
BNHA / MHA : The Musketeer Hero

When a random John Doe wakes up in a popular fictional world where currently most of its population has developed superpowers called "Quirks", of which allowed the rise of heroes and villains. He finds himself reborn as someone who eventually will have the ability to mimic the quirks of others. This gives him the potential to be the most versatile hero ever in existence, due to the fact that he can have multiple powers at any point and can always copy more. Deciding to prove that the one who was once considered a joke character will have the last laugh and take his place as the joker of the deck. Getting stronger on his own, while still taking every chance he is presented. Might not be one for the path of nobleness, but he will follow it nonetheless. Mimicking our idols isn't enough. You have to aim above and go beyond PLUS ULTRA! And as the chivalrous swordsmen who fight for justice once said: UNUS PRO OMNIBUS, OMNES PRO UNO! AU. Harem. +18 just to be safe. *eventually synopsis might change to a less lame one ... tags may change as well. Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo.

Daichi_TBR193 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

The road of trials - part 2

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A high! Think of it as hero 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good."

The class was silent in pure awe. Though Inasa was fanboying alongside Kirishima.

Asui couldn't avoid remarking All Might's suit while Toru was just cheering the fact that he was their teacher.

All Might continued his speech while flexing like a professional bodybuilder. "Let's get into it! Today's lesson we are pulling no punches!"

"Fight training!" Bakugou cheered with his psychotic grin.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is... looking good!" The teacher pointed his finger at the moving mechanical displays that showed numbered square briefcases.

"I didn't enter U.A for wicked or selfish reasons, but to deliver salvation to others." Ibara said and I could swear I heard the sound of choral singing.

This time I know It wasn't because of damage to my eardrums, though I really wish I'm not simply hallucinating.

Actually, it seems that I was the only one that even heard the monologue from the chick with vines as hair.

Is she part of my imagination?

No! Stupid me!

"These costumes and gear are based on your quirk registrations you submitted before the school started."

Most students cheered again at that... you know, that reaction is starting to annoy me a little.

Get yourself suited up and meet me at ground beta." All Might announced while making his way towards the door, to the fake city I did my practical exam.

And so the students began picking up their respective briefcases from the mechanical display in the wall opposing the classroom door.

I picked my own and changed into my costume.

As I analyzed it, I got say, they came very close to what I had vaguely specified.

For the first layer, there was a sleeveless black jumpsuit with a light grey line around the neck and my shoulders. Some instructions informed me that it was made from a tough and flexible material.

Unfortunately the scientific specifics were beyond my comprehension.

For now at least.

Regardless, the second layer was similar to a brigandine armor that covered my chest. It came along with steel plate vambraces that protected from my elbow to the back of my hand and greaves with the same pattern in my shins.

The chest piece, had its rivets hidden under the padded layers, followed a color pattern that was blue and red with some segments being white. And with some pockets hidden all over It.

The armor around my forearms and shins were golden in color, but as requested, it wasn't shining to the point of being too impractical.

My arms and palms were exposed not just because it looked cooler, but also for practical usages of my quirk and for others that might require some exposed skin.

I don't really require much protection to be honest, pretty sure I'm almost invulnerable to regular attacks. And if not, I can always dodge or counter with a boosted punch or kick.

But all in all, I found it an acceptable first version of my hero suit. It accomplished my goal of transmitting the image of a shining knight.

Sorry Ayoyama, but I kinda stole your style. Hopefully my lack of cape and glitter will appease any qualms you might have.

Anyways, it's just a pity that I didn't receive a sword, but I guess without showing the required skill no sane adult would grant a weapon to a teenager.

So after finishing wearing the whole set, with incredible ease may I add, I made my way to leave the classroom.


We had all gathered and assembled at the ground Beta like All Might oriented.

"They say the clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen and behold! You are the proof! Take this to heart, from now on you are all... Heroes in training!"

"Hey Neito! I like your costume! A little flashy but it really fits your... body." Uraraka talked to me, not sure why she awaited this long to say that because I wasn't busy while getting here.

Wait, did she just check me out?


"Thanks infinity girl, but to be honest I'm more impressed than you. I wasn't specific with my costume design and I think they did a good job. But looking at you, I see that being a little more sure of what I want will pay off greatly." I thanked her compliment while complimenting back.

"Yeah. Y-you know me, that's just my... uh... style." She began to stutter.

I just smiled at her antics, but I noticed that All Might was giving me the thumb up.

Not sure if it's because of me talking to Uraraka or because of my subtle homage to him in my costume.

I gotta admit though, this place made me feel a little nostalgic.

Yeah, I know. Silly me.

Anyways, after All Might remarked that we all looked cool, as Iida began questioning him, he began explaining what the test would involve.

"...Most of the villains fight that you see in the news takes place outside. However, statistically speaking run-ins with the most dastardly evil villains occurs indoors. Think about it! Backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs. Truly intelligent evil stays hidden in the shadows..."

He explained that one team will play the villain role and guard a fake bomb while the ones acting as the heroes will have to defuse it before the time runs out.

And yes, he did mention the possibility of capturing the villains with tapes as another way for the heroes winning.

But to be honest, I don't think that anyone had paid any attention to that option, they just barraged him with questions before he finished explaining.

Looking around to my classmates, I began checking out the hero costumes from those that weren't part of class 1a in canon.

Seeing their expressions, I guess All Might's habit of reading scripts has already been noticed among them.

Inasa's suit appears to be a prototype from what he will eventually wear during the licensing exam. Nothing so bulky nor extravagant.

Kendo had a basic martial artist robe.

Ibara wore a white ancient style robe with interesting knee-high boots.

Yui was making her best impression of Ultraman. I wonder why though.

Awase and his baggy full body filled with bags all around him. Even though I find his costume a little lame, the dude is cool.

Kinoko in a dress plainly referring to her quirk nature. Though I see no sprays with her. I guess she still hasn't thought about it.

The tall and grim Shihai had a similar jumpsuit to mine, though he was really baggy despite his height. I guess he and the chicken of darkness will be quite good friends.

Reiko's costume consists of a white, knee-length kimono with a furred collar, dark straps around her waist and knee-high socks... and also a black mask that covers her face from the bridge of her nose down. Man, am I the only one that finds her hot? Perhaps she and shoji can relate to their admiration for Kakashi.

I observed that everyone else wore the same costumes they did in canon, though in their most basic form.

All Might then proceeded to draw lots from two boxes to randomly form groups.

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida questioned.

"Think about it. Pros often had to team up with heroes from other agencies on the fly, so maybe that's the reason we are seeing that here." I answered before All Might had the chance, I guess he didn't mind the help looking at his thumbs up.

"Yes, I see. Life is a random series of events. Excuse my rudeness." Iida reflected before bowing asking for forgiveness.

"No sweat! Let's draw!"

"Nice thinking!" Momo remarked to me, but I just winked back at her.

Team A: Ochako and Tsuyu

Team B: Inasa and Shoto

Team C: Momo and Neito

Team D: Katsuki and Tenya

Team E: Shihai and Reiko

Team F: Kinoko and Yui

Team G: Kyoka and Yosetsu

Team H: Fumikage and Shoji

Team I: Itsuka and Toru

Team J: Ibara and Eijiro

"So, I'm being paired with the number one student. Well, aren't you lucky?" Momo approached me and began speaking with a tone that oozed self confidence... and a little arrogance.

"Yeah, without a doubt. Hopefully I will make a good impression on you." I reply nonchalantly before moving to quickly shake hands with some students while wishing them luck.

The princess, my teammate, pouts a little at me not recognizing her value.

Geez, chill out girl.

All Might raised his voice again. "I declare that the first teams to fight will be..."

C and D

C team will be heroes

D team will be villains

"Everyone else can head to the monitor to watch." He concluded.

As everyone made their way to leave, I find myself in a staring competition with Lord Explosion Murder.

At my casual smile, he began to grind his teeth.

"You know, I recommend avoiding doing that. You might eventually have bruxism." I say with my condescending tone.

My advice seems to have fallen on deaf ears, because he just clenches his jaw harder.

Ok, enough fun. I approach him and offer my hand in a handshake gesture. "May the best win, wish you good luck though."

Bakugou regains his composure but leaves me hanging.

Not cool bro.

"C'mon funny boy. We have to get ready." Momo says after pulling me by my raised hand.

"As you command princess." I smile with closed eyes.

After a few minutes before the start of the simulation, All Might sent Bakugou and Iida to the bomb's location after a brief advice.

I can already picture Iida taking his words seriously.

"I've already memorized the building floor plan. How about you?" Momo stated before asking, as it seems, she took the role of leader without asking.

"Likewise." I nod casually. "We should embrace this challenge whole heartedly, remember, we are dealing with a group of villains guarding a bomb that will detonate if we don't act skillfully. That said, I will refrain from using large scale attacks, and so should you."

"Agreed. Also, don't let your guard down, classmate Bakugou obviously has a grudge to settle with you." She added. "It will be wise if we are aware of each other's quirks and specifics."

Seeing she expected me to go first, I decided to indulge her.

"Alright, my quirk contrary to what many may already be thinking, isn't strength enhancing." I know some people online theorized that she might be the traitor student, but my quirk will eventually be discovered as I began mimicking others.

And honestly, I don't buy that story thread.

"Hard to believe, not many pro heroes have quirks with the same scale of strength as you displayed during professor Aizawa test. To consider it isn't your actual quirk is almost unthinkable. So, would you mind being more clear?" She said.

"Not at all. So, I named my original quirk as COPY. It allows me to duplicate and use another person's Quirk." I explained before activating a quirk that will make her understand.

I raise my hand with my palm upwards, and I create a non-living object from my exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of my fat cells.

From what I remember, in order to create something, the user needs to understand the molecular structure of what the object is made of.

But the cool side effect from my quirk is that I also copy the users skill with the quirk, and as it happens to be, Momo knows a lot of recipes.

At first, only a small sword emanates from my hand.

Momo was about to make fun of my quirk when I picked the pencil sized longsword and activated another quirk I just recently acquired.

As I touch my fingertips together while holding the little sword, it suddenly grows to the actual size and dimension of an accurate medieval longsword.

Momo couldn't help but to gasp at my display.

"How did you do that? I recognized my quirk being used at the beginning, but I'm not able to... wait isn't that...I see, it might be a valid way of mitigating the problem I have with using my..." Momo began muttering to herself, not unlike Izuko usually does when we are discussing quirks and heroes.

I then returned the longsword to its toy-like size and stored in one of my pockets.

Trying to make my quirk hard to understand, I asked. "So, what about your quirk?"

Momo froze for a second as if trying to process the information. "Wait, you copied my quirk without knowing how it worked?"

"That's a possibility. That or I just wanna hear from the quirk's owner how great her quirk is." I replied with the charming smile that, because of its efficiency, I was already considering it as a quirk on itself.

"Oh! I-if you really want to..." And so Momo proceeded to explain her quirk.

"Now, we are about to begin the test, are you capable of creating objects in very small proportions?" I ask her.

"I... of course, if you can, I certainly can as well." Momo stuttered a little but eventually her confidence appeared.

I smiled. "Perfect, so the plan I proposed is that..."


"First match! Team C vs Team D. Begin!" All Might's voice echoed through the building.

And so we made our move.

Momo and I sneaked inside through a window and began placing every booby trap and cameras that we had created through all the first and second floor.

After she signaled to me through the radio that she had completed her part, I brought my fingertips together and received confirmation that our first step proceeded as expected.

I bet the class is already scratching their heads at my little stunt.


As I predicted, Bakugou didn't stay with Iida, and so he fell for my trap.

Ok, by my phone's message, he fell for Momo's trap.

Anyways, the blast-resistant contraption worked like a charm.

Now, It's time to get the speedster.

I touch the wall and activate another quirk.


Momo Yaoyoruzo POV

It worked!... I mean, of course it worked. The number two student is still trying to escape my trap.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

But he doesn't seem to be surrendering.

As I was checking my phone for the cameras that my teammate had planted, I noticed that I've lost track of my partner.

"Nice work!" Someone suddenly says behind me.

Before I could even raise my tranquilizer gun, a hand pats on my back.

I recognize that voice.

As I turn to look behind me, I see Neito emerging from the shadows.

"Let me guess, classmate Kuroiro quirk?" I said remembering the boy with pitch black skin.

"Precisely. Now let's finish this before Bakugou gives us some trouble. Also, the clock is ticking." He says with that alluring face.

But I questioned him. "Trouble, that thing is made to resist explosions."

Neito just smiles and says. "Oh, believe me, in those ridiculous gauntlets that resemble grenades he has quite the destructive power. Luckily, he is aware that he shouldn't use it in such confined space. But I doubt his anger won't eventually overwhelm him."

I'm not sure why, but I can't help but to trust him. And so I nod.

Neito's lower body disappears into the shadows as he then proceeds to carry me in bridal style in high velocity through the ground and walls.

As we approached the fifth floor, he then released me and made his way so that we could flank the heir of Iida's family.


Tenya Iida POV

I can't believe that Bakugou left without a plan and even though our signal stopped working since the beginning of the test.

We were supposed to be partners. Argh!

Well, at least those sounds of explosions signals that he is engaging in combat with Monoma.

Which means that Yaoyorozu will arrive soon.

If I recall correctly, her quirk allows her to create things.

I better hide this fake bomb and prepare myself to sneak attack her.

Not very heroic, but I guess that's the point of the test.

Though Bakugou definitely has a villainous side, and that's exactly what we need to succeed in this mission.


I need to temporarily devote myself to criminal intent...

Yes, I won't fail this trial and risk bringing shame down on the Iida family name.

That means...

I must now embrace evil to become a hero.

Behold! I'm the personification of villainy.

But then, I hear a sound.


The back doors, just busted open and some things have been thrown inside.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

As I predicted, Yaoyoruzu came prepared to secure the win with her tactical gadgets.

Hiding myself prevented me from suffering the effects from what appears to be flashlight bombs.


'Wait, what was that?' I questioned while turning around my hiding pillar to observe.

As I pay attention to the ground, I see some pallets spraying smoke all around the room.

'Is it just smoke? Urgh... I should have requested for filters in my suit.'

But as I was about to move away from the cloud of smoke, I suddenly felt unable to lift my right foot.

"Well, I found you villain!" Someone says from under me.

As I look downwards, I see...MONOMA'S HEAD AND HANDS?

'ARGH! My foot! It's fused with the ground?!'

"Surrender now villain!" He announced while emerging from the ground and retrieving some tape from one of his pockets.

'Wait, the capturing tape! I forgot about it! Don't tell me that's how he neutralized Bakugou!' I reflect while heating my engine to deliver a powerful kick with my left leg.

Monoma simply smiles at my action as he is immediately expelled upwards from the shadowy ground, effectively dodging my recipro burst strike.

He spins mid-air and touches me with his right hand and... is that ice? It's enveloping me!

"Alright! All villains captured! And the bomb..." Monoma stated loudly while bringing his fingertips tips together.

"The bomb has been secured!" This time is Yaoyoruzo announcing.

She is standing beside where I hid the bomb, but instead of seeing the fake bomb, I see a metallic large structure containing it.

'I see. So, I have really been outmatched.'

And so I began hearing All Might's voice.

"The hero team... WIIIINNNS!" He shouted out loud.


Neito Monoma POV

"Nice work Yaoyorozu-san! It has been a pleasure teaming up with you!" I give her a thumb up.

"The reciprocal is true as well. We make a good team don't we?...I know... you can just call me Momo..." She continues talking as I turn to unfreeze Iida.

"Hey, are you alright? You have my thanks, you were taking the simulation as serious as I was. Hope we can continue to practice together." I say while raising my hand to shake Iida's soaked hand.

"That's very sportsman-like of you, you have my respect. And do not worry, I've sustained no physical harm. But I gotta say, I wasn't aware you could do that much beyond simply strengthening yourself." Iida stood to his full height and began pondering about my quirks nature. "Ah, of course I would like to keep practicing. It will be an honor."

"That's a relief!" I say while giving him my best smile.

As I glimpsed at Yaoyorozu, I saw her pouting figure, probably because I stopped paying attention to her.

Geez, have I already said that you need to chill out?

Or was it to another girl?

Anyway, we make our way to leave the training building. And just as Momo clicked her phone to release the explosion-boy, we all heard angry shouts.

And my my, he really does have a dirty mouth. Good luck All Might, give him a really good pep talk.

And so, after a few minutes, the class was reunited in the monitoring room.

I guess it was only natural, but I received quite a lot of praise from my classmates, and some unsure looks from some of those that I mimicked the quirk during my match.

Bakugou was really quite, weird.

And Todoroki didn't seem to like that I used his mother's quirk.

Well, I guess I can't please everyone.

"Now, looking at the results, the MVP of this exercise is young Yaoyoruzo!" All Might announced.

Some puzzled faces were made among the students, including Momo.

"Sir, are you sure about that? Shouldn't have been Monoma?" She raises her hand and gives an honest question.

"Hummm! Valid question! Why didn't I choose young Monoma? Who has a guess?" He then raised his arm and struck a pose.

'Heh, sensei really doesn't know why he picked her. But I don't think he is wrong though.' I thought before mimicking his pose. "Sir I can tell you why!"

Waiting for All Might nod in permission for me to proceed I began. "Classmate Yaoyorozu immediately took the role of leader and thanks to her we came up with a well thought out plan. While I'm not ignoring my contribution to the plan execution, I have to admit that she achieved more than me. It was her trap that captured classmate Bakugou and at the end it was her that secured the bomb. Which by the way, had less than a minute to blow up."

The class got silent for a few seconds, but All Might decided to speak. "Young Monoma really has a good eye. Though you forgot minor details, I can gladly say that you nailed it! Haha!"

I can't help but to smile at my sensei antics.

"Now then, time to blow this joint! Let's move on to the next match, think about everything we saw as you tackle this training for yourself."

"Yes sir!" Most of us replied.

And so the others engaged in the simulation.

"Look alive kids! Show US the embodiment of good... or... evil... let's go!"

Team B: Inasa and Shoto (Villains)


Team J: Ibara and Eijiro (Heroes)

You know, I guess if Todoroki had paired with anyone else he would have won easily.

But Inasa, despite being as powerful as him, wasn't planning on letting him freeze the whole building without giving the heroes a chance to fight.

At the end, after a friendly battle between wind and Ice, some vines allowed passage to a charging Kirishima to reach the fake weapon.

That was a weird match.

For all intents and purposes, The Thing and Virgin Mary should never stand a chance against either of the villains alone.

But I guess this early shock will probably make both of them improve.

And from what I see besides me, it also helps Bakugou see that power alone isn't everything.

Ok, in some extreme cases power alone is enough. But without a plan, the strongest quirk will shamefully lose to a weaker one.

Next match.

Team E: Shihai and Reiko (Heroes)


Team F: Kinoko and Yui (Villains)

Again, the heroes won. The girl with the mushroom quirk might have blocked most passages with the aid of Yui enlarging her fungs.

But I can't believe they didn't remember the tactic that I used. It was almost sad seeing the pitch black student taking them out in a dark room.

I guess if Kinoko had her water sprays, or the skill to choke her targets, the match would've been a little more balanced.


Team G: Kyoka and Yosetsu (Heroes)


Team H: Fumikage and Shoji (Villains)

This time, the villains had finally won.

But I guess dark shadow is a great quirk being allowed to be used in its ideal environment.

Octopus boy made sure that they wouldn't get surprised by a sneak attack and the chicken of darkness easily blocked rockstar girl's attacks while breaking any defenses that Awase built.

Last but not least.

Team A: Ochako and Tsuyu (Villains)


Team I: Itsuka and Toru (Heroes)

Yeah, the villains won this one again.

But I gotta say, seeing big hands getting knocked out was a selfish pleasure of mine.

I know she didn't do it to me this time, nor that she was wrong in the canon, but what can I say... I am really petty.

"That's a rap! Good work! You really step up to the plate! Didn't have any major injuries, you should be proud! Excellent first day of training all around." All Might announced after everyone gathered in front of the exit gate.

"It's nice hearing some encouraging words after our homeroom class." Asui remarked. "Mister Aizawa was kind of a buzz kill."

"I'm happy to bring some staggering positivity to my dear students. So it's all for now folks, now watch how a pro exits..." And so sensei burst through the exit gate/tunnel.

'Yeah, I guess his time as Tall Might must have really been about to end.' I thought.

Then again, the students cheering like fanboys and fangirls had got really annoying by this point.

I just wanted to avoid being questioned anymore by everyone else, and so, I took off in a single powerful jump.

The surprise gasps from everyone just remembering me that I have not shown this skill yet to the class. Well, I'll cross that bridge later.

While sailing through the air, I began eating some snacks that I grabbed before coming to ground beta.

'I guess now with Yui's quirk, I can carry anything I want with me. A large supply of food and water... and also some gear.'

I look at my golden vambraces and the rest of my costume resisting the wind. 'I guess with Yaoyoruzo's quirk, I can suit up even if I'm naked and without this set close by. As a matter of fact, money stopped being a problem to me.'

I just smile thinking about the possibilities.

After some time enjoying the view from hundreds of meters above, I eventually noticed that I was losing momentum.

Seeing U.A's sight approaching, I prepared myself to make a smooth landing.

After brushing my hair and changing back to my students clothes, I make my way to wait for everybody inside the classroom.

To my surprise, Aizawa was already waiting inside, but he wasn't sleeping, he was organizing some paperwork.

'I see, good to know you are not always sleeping around.' I thought as he began to notice me.

"Smart guy, you have arrived early. Has something happened with All Might's class?" He asked, a little concerned.

"Not at all mister Aizawa, All Might's class went perfectly." I replied, approaching him.

"So, are the others almost here?" He asked while returning his attention towards the pile of papers in his desk.

"They might take a while, I took a shortcut from ground beta."

"I see... stop right there, I see what you are doing, I think I'm beginning to understand your quirk. I request that you don't touch me." He looks at me with a vague grin.

"Not sure I understand what you mean, but yes sir." I play coy as I turn to sit in my chair.

Aizawa stares at me for some seconds before returning his attention to his work, again.

I just smile.

'Reiko's quirk is just another great addition to my arsenal...'

I open my hand, in it I see a long strand of black hair.

'...just as Aizawa's will prove to be.'


After almost an hour, the rest of class arrived.

Before someone had the time to ask how I jumped so far back then, Aizawa interrupted them.

Following that, he immediately began teaching.

But I knew I was just postponing the inevitable.

During our break, some of the students approached my desk.

"Hey Neito! Have time to talk?" Kirishima was the first to talk.

"Sure! It'll be a pleasure." I replied politely.

"Haha! Man, I can't believe we have so many strong classmates." He continued.

"I can't believe there's a quirk that is capable of mimicking others. Such power." This time it was Awase speaking.

"By the way, you did a great job using my quirk during your match. Sad to say, but I think you used it better than me." Was Yui's compliment.

"You really impressed my back there, your respect for your adversaries really matched your skill in combat." Now was the tall Inasa complimenting me.

"Haha! Stop it guys! I'm very pleased to hear such kind words, but don't flatter me too much. I must praise your efforts as well, even if some of them didn't win, I see you are all open to improve and become great heroes."

"Hey, I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He introduced himself.

And so did the others.

Yui kept her poker face, but her words were kind.

Awase had already introduced himself to me yesterday, so he did to the other students. As did Inasa, though in a more enthusiastic manner than Awase did.

Even Reiko began talking, but her voice was so low I almost didn't hear her speaking.

"Tsuyu Asui, but please call me Tsuyu."

Kinoko almost surprised me when she jumped out of nowhere and introduced herself.

"A pleasure to be acquainted with everybody. Hopefully we will all grow strong and wise together. As a matter of fact, my quirk allows me to better understand you guys, so if anyone of you wishes to train together, I will be more than happy to help." I turned my charisma up to an eleven.

Befriending them might prove to be a wise move in the future.

In the background I just heard Iida shouting to Fumikage not sit on the classroom desk.

Kyoka and Kendo tried to calm him down, but Iida never relaxes.

Shihai and Uraraka had just returned from bringing us the books of judicial hero activity that Aizawa asked them to collect at the library.

"So, anyway, wanna grab a bite sometime? What kind of stuff do you like?" He asked in hopes of getting closer to her.

"Perhaps another time." She sees me receiving so much attention and rushes to approach me. "Hey, Neito, how are you doing?"

This only left Shihai very frustrated.

"Well something very special. I'm making some new friends." I smiled at her as I finished storing my miniaturized stuff into my pocket.

Before Yui commented about it, I just winked at her.

"Anyway guys, I'm really glad to talk to you all, but I gotta go." I announce politely.

We said our goodbyes, and I had to politely decline being accompanied this time.

As I walked through the halls to make my way outside, I saw that I was some floors above the entrance, so I just jumped through the window.

Falling slowly thanks to Uraraka's quirk, I landed right in front of a quiet Bakugou.

"Hey there!" I said.

"What do you want?" He replies.

"I just wanted to talk to you. Back then, after our match, I couldn't find an easy way to say this to you. Pride it's an important thing to have, as well as power, but there are plenty of things that you still need to learn. Whether one win or lose, one can always takes something away from experiences like that. As long one is open to learn."

"Ha! That's funny, All Might practically said the same thing to me! How dumb do you think I am? You may have defeated me during that simulation, so what? You wanted to rub that on my face? I know your power is really strong, but as I watched the other matches, I understood that power isn't enough to win... Crap! I even agree with what you said, I was so stupid back then... Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Argh! Enjoy that win you thief, you won't get another! I'm just getting started! Got that? I don't care even if you have All Might's quirk, I will become the undisputed number one! No matter what!"

He began wiping his tears and sidestepped me. "I will never lose to you again, so come at me with everything you got!"

But before he made it through the front gate, All Might came speaking his name loudly.

After their exchange being similar to the canon, Toshinori finally concluded that being a teacher was really hard.

Fun fact, if I paid enough attention, I could even see that Asui, Uraraka and Kinoko were spying on us from the building window.

Anyways, I hope from now on Katsuki's drive and pride will help him in becoming a better hero.

And perhaps, after losing due to a special trap, he will be more aware of falling victim to any form of restraining methods.

At the end, there I was, in front of U.A high hearing how proud All Might was of me.

And yeah, I guess despite One for All enlarging my stamina to ridiculous proportions, I still felt like taking a nap after today's events.



* Apologies for my long absence. Hope this chapter is of your liking. If there's anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

I'm almost finished writing an update chapter. In that auxiliary chapter, I plan to address some of my plans for the future of this story.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I'll correct them as soon as possible.

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