right? I hope you can be useful for the future, Sasha. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next!



( Humu? It's back to normal, isn't it? Naruhodo, it was no wonder that a dissident like Sasha could do it. That child, along with that man with no identity is too dangerous to let live any longer on earth.)

Huuuh, Azriel? Is that you? Seriously? It's quite amusing to see you acting like that. Really, I'm not in the mood for jokes, seriously.

Looking at the sheet of paper with a heartless gaze, two glowing fists were momentarily drawn on both senses.

Seriously, I've never seen a scene like this. The entity I'm talking about is not just an ordinary creature. It's hard to accept by reason.

( Dissident, you may have heard the term in your respective religions. Some of you may think that it's just a term, but.... )

( .... Here they do exist and are present as a rule-breaker.)

Momentarily moving his head to the right and left, Azriel reveals a statement that you Dissenters are not a famous legend in religious teachings.
