
Bonded at Midnight

Aislinn Wilds a newly turned 18 year must endure the The Lunar Moon Celebration and the Lunar Games. The Lunar Games involve the Silver Alder Pack being allowed to choose their mates. Each female are dressed in a white and gold silk dress and a black satin blindfold placed over their eyes. Each wolf is destined to be with one person for their entire lives and these Games allow them to find their mates easier. When Aislinn gets mated with the future Alpha Cian Pierce who will her world be turn upside down? Who will she react when she is ripped away from everyone and everything she knows to live with the pack? Will she accept the future alpha? "Stroke of Midnight, Everything Changes

Cait_12_Shaffer · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3. Time is Ticking

"Not all Monsters do Monstrous Things~ Lydia Martin"

{Aislinn's Point of View} 

I stood beside my deartháirs when a strong and inviting scent filled my senses. I looked over to see a very handsome male being held back by another handsome male. The scent coming from the male being held back was intoxicating. The scent smelled of peppermint and fresh falling rain. Why was I smelling this? I questioned myself but I rather not know the answer. I watch the two males leave and I looked down. Why would I care about this male? I dont even know his name. The evening was going by slowly and I just wanted to get it over with it. I wanted to know who I would be stuck with for the rest of the night or would I be sent to live a normal mundane life. 

After four hours of waiting in the cold the bells ranged out 11 o'clock. All the partakers were soon pulled away one by one from their families to make their ways to the old library where the games take place. Each female would be lined up one by one in a line. The final step was to put on the blindfolds and stand for the hour wait. I looked at my entire Muintir for the possible last time as I was pulled away by a large male in all white clothing and a long flowing cloak. I was lead to the library and stood in the line of other nervous females. The entire atmosphere changed when the blindfold went over my eyes. My senses got insanely stronger but than got dulled when a freezing cold gust of wind passes by. I shiver at the coldness of the wind. Whoever's sick joke it was to put females in dresses during March while it is snowing is fucking insane. 

I wasn't allowed to hug myself or even move my arms from my side to bring myself some sort of warmth. The hour was passing by incredibly slow and I was shaking from the cold. My nerves were overflowing and the cold wasn't helping. I couldn't think about anything else than the horror of what it would be like if I got chosen. The pure thought alone sent a tear falling down my cheeks. Never being able to see my Muintir again, not being able to see my cairde again brought even more heartbreaking thoughts. More tears fell but never got any further than the bottom of the mask. 

I could tell all the other female's that I stood beside all felt the same way that I did. I could actually hear the female standing next to me crying over the thought of being mated to a monster who's only want is to reproduce or have meaningless sex. No wolf could never love a mundane and that was just fact. Wolves were heartless bloodlust driving creatures who were cursed to take form of a beautiful male. I began to get angry that this is the deal that was chosen. Terrified and shaking 30+ females all standing in skin tight dresses with blindfolds covering their eyes. Their entire lives would be changed the minute they get chosen. We were all just sex objects for the wolves to play with. The anger began to rise through my body as I convinced myself that the moment if I was chosen I would reject my chooser. I would hurt them before they got the single chance to ever hurt me or even touch me. I wasn't going to be some werewolfs sex object for them to use whenever they are horny. This isn't going to be the way I live my life hell no. 

I stood in the line now warmed by the anger that was inside waiting anxiously for the werewolves to get there. I wasnt shaking any more from the cold or from the nerves. I kept repeating what I would do if I get chosen making myself believe that I could do it and I wouldn't back out no matter what happened. I wasn't going to let this sick and twisted game decide my fate and pick what my future will be. I am in control of my life and what my future will look like.  Not some twisted fake goddess and not some pesky, self centered werewolves or the town mayor who was a sick pervert for allowing these games to happen every year. He should have ended this sick tradition and break off the treaty with the pack. We don't need their protection and families don't deserve to be torn apart like this. Fathers shouldnt have to go to bed hating themselves for not stopping their daughters being taken away. Mothers shouldn't be going to sleep crying and holding their daughters pillows to their chest missing their daughters. It was all sick and I wasn't going to let that happen to me or to my Muintir. I wasn't going to allow this to happen. 

Now came down to the truth, the clock strikes Midnight and the loud footsteps of many werewolves could be heard approaching. I pushed down the nervousness in my chest and shaked off the scared thoughts. I was determined to reject my mate but they say actions are stronger than words. The scent once again hit me. The peppermint and fresh falling rain filled my nose and almost washed away my entire plan. What in the hell? How did a single scent nearly wash away my thoughts and make me want to know who it belonged to? I asked myself but I didn't want to know the answer. I tried to pull back my plan and my confidence but they were to far out of reach. 

I could hear the cries and begs of the females around me as they all got chosen. It felt like forever of me standing there and lost in my own thoughts. I couldn't tell what time it was but it couldn't have been any longer until 3am and this will all end. I was pleading that the bells would ring but before they could the intoxicating smell was now in my face. Hot minty breath hit my face and a single word filled my thoughts and bringing my knees to the ground and tears to fall down my face. 
