

Cathryn Woods was a Fine Arts student, who joined a Tattoo Design Contest, in which her best friend, her model, failed to show himself on that fateful day at the event. Desperate for the winner's cash prize so that she could pay for her school fees at an Art University, she convinced (well 'convince' is rather an understatement), a random guy at the beach she found to be her model instead. Her model turned out to be Alexander, a playboy who was the lead vocalist of a rising teenage boy band, and is it a coincidence that they go to the same university? Their flirty conversations and humorous banter also made their mutual like for each other bloom. Things will take into a serious turn when the redhead realized she fell hopelessly in love for the first time and with a player nonetheless, whom she met last summer. Will she be brave enough to risk herself in the name of love? Even auditioning as a supporting vocalist for the band just so she could always be near Alexander? What will Cathryn do if she knew that one of the band members had also caught the love bug for her? Messy love triangles are fun, yes, but Cathryn wished she could turn back time and hadn’t taken it to heart because the games can easily get brutal. YUMMY EXCERPT: updates every other day "Shut the fuck up, will you?" Alexander opened the book and picked another paragraph to read. "The urge to have sex is excruciating if you attempt to deny it. You don't want to be sleeping in my bed when it hits." He arched his eyebrows. "Understand what I'm hinting at?" "Why didn't you tell me you loved this kind of story?" Alexander bit his lip and his hooded eyes regarded her. "I could just tell you stories instead of you reading them for hours." "Based on your experience, huh?" She blurted it out before she could stop herself. Cathryn blushed furiously. Embarrassed, she tried to distract him from reading it. "Give that book back." Alexander continued like the infuriating fucker he is. "Oh yeah. Sweat broke out all over her body, imagining him super horny and determined to have sex with her. The idea didn't horrify her." Cathryn grasped the book from his hands but Alexander kept on raising it higher. She jumped, almost taking hold of the cover but Alexander had pushed her shoulder away in an attempt to stop her from getting the book back. She pushed him harder, kicking him with her shoes and they both fell on the couch, jerked out of balance. Alexander had instinctively wrapped his hands around her tiny waist to keep her from falling on the floor while Cathryn's hands were on his shoulders, moving to his chest. They stared wide-eyed at each other before Alexander's gaze transfixed on her mouth and one of his hands moved to caress her back with his fingers. "By the way, your best friend told me that you wanted to tell me something." He held her a moment, his hands on her body and his face a glowing heat onto hers.

Parisian_Moon · Teen
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72 Chs


"Do you want them out of the apartment then?"

Her back straightened, and her shoulders squared.

"No." She said abruptly but she also wanted to say 'yes' desperately.

She continued with false calm as she pointed at the gift basket on display at their kitchen table, "I don't want to be rude when they brought a lot of stuff—even a basket of pineapples. What would I do with those?"

"Maybe, there was some kind of meaning to it." Edward rubbed his chin as they both stared at the pineapples.

Gift baskets are often sent for special occasions—such as holidays—or as a thank-you or congratulations gift.

What event was there to celebrate?

Cathryn didn't invite them.

Mild Savagery invited themselves in their apartment.

Edward and Justin were good hosts since they didn't turn them down when they showed up at their doorstep unannounced.

It was fine but she had to suffer because of her room mates' generosity.

Cathryn didn't even know why they were here.

As if there was an imaginary light bulb in his head, Edward brightened up as if he had figured out the missing piece of the puzzle.

He grinned slyly as he repeatedly tapped a finger on her shoulder. "If you eat or drink pineapple, I heard it will taste good."

Cathryn almost stepped backward, her eyes widening in surprise then narrowed suspiciously at her best friend, "What do you mean it will taste good?"

"You," Edward whispered, smirking.

"What?" She said it out loud and she glanced around the kitchen, making sure that nobody was around to hear their conversation.

Cathryn lowered her voice, steeping closer to Edward. "Blake must have bought them as a joke."

Edward replied as he stared at the direction of the living room as if any minute by now, Blake would materialize beside them. "But you never know, maybe he had a desire to eat you."


Now they were talking about him behind his back.

"Stupid." Blushing, Cathryn slapped his chest playfully and squeezed his elbow in disapproval. "Don't put dirty thoughts in my head, Edward."

He chuckled as he flicked her nose. "Then get your head out of the gutter."

"I was supposed to sleep but I tried earlier. I couldn't when Alex kept on distracting me." Cathryn once again glanced over her shoulder in case Alexander was behind them, eavesdropping.

She mentally face-palmed when she remembered the moment Alexander uncovered an unfinished painting of him in her bedroom.

Cathryn didn't even expect that the guy would find it.

It was crazy.

She didn't even imagine that Alexander was there in her room and both of them were alone in there.

Never in her wildest imagination and now it happened in real life.

When she created the painting, Cathryn had trusted that if she put her feelings in the canvas it would dull her memory of Alexander last summer: from a longing ache in her heart until it was just nothing.

Instead, Alexander remained along the edges of her consciousness, like the ghost of a painting that shadowed the wall long after the canvas had been put away in some forgotten attic.

The passion between them had been hot and demanding, as powerful as a force of nature and even more destructive but Cathryn never believed in love or the concept of happily-ever-after.

Whatever she felt for Alexander would ruin her in the long run.

She didn't have a desire to get played by a player.

Cathryn drove her thoughts of Alexander away as she clenched her fists in annoyance, continuing, "I should have asked you to punch my lights out so that I could be unconscious."

Edward guffawed at that, clutching his stomach and wiping happy tears in his eyes.

"Wait." When Edward calmed down and recovered from the joke, he strode towards the cupboard to get some wine glass, popped the cork, poured some wine, and handed it to her. "Here, drink this and it will help you relax. It wouldn't give you a headache, trust me."

Cathryn was tired but she needed to sleep.


She was willing to do anything.

"Is this your cure for insomnia?" She sniffed the wine to take its distinctive aroma, gently swirled them into her wine glass, and took a sip.

She let it roll around her tongue for a moment, taking some time to assess the intense flavor. "I think I like this."

"If you still can't sleep, stuff food into your mouth and go into another food coma," Edward said. "Like what you did earlier."

Cathryn sighed heavily, "Yeah, I was almost asleep that was why I didn't want to move but when Mild Savagery arrived, it was already rowdy in the living room."

"Edward assured her. "You will sleep better."

Cathryn shook her head as she drank the remaining contents of her wine before grimacing at the spicy, tangy taste, "Right. I would die from indigestion and I wouldn't be able to wake up."

She proceeded towards the kitchen counter and placed the empty wine glass carefully on the sink.

Cathryn turned to look at Edward as he leaned on the kitchen table.

Edward arched his eyebrows questioningly after they stared at each other blankly for seconds.

"I should go outside, you know, get some fresh air." Cathryn blurted the idea out.

She didn't want to stay in here for too long, the loud beats from the speakers getting in her head felt like it would give her seizures. "I will walk to the park for a while."

"Alone?" Edward asked, his grey eyes filled with worry. "It's already dark."

"I like long walks."

"Interesting." Edward said sarcastically, "You hate exercising."

"I need to clear my head out." Cathryn rushed out of the kitchen and hollered at Edward as he started to prepare more food and drinks for the guests. "I will be back in thirty minutes."