
Bonded at Midnight

Aislinn Wilds a newly turned 18 year must endure the The Lunar Moon Celebration and the Lunar Games. The Lunar Games involve the Silver Alder Pack being allowed to choose their mates. Each female are dressed in a white and gold silk dress and a black satin blindfold placed over their eyes. Each wolf is destined to be with one person for their entire lives and these Games allow them to find their mates easier. When Aislinn gets mated with the future Alpha Cian Pierce who will her world be turn upside down? Who will she react when she is ripped away from everyone and everything she knows to live with the pack? Will she accept the future alpha? "Stroke of Midnight, Everything Changes

Cait_12_Shaffer · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4. Your My Mate

"You Hate me Now, But You'll Get Over it Eventually ~ Theo Raeken" 

{Alpha Cain Pierce's Point of View} 

There she was, standing as beautiful as ever now that the full moon hit her. The dress showed every curve of her body and it hugged her nicely. Her hair fell like beautiful caramel waves down her back. I stood in front of her memorizing every single detail of her body. The word escaped my lips and it ringed silently between me and her "mate." The moment the word hit her ears she fell to her knees and the black satin blindfold began to grow wet. She was crying and I felt incredibly bad for it. Wait why am I Cain Luciano Pierce feeling bad for my mate crying? Was she already changing me this much? I questioned myself but knelt down in front of her and reached my hand for her's. 

She jerked her hand and moved her body away from me. Her voice weak and emotional as she said "d-dont touch m-me" Her voice broke me as I crouched in front of her. She was shaking from the tears and cold air and the fallen snow that was nipping at her exposed skin. I slipped off my suit jacket and gently laid it over her shoulders. With being a werewolf I felt no coldness. My insane body heat basically made me immune to feeling coldness. I can see her begin to melt into the warmth of the jacket. I smiled softly to myself and said calmly and gently "I am going to remove your blindfold now if that is alright? " A long silence came from her before she nodded weakly. It was as if she didn't want to disrespect me and just gave into what I said. I loved that I already had this much power over her but it also pained me. 

I slowly removed her blindfold and let it fall to the snow covered ground. Her makeup had been smeared by the tears she had shed. She still looked insanely beautiful with her makeup smeared and tear stained cheeks. I slowly lifted my hand again and moved it closer to her cheek. A tear had slipped from her closed eyes and I wanted to wipe it away and show her I mean no harm to her. I already found myself falling hard for her and I didn't even know her name yet. She didn't flinch or move from my touch as I wiped the tear away with my thumb. I pulled my hand away and she slowly opened her eyes. I was in awe as her emerald green eyes were much brighter due to the fact she was just been crying. 

We sat looking into each others eyes before her soft and weak voice pulled me back to reality. She looked at me and said "m-may I know y-your name? " I looked at her and nodded my head to the question and said "my name is Cian Luciano Piece, I'm the future alpha of this pack" She was silent once more and was shaking. I looked at her and said "Darling your freezing may I warm you up? " She must have giving up the fight she was  having with herself earlier and nodded her head. I gently picked her up and sat her down on my lap. My extreme body heat covering her like a heavy blanket. She cuddled into my chest tightly and I looked around. I gently lifted her up and into my arms where I began to carry her back to the town square. She laid motionless in my arms and her breathing was slow. I looked down and she was fast asleep in my arms. 

I smiled happily to myself as my mate already trusted me this much to see her sleep. Usually females refused to allow their mates anywhere near them when they slept or they just didn't sleep at all. The fact that she was already sleeping in my arms not even 10 minutes after me claiming her meant she trusted me a whole lot. I held her even more tightly against my body as I walked into the town square. I looked over at Ashton who held a female against his side. She was beautiful in her own way let's just hope she was as beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside. I walked over to Ashton and he bowed to me before standing up and introducing me to his mate. Her name was Brie Allson. She bowed silently to me as well before looking at my mate and covering her mouth. I raised my brow at her and said "what's wrong? "  Brie looks at me and said in a shaky breath "your mate is Aislinn Wilds" I practically was drooling over the sound of her goddess like name. I now knew my mates name and it fits her perfectly. I looked back at Brie and said "okay and? " 

Brie looks at me and said "Aislinn is the daughter of the town sherrif. She is very anti-Lunar Games. She was the girl who watched last year's games and almost lost it when her sister got chosen by a wolf in your pack." I nodded my head hearing about it. She had snuck inside the library threw a broken window and watched the games unfold. Her sister was chosen by one of the warriors in my pack. When her sister refused to leave without saying goodbye her mate smacked her and Aislinn burst out of the library and went after her sister's mate to only be held back by a small group of hunters. 

I looked down at her and couldn't help but smile. She did what she thought was right by standing up for her sister. Now her sister and her mate have two children and one on the way. They are happily married and still lived and helped out as much as they could within the pack. I looked up at Brie and thanked her for telling me. I couldn't keep my eyes off of my mate. 

She was finally all mine.