
BNHA: My Angel

The beginning was in Qingqing, China. The manifestation of the superpowers which will be soon known as' Quirks'. The society, which grew accustomed to the supernatural, became one of superhuman what's with more than 80% of its population having special abilities. To maintain order within such society, heroes stepped into the spotlight, bringing forth a new profession that wasn't but a dream in the past. Now, trying to find themselves within such world, Shirogane Sora and Seijin Yuu, two high schoolers who thrive to become heroes one day, aim for the most famous diligent school, UA's, hero course. With one trying recklessly to uncover the mysteries shrouding a loved one's loss and the other fixating on protecting their friend no matter the cost, they didn't expect to be shoved out to action too soon... Copyright Disclaimer: ~Boku no Hero Academia's characters and plot belong to Horikoshi Kohei. I only own my characters and the plot twists added to fit them in. Note that this story is weekly updated. A note for all potential readers; this story is drafted till the end of season 6, so hopefully there will be no hiatus OwO

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Final Exams Are Coming

The next day started off with a rather interesting announcement. " During summer vacation, we'll have a training camp in the woods!" Aizawa told them.

The news was welcomed with delight and joy. Everyone started listing what they wanted to do. " A camp huh? It really sounds fun! I've never gone to a camp!" Sora's eyes glistened with anticipation and elation.

" Sora-chan! You never went camping!" Uraraka rotated rather violently her hair flapped into her face.

" I really didn't have the chance to." She scratched her head, feeling a tad embarrassed.

" If we're out in nature, we will have to work under different conditions, right?" Yaoyorozu muttered in thought. Albeit it was a bit too loud that Yuu and Todoroki heard her.

" Soldiers should be flexible enough to adapt to all conditions," Whisper told them.

The chitchat lingered for a bit before Aizawa put an end to it with a rather piercing stare. The room was once more plunged into silence.

The condition to go to the camp was to pass the final exam. The penalty for failing was summer school.

" Summer school huh? I wouldn't want it." Sora laughed awkwardly, imagining she had to attend school while everyone else was enjoying themselves during the vacation.

" Well, knowing him I bet you anything his training camp will be as hellish as the summer school." The ghost sighed with an I-see-through-you kinda stare.

" I think I would prefer summer school," Yuu murmured only to have a chop on the head.

" Don't you dare say that, soldier!" Whisper's eyes grew sharper as he glared down the shrinking boy. " What you're aiming for is the top! The summer school is no option for you understood!"

" Sir! Yes sir!"


After the class, Aizawa reminded them that they had one week left before the final exams. After telling them to train both their bodies and brains well, he left. The class was thrown into commotion as Kaminari and Ashido stated that they didn't study at all for the past weeks.

" It's expected from them." Whisper sighed." Even during the midterm, they were at the bottom ranks."

" Still..." Yuu blinked at the pinkette. " Ashido-san seems cool with it."

" That's Mina-chan's personality for you." Sora smiled before glancing at the blond who was mumbling about having no time at all.

Even Tokoyami agreed with him. Koda and Sato, who were 13 and 14 respectively, pointed that midterms were easier because they had much less to study.

Mineta was happily rubbing the fact that he was 10th in rank into other people's faces. Kaminari and Ashido were fairly angry with him.

" It's a lie...!" Whisper pointed the tip of his finger at the short boy in incredulity. " He is in 10th place! Something must be wrong with the world!"

" Whisper..." Yuu tried to hush him. Like it was ever happening.

Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki tried to give the duo at the very bottom of the class some encouraging words. Yet, that seemed to have the opposite effect on Kminari seeing they were the 2nd, 5th and 6th.

" I don't think it will help them, hearing it from the top." Yuu sweat dropped.

" You're one to speak!" Cried Ashido." You're, as a matter of fact, the 3rd!"

Yuu scratched his cheek while averting his eyes, a little embarrassed. " It was by mere luck. I didn't have time to study much because of Whisper's arduous training. So I went with what we've seen in class only."

" Eh!" Kaminari shouted." And you still came in 3rd! Forget about Mineta! You're actually worse!"

" I'm sorry..." He stuttered slacking in the corner with a gloomy air all over him.

" Now you've done it, Kaminari." Sora sighed. " You made him enter his dark mode. It's been a while since I've seen him like that."

" Sora-chan, what was your rank again?" Sora blinked as the pinkette questioned her.

" 11th? Is there a problem?"

Kaminari and Ashido joined Yuu in his cranny all depressed.

" Did I say something rude?" Sora inquired the ghost by her side.

" Just that you don't give off the vibes of someone who would make it to the 11th place." Whisper shrugged with a smirk at the duo.

It was Yaoyorozu who saved them when she suggested she help them with studying. Seeing the top of their class offering her help, Ashido and Kaminari felt blessed.

" Yao-momo!"

Not just those two, but more of them headed to ask her to be their study partner. Yaoyorozu was deeply moved to see that.

" Everyone! Yes, of course!" That was by far the most energetic Sora saw the girl as she bounced off her chair. She was quite enlivened at the thought of bringing them to her house for a study session, listing a couple kinds of tea for them to pick from.

" Are there different types of tea?" Sora whirled her head to Whisper in confusion. The ghost pinched his inexistent nose bridge and sighed.

" To think you of all people don't know that."

" Never mind, the bouncy Yao-momo is cute though." Sora laughed.


As they sat for their lunch, Midoriya decided to bring the subject of the practical exam.

" It's kind of scary since I can't tell what'll be on it." Midoriya thought out loud.

" I don't think it'll be anything crazy." Stated Iida.

" I doubt that." Yuu gulped down his food. " I mean, the entrance exam, combat training and sports festival. All of them had pretty tough challenges."

" Crazy would be a better motto for this school rather than Plus Ultra." Whisper folded his arms while staring at Iida's curry.

They were still talking about the practical and written exams when someone elbowed Midoriya on the head.

" Oh, sorry. Your head was so big that I accidentally hit it." They looked up to see a boy from class B with blond hair peering down at them with a somewhat haughty complexion.

Sora recognized him as the boy who would definitely make it to Slytherin from the sports festival.

" You did that on purpose! I saw you!" Whisper shouted, a tick appearing on his forehead.

" What are you? Some kind of pet? Didn't know the busy class A had time to take one in." He derided.

Whisper's eyes sharpened and more ticks appeared on his head. " Why you-" Sora and Yuu had to restrain him.

" Anyway, I heard you guys met the Hero Killer." Iida's face was unreadable as Monoma said that. " Just like at the sports festival, you guys in class A just have to have all the attention, huh?"

Todoroki was the one who didn't bother about the boy standing by their table, chewing nonchalantly on his soba as the blond ranted on and on. His face seemed more maniac the more he talked.

" What's with this guy? His aura is... Eerie." Sora had an ungainly smile at him.

" Will he ever stop talking..." Yuu would rather make a run seeing his air.

He was put to ease when a certain orange head chopped him on the neck with the side of her hand. She caught his tray before it fell off and grasped his collar as he dropped to the ground.

" Monoma, that's not funny. Don't you know what happened to Iida?"

" Itsuka-chan?!" Sora blinked at her as they finally let go of a calmer Whisper. Still, puffs of steam could be seen blown out of his head.

" Sorry, class A. This guy's heart is just kinda, you know." She gave a rueful smile.

I've seen it... Sora kind of wished to say. Still, she thought it was better that was left unsaid.

Kendo then informed them that the practical exam would be some battle against robots, that was what an upperclassman told her. Once she said it was like cheating, Midoriya disagreed as he embarked on analyzing the possibility that gathering intel was part of the exam. Kendo was rather taken aback by his unstoppable murmurs.

" And this is another eerie aura of our own." Sora sweat dropped.

" He won't stop now. Someone must hit him." Whisper was up to it before Sora and Yuu restrained him again.

" Heh, so you're the kind of person who likes to overthink things."

Midoriya blinked at the new voice and looked up to see orange eyes staring into his. " You're funny." A girl with blond hair tied into twin tails was bouncing on the soles of her feet. Seeing how close she was, Midoriya's face went all red as he went into some defense mode.

" This is..." Iida's eyes studied the girl carefully. It seems he didn't meet her before.

" This is a student of our class, Dobutsu Ai." Kendo pointed at the girl who was still bouncing up and down on the end of her toes before squeaking with one finger pointe at Todoroki.

" I've found a hottie!"

Everyone blinked as she made for Todoroki, bouncing around him briskly. " Todoroki-kun right? I've seen you at the sports festival. You were really awesome! You're super strong. Wanna go out with me?"

" Eh!" Everyone deadpanned at how subtle she said that.

" Who... Who is this girl exactly?" Uraraka had her eyebrows twitching in wary.

" Oh, you're Uraraka-chan. You were awesome too. Too bad your opponent ended up too strong. You're kind of cute too."

Sora looked at Itsuka who sighed tiredly. " Itsuka-chan..."

" Sorry about her. It's just, this girl is too energetic and too blunt. She wouldn't hesitate to state anything that comes to mind, even if it's irrelevant."

To prove her right, Ai was talking now about Lunch Rush's cooking. How it came to the conversation is yet beyond Uraraka and the rest who sat down with stoic faces. Todoroki on the other hand was still busy with his soba. " And then and then-"

" Dobutsu-san, stop bothering the other students." A rather short plump boy with greyish hair falling to his shoulders and his bangs falling in front of his eyes, making them invisible, walked up to their table.

Someone else came!

" Gomu-kun, you're very cute today. Go out with me."


What's wrong with this kid?! Whisper's eyes were twitching a little at that.

" Everyone, I'm class B vice president, Gomu Tobio." He said with a polite bow. " I'm deeply sorry for the trouble our classmates may have caused."

Finally, a well-mannered one showed up!

" Vice president? I don't recall seeing you that much." Iida pointed his hand at the boy.

" I don't get to do much. Our Kendo-san is really the one who takes care of almost everything and everyone in our class. Namely Monoma-san and Dobutsu-san." Tobio smiled as he looked back at the orange head.

" Itsuka is like my older sister," Ai said happily, throwing her arms around Kendo's neck

" Where did that come from? Anyway, I've told you guys about the practical exam. I can't help you more so good luck."

" Oh, right. Thank you." Midoriya bowed his head gratefully at her.

" No, don't mention it."

" Are you an idiot, Kendo?" Monoma came to. " We had an information advantage! This was our chance to get ahead of the detestable Class A!"

His eyes went blank when another shop fell on the scuff of his neck. " They're not detestable!" She said dragging the boy away. Ai followed after her, jabbing Monoma's pride even more.

" Monoma-kun, you're weak."

" Then, if you excuse us, everyone." Tobio bowed before leaving after his classmates.

Iida and Midoriya sweat dropped as they stared after the lot. " Kendo-san is like the big sister of class B, huh?"

" At least there was that boy Gomu who seems to be well-mannered," Whisper stated hopefully...

Pictures for the new characters are in the comments

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