
Bonded at Midnight

Aislinn Wilds a newly turned 18 year must endure the The Lunar Moon Celebration and the Lunar Games. The Lunar Games involve the Silver Alder Pack being allowed to choose their mates. Each female are dressed in a white and gold silk dress and a black satin blindfold placed over their eyes. Each wolf is destined to be with one person for their entire lives and these Games allow them to find their mates easier. When Aislinn gets mated with the future Alpha Cian Pierce who will her world be turn upside down? Who will she react when she is ripped away from everyone and everything she knows to live with the pack? Will she accept the future alpha? "Stroke of Midnight, Everything Changes

Cait_12_Shaffer · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2. The Lunar Games

"Stroke of Midnight, Everything Changes"

{Future Alpha Cian Pierce's Point of View}

Tonight was finally the night of the Lunar Games which means I will finally see her again and this time I will be able to claim her. Last year I had seen her with a elder woman. She was too young to enter the games but I knew instantly that she was my mate. Her beautiful scent still filled my head. The way she looked under the moonlight made my jaw drop. She was beyond beautiful and tonight I get claim her as my mate.

The thought of seeing her again and this time being able to claim her made my skin burn for her touch. Me and my wolf Kilo were constantly on edge thanks to her being underage. It's brutual on a wolf to find their mate and not be allowed to claim them. The mating season was extremely painful to go through. I had to take all my sexual frustration out on the unmated she-wolves but they loved every single bit.

I looked up from my train of thought to the clock that showed it was 9:00 and I would have to leave soon to head to the town. I groaned to myself and began to get dressed following the strict dress code for the celebration. Once I was dressed I couldn't help but wonder what she will look like all dressed up and blindfolded. My thoughts were soon drowned out by the voice of my wolf saying "imagine what she will look like all naked and under us panting and moaning our names. I want to mate with her as soon as I claim her. " I chuckled softly at him but rolled my eyes at the same time. I responded back to my horny wolf by saying "Kilo think about it, make her wait and suffer through the bonding period. Where we will occasionally make her horny and do nothing about it. Make her feel what we felt the entire first year after we saw her. Make her beg us to mate with her. " I could tell Kilo was thinking this over. After the long silent pause Kilo agrees to the plan and I smirk to myself in the mirror. I finished getting dressed before walking out of my room and down the hallway.

Ashton my future beta and best stood outside his own door with a smug look on his face. I soon stood right in front of him and he looked at me and said smirking "you really think your gonna be able to withhold sex when your mate is around? Cian you barley managed to withstand the mating season. The bonding period is going to be much more intense because she will be in a constant state of arousal. Each day it becoming stronger and stronger. "

I looked at him and thought for a moment. He had a point the bonding period was more intense and if I didn't mate her within that week another wolf would. I sighed as I looked at Ashton and said "you have a point but she needs to feel what I have been feeling for a entire year. The first three days I will make her arousal worse. On the fourth or fifth day I will mate with her and mark her as my mate. " Ashton shakes his head but looks at me before saying "just keep Kilo in line, we both know he is a horny fuck and will do what he wants to mate with her and mark her as his. " Before I could respond a laughter from behind me interuppted my train of thought. I turn and see the laughter coming from the future Delta Isaac Wilder.

We all three walked down the staircase and getting the respect all the wolves in the pack had to give us. As we passed each wolf they bowed their heads in respect. We three made our ways outside. A long line of black SUV's were all parked waiting on us. I heard the sound of my father and looked over seeing him talking to Beta William and Delta Jacob. He looked at me and nods his head. Out of pure respect for my father and my alpha I nod my head back before climbing into the car. The door was soon shut and we made our way towards the town.

~45 minutes later~

I stepped out of the car to be greeted by the mouth watering smell of sweets. I breathed in deeply and sighed in content at the smells around me. Some other sort of smell much more mouthwatering filled my nose and began to intoxicate me. I looked over and I saw her. My beautiful mate wearing a tight flowing dress. It hugged all her beautiful curves and made her beyond beautiful. I found myself staring at her. Her curled caramel hair fell like waves over her back. Her emerald green eyes sparkled but there was something off. I wasn't just picking up her scent. Oh no I was picking up a males scent as well. I looked at her and noticed a jacket that is too big to be hers covering her shoulders. It reaked of another male and it sent my wolf into a fit of rage. He was thrashing around trying to be let out.

I felt the firm grip of Ashton grab my shoulder and begin to pull me away. I glared back towards her direction wanting to kill every male that looked at her. I mostly wanted to kill the male that had his scent all over my mate. I pushed Ashton off of me once she was out of my sight. I looked at him and calmed myself down enough to not phase and risk being punished. I sighed softly and looked at Ashton and said "this is going to be way harder than I thought it would" He nods his head to my remark and we stood waiting for the grand clock to strike Midnight so we can claim our mates and make our way back home. I sighed deeply as time was going to move by slowly just to tease and punish me. Kilo growled with want for his mate.

With time moving this slow we all knew this is going to be a very long night that we can't wait to be over with.