
Book 1: Child of a Snake (Neji x Oc love story)

Kaiya was abandoned at the gate of Konoha by her father for her own safety. All she had was a scroll with a letter written by her mom and a snake necklace in a box with her name on it. She is brought to the hokage by Izumo and Kotetsu who orders Kurenai Yuhi to adopt her.

HokageOrochimaru · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Training

Third person's P.O.V

A couple of minutes before 8 in the morning. Kaiya was heading to training ground 44 to meet up with her team after saying bye to Kurenai who was getting ready to meet up with her students. Who happen to be Kiba, Hinata, and Shino.

When Kaiya arrived at the training ground her eyes widen at the look of the forest.

'Why on earth is she making us train here,' Kaiya thought.

"What on earth," she said shocked. "Why are we in front of this huge forest?" She asked.

"Anko sensei. Says it good for survival excise," Aito said.

"Okay. Anyway what exactly is the test to see my skills?" Kaiya asked looking at Anko.

"To start I want you to run a lap through the forest," Anko said looking at Kaiya.

"I understand," Kaiya said.

"Good then start running!" Anko commanded.

Kaiya nodded then started running. While she was running. Misumi activated her Byakugan to keep a close eye on Kaiya as she ran her lap.

'She fast she well trained in speed.' Misumi thought.


Kaiya's P.O.V

After running my lap through the forest. I came back over to my team panting a little bit.

"Not bad brat. Your speed is pretty good," Anko said.

"So what next?" I asked.

"Now I want you to spar against," Anko said looking over at Misumi and Aito. "Aito." She said.

"Understand Anko sensei," I said getting in a fighting stance.

"Let's do this," Aito said with a smirk also getting in a fighting stance.

"If you are both ready then go ahead and start," Anko said.

We both nodded and began the fight. I then began making a series of hand signs.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" I said taking a deep breath before releasing a gust of wind from my mouth.

"Earth Release: Earth-style Wall!" Aito said making a series of hand signs and created a wall to block the wind.

'He blocked it with earth style. With that wall up it won't be easy to get to him,' I thought.

"Alright let's try this," I said running towards the wall and punching but only made a tiny crack.

'That didn't work. My punch made a small crack. I should of know my taijutsu isn't that strong but it better than what some girls from my class can do.' I thought.

"I see you try to break it with taijutsu. Not a bad idea but looks like it didn't work," Aito said releasing the wall.

"Nope but it was worth a shot," I said.

"Alright that enough for today," Anko said. "You need to work on your taijutsu. Your speed and ninjutsu seem to be your best strengths."

"So what now?" I asked.

"That all for today. Your all free to go tomorrow we will go on a mission," Anko said.

"Understand Anko sensei," We said.

"Good we'll you brats tomorrow!" Anko said before she disappeared in a poof of smoke.

"Hey, Misumi!" Aito said.

"Yeah?" Misumi asked looking at Aito.

"Lunch at your place," Aito replied.

"Sure that sounds great," Misumi said. "You want to join us also?" She asked looking at me.

"I was just going to just get something from Ichiraku, but lunch at your place sounds good," I said.

"Good lunch at my place is so much better than ramen," Misumi said smiling at me.

"Whatever you say," I said.


Aito's P.O.V

We were almost to the Hyuga compound.

"Nice place," Kaiya said looking at the compound. "I really should visit Hinata more instead of always going to Kiba place."

"Yeah it a huge place," I said looking back at Kaiya who was walking on my side as Misumi was in the front leading way to the entrance of the compound.

"It is," she said looking around the compound.

I then noticed Neji walking out of the compound and saw Kaiya was about to walk into him.

"Kaiya loo- "I was cut off as Kaiya bumped into Neji and fall on him.

"M-my bad," she said her cheeks turning a peach color.

"You really should watch where you are going," Neji said not even looking at Kaiya.

"Right," she said looking down at the ground.

I heard Misumi sigh. "Neji it was an accident be nice." She said.

"It not her destiny for me to be nice to her sister," Neji said.

"Kaiya don't mind my brother Neji. He has a bad attitude and an obsession with destiny," Misumi said.

"I see," Kaiya said still looking at the ground.

'What up with her? Why is she refusing to look up at Neji?' I thought confused

"Whatever I have training with my team," Neji said walking away.

I then saw Kaiya look back up once Neji was gone.

"Rude as always," I said. "Hey, Kaiya you ok?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah I'm fine," she replied.

"You sure because you kept looking at the ground."

"Neji probably upset her with her attitude," Misumi said.

"Don't worry about it I'm fine," Kaiya said.

We nodded and walked inside the compound.


Kaiya's P.O.V

I was now heading back home after eating a delicious lunch at Misumi house.

While walking home I kept thinking of that Neji guy with the long brown hair that was in a ponytail.

'I can't believe that I was blushing back there.' I thought.

While walking home I heard a loud familiar voice coming in the direction of Ichiraku. I then turned to see Naruto, Sauske, and Sakura. I noticed that they looked worn out.

"Naruto still loud as always," I said walking over to them.

"Hey Kaiya," Naruto said.

"So what are you three up to?" I asked.

"We were just having lunch after doing a survival exercise with our sensei," Sakura replied.

"Aw. So who is your sensei?" I asked.

"His name is Kakashi and man was that survival exercise was tough! Believe it!" Naruto exclaimed.

I sighed at his yelling then looked at him shocked when he said Kakashi.

"Oh boy you got Kakashi he just as bad as my sensei," I said.

"You know him?" Sauske asked.

"Yeah, he friends with my sensei. That guy is always late and constantly making excuses. Still he better than my sensei," I said.

"I knew that guy was making excuses!" Naruto shouted. I rolled my eyes again at his yelling.

'He doesn't know how to stop yelling.'

"What so bad about your sensei?" Sakura asked.

"You don't want to know she is psycho," I said walking away. "Piece of advice don't go near that woman she will give you the creeps."

'She sure creeps me out with that smile and her yelling just as bad as Naruto' I thought walking home.

Hey lovely readers.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

A/N: Sorry if the spar with Kaiya and Aito was short.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also, don't forget to vote and comment.

Q: What was your favorite part of this chapter?

Q: What did you think of Kaiya's first meeting with Neji?

Q: What mission do you think team 13 should go on next chapter?

Thanks for reading!

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