
Bonded at Midnight

Aislinn Wilds a newly turned 18 year must endure the The Lunar Moon Celebration and the Lunar Games. The Lunar Games involve the Silver Alder Pack being allowed to choose their mates. Each female are dressed in a white and gold silk dress and a black satin blindfold placed over their eyes. Each wolf is destined to be with one person for their entire lives and these Games allow them to find their mates easier. When Aislinn gets mated with the future Alpha Cian Pierce who will her world be turn upside down? Who will she react when she is ripped away from everyone and everything she knows to live with the pack? Will she accept the future alpha? "Stroke of Midnight, Everything Changes

Cait_12_Shaffer · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5. Dynamite Comes in Small Packages

"Life is energy, energy doesn't just disappear ~ Dr. Deaton" 

{Aislinn's Point of View} 

I was picked up by Cian and the warmth he gave off instantly calmed me. I was no longer shaking from the cold. I felt loved and safe when I was in his arms. How could I already trust a heartless werewolf? I wasn't sure on the answer but that doesn't matter anymore. I was chosen but maybe just maybe I would be able to see my Deirfiúr Caitlin. She was mated to a warrior in Cian's pack. Wait Cian's pack? Oh right I'm mated to the alpha of the pack. As he was carrying me back to the town square the pure grip of exhaustion flooded over me and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I found myself falling to sleep in the arms of the big bad alpha. 

~Time Skip~ 

I rolled over feeling unknown sheets below me. I slowly began to open my eyes and looked around. I was not in my room anymore or in my own house. I rolled over and found myself in a giant bed with silk sheets and a incredibly soft blanket tangled around my legs. I took in all that I could of the room that I was in. The smell in the room was that of vanilla and strawberries. I slowly began to sit up and noticed that I was in a short silk nightgown. When the hell did I get changed into this? And who in hell changed my clothes for me? If it was Cian I'm gonna flip. 

A soft chuckle came from the door to the room. I snapped my head towards the chuckle and standing only in sweat pants was no other than the big bad alpha himself. Cian stood there looking over at me and said "don't worry I didn't change your clothing, one of the maids did that for you." I nodded my head and scratched my arms nervously as I looked at him and said "s-so where am I exactly? " Damn it you stupid nerves. Cian chuckled softly once again and said "your at the Silver Alder Pack mansion in your own bedroom." I looked at him with a questionable look and said "my own bedroom? " He nodded his head as he looks at me before saying "yes your own room until your ready to sleep with me in my own bedroom." I nodded my head and sat down on the one chair looking around my new bedroom. This is much bigger than my old bedroom back at home. I looked down sadly when I thought about home and the thought of never seeing my family again began to cause tears to form and fall. 

Cian looked over at me and quickly came to my side. For being a big bad alpha he was very caring and loving towards me. Cian gently moved me so I was sitting on his lap and he was hugging me. I silently cried into his shoulder missing bhaile. I wanted to hate him for tearing me away from my muintir but something in me just couldn't hate him. There was so much I wanted to say but I just couldn't find the words nor did I want to. I just wanted to silently cry and be in the arms of my mate. It still felt like a dream to me. I was mated to the future alpha of my towns protecting pack. I was mated to a werewolf who I thought had no heart and wanted me to just produce offsprings for him. Time moved slowly as I cried. 

When I finally calmed down enough I pulled away from Cian's shoulder. I had now noticed that he was in fact just wearing sweatpants and no shirt. I blushed as my left hand was placed on his eight pack and my right on his muscular chest. I couldn't understand how he was this gorgeous but was also a werewolf. I was soon cut off from my thoughts when he said "are you okay? " His voice was music to my ears and I quickly nodded my head earning a soft laugh. Even his laughter was sexy. How in Dia's name was he even allowed to be this beautiful. It was unnatural for someone to be this beautiful and also be a werewolf I just couldn't understand. 

I was soon sat down onto the other chair and he stood up. Now with a serious look on his face he said "I will lay down some ground rules that you must follow all the time. " I sat silent and nodded my head to him. He looked at me and said "rule number one, you are not allowed to leave the pack mansion. Rule two you are not allowed to speak to any other male wolves besides me, beta Ashton and Delta Isaac. Rule three you will have no contact with your family or friends until I say so. And finally rule four whatever I say goes. You will not disrespect me or give me attitude. You will not make me look stupid in front of my pack, my parents, or the elders and the conclave. You will not talk back or ignore me. You will answer me whenever I speak to you. When you answer me it will be by sir or alpha unless I say otherwise. You are no longer a mundane so you get no rights. You will earn your rights while you are my mate. Finally last but not least You are mine and I make the rules and you will follow them or else you will be punished. Am I understood Darling?" I looked at him in silence processing what he had just said. 

He growled lowly getting impatient with my silence and I looked at him and said "I understand sir" I wasnt going to listen to this assholes pointless rules. He can't just make me submit to him. He is about to learn that dynamite comes in small packages.