
BNHA: Support Course Fem Izuku

Okay so I never saw anyone write something like this story, so I said why don't I do the job, so here we are, also I suck at description don't mind me. what if, what if female Izuku was the twin sister of Katsuki Bakugou!! But here is the twist!! She doesn't want to be a hero! She wants to be a support hero!! She always loved building things and machines!! Honestly, this story doesn't follow a particular timeline, it's just a fluffy story about Izuku and her crazy creations! If you are interested you can check it out!! Disclaimer: I do not own MHA or any characters I do own the cover and the photos I'm using though

DepressedOnLife · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: Blastey Breakthroughs

As the dust settled and the class caught their breath, they noticed Izuku standing off to the side, her shoulders slumped in disappointment. Concerned, Momo approached her.

"Izuku, what's wrong? You were amazing out there!" Momo said, her voice filled with admiration.

Izuku let out a sigh, her expression downcast. "I'm just... a little disappointed with Blastey. It still needs more work. This was just the beta version, you know?"

The class stared at her in disbelief, their eyes widening. "Wait, that was just the beta version?!" Denki exclaimed, his jaw-dropping.

"Are you serious? Blastey wiped out the entire city, and it was just a beta?" Mina added, her voice filled with incredulity.

Izuku nodded, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Yeah, it still has some kinks to work out. But trust me, the final version will be even more spectacular!"

The class exchanged glances, unable to comprehend the sheer power and destruction they had witnessed from a weapon that was supposedly not even at its full potential. The shock on their faces morphed into a mixture of awe, fear, and a newfound respect for Izuku's engineering skills.

Aizawa, who had been observing from a distance, approached the group, with a raised eyebrow. "Blastey, huh? Quite the name for such a formidable device."

Power Loader, unable to contain his excitement, joined the conversation. "Aizawa, you have no idea! Blastey is just the beginning! It's going to revolutionize the support hero industry!"

Aizawa sighed, resigning himself to the chaotic nature of his students and their inventions. "I suppose I should have expected nothing less from the Explosive Siblings."

Meanwhile, Izuku remained in her corner, pouting with crossed arms. "It's not good enough yet. I need to improve it."

Katsuki, unable to resist his sister's adorable pout, approached her with a smirk. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, Izuku. Blastey was already impressive. We'll work on it together and make it even better."

Izuku's pout softened as she looked up at her brother, a small smile forming on her face. "Thanks, Kat. I guess I just wanted it to be perfect."

The class watched the exchange, a mix of amusement and confusion evident on their faces. The idea that Blastey, which had decimated an entire city, was merely a beta version left them dumbfounded. They couldn't help but marvel at the boundless potential of Izuku's inventions and the Explosive Siblings' partnership.

And so, as the class dispersed, the talk of Blastey and its incredible power echoed through the halls of UA, leaving everyone to wonder just what the final version would be capable of.

As the days went by, Izuku and Katsuki continued to fine-tune Blastey, their shared excitement fueling their determination. The class couldn't help but overhear their conversations about schematics, upgrades, and potential improvements. It became a common sight to see the Explosive Siblings huddled together, discussing the next iteration of the powerful weapon.

One afternoon, Izuku burst into the classroom, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She practically dragged Katsuki by the arm, who begrudgingly followed along.

"Guess what, everyone? We've made some breakthroughs with Blastey!" Izuku exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

The class perked up, their curiosity piqued. They gathered around Izuku and Katsuki, eager to hear the latest developments.

"Tell us, Izuku! What's the big news?" Ochaco asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Izuku took a deep breath, barely containing her excitement. "We've implemented an enhanced propulsion system and upgraded the energy output. Blastey's power has been amplified significantly!"

The class erupted into a mix of awe and disbelief. "Seriously? How much stronger can it get?" Tsuyu asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Izuku beamed, her enthusiasm infectious. "Oh, it can get much, much stronger! We're talking about double the explosive power, increased precision, and better control."

The class exchanged amazed glances, struggling to comprehend the sheer force that Blastey would possess in its enhanced form. They knew better than to underestimate Izuku's engineering prowess, but the extent of the improvements was beyond their imagination.

Aizawa, who had been observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but shake his head in bemusement. "I should have known better than to expect a calm and uneventful day with these two around."

Power Loader, always eager to join the conversation, stepped forward with a mischievous grin. "You all have no idea! Blastey is going to blow your minds! Literally!"

Aizawa groaned and rubbed his temples, silently questioning his career choices. Meanwhile, Vlad King watched the proceedings with a mixture of amusement and pride. He knew that Blastey was just the beginning of Izuku's journey as a support hero.

Izuku's eyes sparkled with determination as she looked at her classmates. "You're all going to witness the true power of Blastey soon. And don't worry, we'll make sure to use it responsibly."

The class nodded, a mix of excitement and trepidation coursing through their veins. They couldn't wait to see what Blastey version 2.0 would bring, even if it meant more chaos, destruction, and the occasional scolding from their teachers.

Class 1-A and 1-B stared at the twins with horrified gazes, it's been only mere minutes and now the fake city or which was a city once was destroyed... The damage blastey did was greater than last time.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, Aizawa's stern gaze fell upon Power Loader, who was still jumping around in excitement. Aizawa crossed his arms and approached the jubilant hero support course instructor with a raised eyebrow.

"Ahem, Power Loader," Aizawa began, his voice laced with an undertone of irritation. "Care to explain what exactly you've been teaching Izuku? And perhaps why you're behaving like an overgrown child?"

Power Loader paused mid-jump, his eyes wide with innocence as he turned to face Aizawa. "Oh, come on, Aizawa! Lighten up! We were just having some explosive fun!"

Vlad King, trying to stifle a chuckle, chimed in. "Yes, Aizawa, haven't you heard? Power Loader is the master of boom-boom techniques."

Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Master of boom-boom techniques? Is that even a legitimate teaching method?"

Power Loader shrugged, unbothered by the questioning. "Well, explosions are an important part of the hero world, you know! Gotta embrace the chaos!"

Meanwhile, Present Mic couldn't help but join in on the comedic banter. "Ah, yes, chaos, destruction, and childish instructors. Truly the epitome of hero training!"

Aizawa shot a stern glance at Present Mic before redirecting his attention back to Power Loader. "Power Loader, I hope you realize the importance of teaching responsibility and control alongside explosions."

Power Loader waved a dismissive hand, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Of course, of course! But where's the fun in responsibility without a little chaos, eh?"

As the teachers engaged in their playful exchange, Izuku and Katsuki exchanged a knowing glance, trying their best to stifle their laughter. Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her explosive antics, even if it meant enduring the scolding of her teachers.

During the comedic chaos, Momo approached Aizawa, a smirk playing on her lips. "Sensei, if Power Loader is the master of boom-boom techniques, does that mean you're the master of sleeping techniques?"

Aizawa shot Momo a deadpan look. "Momo, you're dangerously close to detention."

Momo chuckled, not fazed by the threat. "Fair enough, sensei. But in all seriousness, Izuku's explosions are impressive, don't you think?"

Aizawa's stern expression softened ever so slightly as he glanced at the aftermath of Blastey's destructive display. "Impressive indeed, Momo. But I hope she channels that power and enthusiasm responsibly."

Power Loader, overhearing their conversation, chimed in with a cheeky grin. "Responsibility? Pfft, that's overrated! Explosions are the way to go!"

Aizawa groaned, his patience wearing thin. "Clearly, we have a lot of work to do in shaping the minds of our hero support course instructors."

The class burst into laughter, the tension dissolving into lighthearted banter. Even Aizawa couldn't help but crack a small smile amidst the chaos. After all, it was moments like these that made their training experiences memorable, even if they involved explosive and childish instructors

Izuku's eyes widened with determination as she clenched her fists. "But it's still not enough! Blastey can be even stronger! I won't settle for anything less!"

Her outburst startled her classmates, who took a step back, wide-eyed and fearful. The once-excited atmosphere turned tense as they exchanged worried glances.

"Um, Izuku, maybe we should take a step back and think this through," Iida suggested, his voice laced with concern.

But Power Loader, never one to shy away from chaos, stepped forward, grinning from ear to ear. "That's the spirit, Izuku! Always aiming for greatness! Let's see just how far we can push the limits of Blastey!"

The class turned to Power Loader, their expressions a mix of disbelief and astonishment. Aizawa simply sighed, realizing that there was no stopping this train of explosive ambition.

Izuku's determination ignited once again as she smiled at Power Loader, her frustration subsiding. "You're right, Power Loader! We can make Blastey even more incredible! We'll work together and create the ultimate support hero weapon!"

As the class watched Izuku and Power Loader eagerly discussing their plans, they couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and awe. They were witnessing the birth of something extraordinary, but they also knew it meant more explosions, more chaos, and more raised eyebrows from the faculty.

And so, with Izuku's unwavering determination and Power Loader's enthusiastic support, the journey to push the limits of Blastey continued. The rest of the class could only brace themselves for what lay ahead, knowing that wherever the Explosive Siblings went, chaos and explosions were sure to follow.

UA High School would never be the same again, and the heroes-in-training of Class 1-A could only hope to survive the explosive adventures yet to come.

And so, as the dust settled and the teachers attempted to regain control over the situation, Power Loader continued to cheer and revel in his own explosive world, unfazed by the questioning gazes. The comedic chaos would forever be etched in the memories of Class 1-A and 1-B, a reminder of the unique and sometimes unconventional journey they were on.