
Isis and Osiris (1)

What will you do when you see a scary thing?  You close your eyes then try to convince yourself that it wasn't real regardless how silly the explanation was. That is exactly what I had done, I closed my eyes and said to myself it was just a dream and I got the tattoo when I was drunk.

That shows how powerful our brain can be in order to maintain our sanity.

I rushed to my comfort zone the bar. While drinking, a girl sat next to me. From one look you can tell that she is the kind of girl that doesn't speak a lot and likes reading. She had long black hair, large round glasses, and the shy look and she kept hiding her hands in her long sleeves.

She started to drink beer, while drinking her eyes fell on my tattoo, suddenly she looked at me with excitement like a child discovering his favorite superhero sitting next to him. She said in Joy "Isis symbol, yay pretty cool. I always wanted to have one but i never had enough courage to have a…"  "You're talking about this tattoo?" I interrupted her.

 "Sure silly" she said that in quiet voice that I barely heard, then she continued "I know it sounds weird but can I touch it?" I swear that shy look on her face was as powerful as the look of a puppy, "Sure why not".

she put her hand on the tattoo and said "you know I can't remember when was the last time I met someone who knows about the Egyptian gods and their tales"

"I know it may dampen your excitement but I got this tattoo when I was drunk, you can say I got it by mere luck but since you seem to know about it, can you tell me what that symbol means?"  I said while smiling and hoping that she answers my questions.

 She finished her beer, caught her breath, looked at me with a huge smile and said "only if you buy me another one". I laughed and got her another beer, and then she started talking. "Look I'm not an expert in this field. This tattoo is the symbol of Isis the goddess of eternal life and magic. You know her from the myth of Isis and Osiris, don't you?"

 All I could do was give her an embarrassed smile

 "Oh my god, you don't even know the myth" she said in exasperation. Her words made feel like a student who discovered that there is a quiz on what was taken the day before.

"Ok I will tell you but you will order as much beer as I want in exchange, deal?"

"Deal" I didn't mind because with every drink she took her shyness decreased and she talked more openly. "But before that what is your name?" I asked, she smiled saying "Sorry I forgot introduce myself, my name is Akasuki but you can call me Annie, and you are?"

"My name is Ken"