
BNHA: Support Course Fem Izuku

Okay so I never saw anyone write something like this story, so I said why don't I do the job, so here we are, also I suck at description don't mind me. what if, what if female Izuku was the twin sister of Katsuki Bakugou!! But here is the twist!! She doesn't want to be a hero! She wants to be a support hero!! She always loved building things and machines!! Honestly, this story doesn't follow a particular timeline, it's just a fluffy story about Izuku and her crazy creations! If you are interested you can check it out!! Disclaimer: I do not own MHA or any characters I do own the cover and the photos I'm using though

DepressedOnLife · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 12: MindMapper

In the weeks that followed, Izuku disappeared into her workshop once again, engrossed in a new project that she claimed would be mind-blowing. The class eagerly awaited her return, their curiosity reaching new heights.

Finally, the day arrived when Izuku emerged from her workshop, holding a small device in her hand. She looked at her classmates with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.

"Presenting the MindMapper !" Izuku declared, her voice filled with excitement.

The class leaned in, their anticipation growing. What could this new invention possibly do?

Izuku activated the MindMapper , and a holographic projection sprang to life before their eyes. It was a vivid and immersive virtual reality simulation, transporting anyone who entered its field of influence into a digital world of limitless possibilities.

The class gasped in awe as they saw the vibrant landscapes, fantastical creatures, and intricate challenges that the MindMapper could create. It was like stepping into a whole new realm, a world where their imaginations could run wild.

Katsuki, usually skeptical of his sister's creations, couldn't help but be impressed. "Damn, Izuku, this is... actually pretty cool."

Izuku beamed at her brother's praise. "Thanks, Katsuki! I thought it would be a fun way for us to train and explore new scenarios together."

The class couldn't contain their excitement as they took turns stepping into the virtual reality world created by the MindMapper . They battled powerful villains, traversed treacherous terrains, and even enjoyed moments of relaxation in serene virtual landscapes.

But as with any of Izuku's creations, there had to be a twist. Unbeknownst to the class, Izuku had programmed hidden surprises and comedic elements within the virtual reality simulations.

As Kirishima attempted to defeat a formidable enemy, the villain suddenly transformed into a dancing, singing cartoon character, leaving Kirishima momentarily stunned before bursting into laughter.

Uraraka, who had been exploring a serene meadow, suddenly found herself surrounded by a herd of mischievous virtual rabbits that started playfully stealing her belongings. She chased after them, a mix of frustration and amusement on her face.

Meanwhile, Todoroki, who had been engrossed in a strategic battle, found himself in a virtual snowball fight against a group of penguins that threw snowballs with surprising accuracy. He couldn't help but join in the laughter as he returned fire.

Izuku watched the antics of her classmates with pure delight, her laughter mingling with theirs. This was exactly the kind of joyful chaos she had envisioned.

Aizawa, who had been observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the commotion. "Bakugou, I hope this invention of yours has some practical use as well."

Izuku nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Aizawa-sensei! The MindMapper can also be used for training and analyzing quirk techniques, as well as enhancing strategic thinking and teamwork."

Aizawa grumbled something under his breath, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He couldn't deny the unique and valuable potential that Izuku's invention offered.

And just as the excitement began to die down, Izuku approached Aizawa and whispered, "Don't worry, Mr. Aizawa, I didn't forget about you. There's a special surprise for you in there – a cat kingdom!"

Aizawa's eyes widened for a moment before he regained his composure. He looked at Izuku with a mix of amusement and curiosity. "A cat kingdom, you say?"

Izuku nodded, still grinning mischievously. "Yes, a virtual realm filled with fluffy cats, endless catnip, and cozy napping spots. I thought it would be the perfect place for you to relax and unwind."

Aizawa's stern façade cracked, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, Izuku, I suppose I'll have to give it a try. But don't think this excuses any misbehavior, got it?"

Izuku laughed and saluted. "Yes, sir! I promise the cat kingdom will be the purr-fect escape for you!"

As the class continued to immerse themselves in the mind-blowing world of the MindMapper, laughter echoed through the training arena, and Izuku's inventive spirit brought a sense of joy and camaraderie to Class 1-A like never before.

As the days went by, the MindMapper became a regular part of Class 1-A's training routine. Izuku would create new simulations for her classmates to explore, each with its own unique challenges and surprises.

One day, she unveiled a simulation set in a bustling cityscape, complete with towering skyscrapers, busy streets, and countless NPCs (non-player characters) going about their daily lives.

The class eagerly stepped into the virtual world, ready to take on whatever Izuku had prepared for them. But little did they know that this time, Izuku had added a touch of comedic chaos to the mix.

As soon as they entered the simulation, they found themselves transformed into peculiar characters. Kirishima had become a hulking muscle-bound hero with a voice like a radio announcer, while Uraraka had sprouted wings and a beak, resembling a bird-human hybrid.

Todoroki, always composed and serious, found himself with a set of exaggerated facial expressions, his emotions displayed vividly for all to see. And Katsuki, much to his dismay, had been transformed into a tiny chibi version of himself, complete with oversized eyes and a high-pitched voice.

The class burst into laughter at their ridiculous appearances, but there was no time to waste as the simulation presented them with their first challenge—a runaway parade float wreaking havoc in the city streets.

As they attempted to stop the rampaging float, the comedic twists continued. Kirishima's booming voice startled the float's driver, causing him to swerve wildly and crash into a giant inflatable mascot, sending it soaring through the air.

Uraraka's newfound wings proved to be quite unruly, flapping at the most unexpected moments and causing her to fly off course. She tried her best to regain control, but her wobbly flight path made for an entertaining sight.

Todoroki's exaggerated expressions added another layer of hilarity. Every time he used his quirk, his face contorted into expressions of surprise, determination, and even confusion. It was like watching a living emoji trying to save the day.

And poor Katsuki, in his chibi form, struggled to be taken seriously. His explosive quirk had become miniature blasts, producing cute little sparks instead of the usual fiery explosions. It was a bizarre sight to behold, and the contrast between his fierce personality and adorable appearance only added to the amusement.

Despite the comical challenges they faced, the class didn't let their appearances hinder their determination. They worked together, using their quirks and newfound abilities to overcome obstacles and bring the runaway parade float to a halt.

As the simulation came to an end, the class stood together, breathless from laughter and exhilaration. They couldn't thank Izuku enough for creating such a unique and entertaining experience.

Izuku, beaming with pride, approached Aizawa, who had been observing the chaos with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "Mr. Aizawa, what did you think of our city adventure?"

Aizawa chuckled and shook his head. "I must admit, Bakugou's chibi form was quite the sight to behold. But I can't deny that your creations bring a certain energy to the class. Just... try to keep the chaos under control, okay?"

Izuku nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, Mr. Aizawa! Chaos with a purpose!"

And so, Izuku's inventive spirit continued to astonish and amuse Class 1-A. With each new creation, she brought laughter, excitement, and a renewed sense of camaraderie to her classmates, reminding them that even in the world of heroes, there was always room for a little bit of fun.