
Isis and Osiris (2)

"Ra or Re is the name of the sun god, the supreme power in the universe, the giver of life" Akasuki said " One day his great wisdom told him of a prophecy saying that if Nut the goddess of sky married Jeb the god of earth, one of her children will end his reign and take his throne. So Ra set a curse on Nut preventing her from giving birth to her children upon any day in the year".

"Nut went to Thoth the god of knowledge, magic and learning for help. Thoth knew that Ra's curse could never be broken. So he went to Khonsu the god of moon and challenged him at Draught a gambling game, of course being the god knowledge he won and every time he won Khonsu became more and more frustrated and waged more until he waged his own moon light and lost. Thoth used the moon light he won, made 5 new days and added them to the end of the year and before the New Year started allowing nut to give birth to her children on these 5 days".

 "How did he make 5 days out of moon light?" I asked bewildered "And how can moon light even be gambled with? ".

"They are gods dumbass they can do whatever they want stupid and don't interrupt me again" Akasuki said annoyed. "They gave birth to Osiris on the first day, the third day Seth lord of evil was born, the forth was Isis and the last day was Nepthys. When Osiris was born many signs and Phenomenons were seen throughout Ancient Egypt. Most notable was a voice which came from the shrine in the temple at Thebes on the Nile, which is called Karnak nowadays, speaking to a man called Pamyles. The voice told him that Osiris, the good and mighty king, was born to bring peace to all of Egypt.

Osiris married Isis and Seth married Nephthys as gods

can only marry other gods. Osiris ruled Egypt following the prophecy heard by Pamyles. Osiris ruled Egypt as a wise, just king but Isis wanted his reign to grow to go beyond Egypt and have him take Ra's throne as the king of gods.

And so on one of Ra's fights with Apophis he received a serious injury"

"Wait, who is Apophis and how can he fight the king of the gods?" I asked.

"It is a long story but consider him the greatest enemy of Ra and the reincarnation of. The injury was so severe that no god could heal it, so Ra asked Isis the goddess of eternal life and magic to cure him. she accepted but under one condition which was to know Ra's real name which his source of power which can only be known from Ra himself. He accepted and was cured"

"But although Isis used the power of his true name to cure him, she then used it to have him abdicate his throne to make Osiris the ruler of Egypt and the king of the gods which fulfilled the prophecy that was given to Ra".

She stopped, drank from her beer and continued " Now is when it becomes exciting. It was said that Osiris and Isis      changed Egypt from being a lawless, brutish country to a much better place by teaching them how to make bread , passed down laws to prevent killing and stealing and also how to make wine , music and poetry. 

As Osiris rose and became king of the gods, Seth became jealous and believed that he is the one who deserves all the glory so he decided to kill Osiris and rule Egypt and the gods. 

 On Osiris's birthday a party was held to celebrate it and many gods attended while bringing gifts, suddenly the doors were thrown open and a phalanx of soldiers marched in followed by the god Seth the god of evil. "what is the meaning of this" shouted Isis " what are you doing here Seth"

"of course I am here to celebrate my brother's birthday, and I also brought a gift" said Seth while clapping his hands. Then a pair of soldiers brought forth a beautiful coffin made from gold and inlaid with colorful gems that had the crowd charmed. "this coffin is made by the best craftsmen in all of Egypt, it is made so only it's rightful owner can fit inside" said Seth while presenting the coffin.

Isis felt that something was wrong as Seth was not the type to come bearing gifts, but Osiris was charmed by the coffin and didn't heed the warnings of Isis, many gods went forth to try the coffin but no matter how much they tried they couldn't fit in the coffin.

"my king Osiris, why don't you give it a try" said Seth. "my king you should not, Seth is not one to be trusted" warned isis, but it was as if Osiris couldn't hear her.

All of the gods made way for Osiris, as he laid in the coffin every one could see that it fit him perfectly. "Thank you brother" laughed Osiris " it seems I am the rightful owner of this coffin".


"It is yours indeed, and shall be so forever" hissed Seth as he banged down the lid. Then in desperate haste he nailed it shut and sealed every crack with molten lead, Seth threw the coffin into the Nile and had his soldiers surround the gods present, " I am now the king of the gods" announced Seth " and you beautiful Isis will be prize".