
Book 1: Child of a Snake (Neji x Oc love story)

Kaiya was abandoned at the gate of Konoha by her father for her own safety. All she had was a scroll with a letter written by her mom and a snake necklace in a box with her name on it. She is brought to the hokage by Izumo and Kotetsu who orders Kurenai Yuhi to adopt her.

HokageOrochimaru · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Teams

Kaiya's P.O.V

Today was the day we were being assigned to our teams. I was in my usual spot sitting next to Kiba. I was spacing out thinking about that scroll I read last night. While waiting for Iruka-sensei to saw up and tell us what team we were on.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard yelling down the hallway. The ground shook slightly as whoever was coming started running faster and faster.

Sakura and Ino burst into the room. "I'm first!" They both exclaimed.

I tuned then out as they started bickering about who was first, only to tune back in as Naruto was sent flying from his chair. I then tune back out as girls started to fight about who was first.

A growl was then heard from Naruto. I raised an eyebrow at him squatting on the desk in front of Sasuke. Sasuke's fangirls started yelling at Naruto as the boys glared heatedly at each other.

Suddenly, the guy behind Naruto leaned back, bumping into the knucklehead ninja. I rolled my eyes as some people started laughing and Sauske fangirls screaming about Naruto stealing Sauske first kiss before they started beating him up.


Iruka stood at the front of the class, hands behind his back as he smiled at the new genin. "As of today, you are all ninjas. Together you've faced difficult trials and hardships. But, that's nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you are all genuine, first-level ninjas. All the Genin will be grouped into three-main squads. Each squad will be led by a jonin. An elite ninja. Also since there an odd number one you genin are going to be put on a team of genin a year old. Since they need a new member after losing there their member."

I once again rolled my eyes as Ino started to taunt Sakura, "Well, someone's gotta be in Sasuke's group. I wonder who?"

"I don't know," Sakura said. Sasuke just had a serious look on his face.

Iruka continued, "We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities, so that's how we set them up. I will now announce the squads!" He continued as I wondering who I would be team up with.

"Squad Seven!" I zoned back in, hoping I hadn't missed anything important - especially if my name had already been called. "Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno," Naruto stood up and cheered, while Sakura hung her head. "And Sasuke Uchiha!" The positions switched.

"Squad Eight! Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame!" Iruka said.

"Now for squad 10," Iruka announced. "Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru,"

"HA! Did you say something about hating to be on my squad?" Shikamaru taunted Ino, who growled in frustration.

Iruka wasn't finished. "And Akamichi Choji. Those are all the squads. Which means Kaiya Yuhi will be joining Squad 13."

'So I'm on a team with older genin.' I thought.

I was then snapped out of my thoughts by Naruto's loud voice.

"Iruka-Sensei! Why does a great ninja like me have to be in a squad with a slug-like Sasuke?!"

Iruka looked up from his papers, responding calmly, "Sasuke had the best scores of all the graduating students. Naruto, you had the worst scores. To create a balanced team, we put the best student with the worst student."

"Just make sure you don't get in my way..." Sasuke muttered, "Loser."

They started bickering, but Iruka cut them off, clearing his throat, "After lunch, you'll meet your new Jonin teachers. Kaiya after lunch meet up with your team at the Dango shop. Until then, class dismissed!"

I nodded and headed outside with Kiba, Hinata, and Shino to eat lunch.


I was now outside sitting in a tree with Kiba and his teammates.

"So who do you think your teammates and sensei is going to be Kaiya?" Kiba asked.

"I have no idea but they must like Dango to want to meet at the Dango shop," I replied eating some of my rice.

"T-that makes sense there no other reason to choose the Dango shop, Hinata said.

"I just hope I can keep up with them being a year older," I said.

"They probably won't do anything difficult with a new member joining them," Kiba said.



After lunch was over I was heading to the Dango shop to find my team.

When I arrived at the Dango shop. I saw a girl with long black hair wearing a blue shirt, a boy with short brown hair with a black jacket, and then a lady with purple hair with a tan trench coat on.

'They must be my team because I don't see anyone else here,' I thought walking over towards the team.

"Excuse me are you Team 13?" I asked.

"Yep who asking?" The woman with purple hair asked not turning to look at me.

"The name is Kaiya," I replied.

"Kurenai brat," The woman said.

'Kurenai brat. Wait did I meet this person before?' I thought confused.

"Yeah, but how do you know my mom?" I asked.

"Seriously you don't remember you brat!" The woman said turning to face me annoyed. My eyes widened recognizing that face.

"A-Anko," I said shocked.

"Yep brat and I'm your sensei," Anko said giving me a creepy grin.

'You got to be kidding. This woman is psycho.'

"Well since you here. Why don't we introduce ourselves," Anko said taking a bite of her Dango.

"I'm Kaiya Yuhi. I like snakes, ramen with extra eggs, my best friend Kiba, and the hot springs. I dislike loud people, people who judge you without even knowing you and perverts. My hobbies are reading, hanging out with Kiba, and training. My dream is to find my real dad, hoping to learn about my real mom, and I want to become a strong shinobi," I said.

I saw Anko stare at me with a serious look. "Okay who next?" She asked.

"I go next Anko-sensei," The boy with brown hair said.

"My name is Aito Sarutobi. I like my family, monkeys, and Dango. I dislike bullies, people you think they're better than everyone. My hobbies are playing with my younger brother Konohamaru, trying to create my justu, and running. My dream is to protect the village and everyone in it by becoming Hokage our a medical ninja."

"Good that just leaves two of us. I go ahead and go now," Anko said.

"My name is Anko Mitarashi. I like poison, Dango, and eating sweets. I dislike people judging you for something you have no control over, a certain man, people eating the last Dango. My hobbies are creating poison, spending time with my friends, causing drama for fun. My dream is to make a certain person pay for what he has done."

'Wonder what man she talking about.' I thought.

"That just leaves me," The girl with black hair said. "My name is Misumi Hyuga. I like training, making tea, Dango. I dislike my clan traditions, my twin brother Neji's attitude, ramen. My hobbies are shopping, swimming, and training. My dream is to prove that the side branch is just as strong as the main branch and get rid of the curse mark," she said removing her headband and showing the mark on her forehead.

'Wow, I didn't know Hinata's clan had issues with other members of the clan. I also wonder what her brother like,' I thought.

"Good. We know each other. Tomorrow meet at training ground 44 at 8 am for training to test our new team member skills to see what we need to work on. Then we start doing missions," Anko said.

"Understand Anko sensei," We all said before leaving the Dango shop.


Hey lovely readers.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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Q: What was your favorite part of this chapter?

Q: What do you think of Kaiya's team?

Q: Who were you hoping she had as a sensei?

Q: When do you think she will meet Neji?

Thanks for reading!