
BNHA: Martial Arts God

Getting accidentally smited by Zeus due to an argument with his wife, Ashton Grey gets reincarnated into the world of BNHA with the skills of a martial artist as he tries to do his best to have an interesting life. "I knew it... You look so much BETTER with blood all over you!" "Welcome to the Finals of the World's Martial Arts Tournament! On the red side, Japan's Ace! Japan's Genius, Jin Gohru!" "Even if I am a Quirkless nobody, can I become a hero!?" "Wait, another reincarnator? But how!?" "What are those techniques? They can break concrete like glass!" "What in the world are you, you damn cheat?!" "Who am I? I'm the God of Martial Arts, baby." BNHA X God of High School (Well mostly)

Damaine_N · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs



Just watched Avatar: The Last Airbender (Yes, I know I'm very late on the ATLA train), and god damn, bending is just so cool. Especially Fire and Earth Bending.

Plus, it gave me a lot to think about (Hint, hint: A certain someone's honestly weaker than expected Quirk), so hope that you all are excited for that.



Hands shaking, Gohru pulled his arms out of the cross as he breathed shakily. His bracers were now shattered on the floor, with a gnarly slash on both arms in a horizontal scar.

He could barely feel his hands from the numbness of the strike. The attack 100% hit bone, it may even went past the bone, he wouldn't know for now.

"Ah... World Champion..."

He hears Shigaraki say behind him as he watched the White Reaper who stood still with her hand on the hilt of her blade.

"You're stronger than I thought, you made Shiro use her Quirk too."

Feeling his presence behind him, he was about to turn when his head gets smashed into the ground.


That hardly did anything since he Tekkai-ed his face before that, but however he tried, he couldn't move at all since his arms were so fucked up. Pushing his body up using his hands were not an option now, god it hurt.

"Sensei was quite impressed with your abilities, so as a fail-safe, he modified her. Meet Shiro-1, the White Reaper.

She has the same Regeneration Quirk, along with enhanced modifications, but the coolest part is her own Quirk.

Moonlight Burst. By absorbing damage, she can release the accumulated damage to her enemies or use the energy to increase her prowess more. Perfect opponent for you, a martial artist who hits fast and hard!"

'… That's kinda overpowered, no?'

He mumbled as the Nomu crushed his head onto the ground further, causing him to groan in annoyance.

"Not so tough now, huh, World Champion?"

Shigaraki cackled as Kurogiri spoke up.

"Shigaraki, we have been ordered to capture him alive, do not kill him."

Gohru's blood ran cold at that statement.

'… Ah, shit.'

All for One wants him. That is not good.

"But not in one piece right? That means amputating is fine, right?"

Shigaraki said in glee as he walked closer to Gohru and was about to place his hand on his legs when suddenly the Nomu's hold disappeared.


Gohru raised his head up to see what had happened before chuckling.

"… What took you so long?"

The Nomu was holding back a Denji that was floating in midair, his fist deep inside the Nomu's brain.

Four Gods: Black Turtle — Flash Fist Crush.

Backing off by using his 3D Maneuver to dodge a punch from the Nomu, he lands next to Gohru and goes into a stance.

"You look like shit."

Gohru just spat out the blood in his mouth onto the floor before getting up, feeling the burn on his hands as he gets into the Basic Stance of Renewal Taekwondo.

"Surprise attack. Besides, that girly over there is OP."

He takes a good look at Shiro-1 before his eyes widened.

"Wait, she looks just like —"

Before he finished, Shigaraki starts scratching his neck in annoyance.

"Kill him, Nomu! And you! Don't just stand there, fight him you useless piece of trash!"

He yelled as the two mindless creatures moved at the command, with the Nomu targeting Denji while Shiro-1 targeted Gohru.


Frowning at his friend/mentor's injuries, he dodged another punch from the Nomu before landing an elbow strike to the face and following up with a right-legged Red Phoenix.

Four Gods: Red Phoenix.

The monster barely flinched after kicking it in the knee joints, bending it in an unusual way as it launched another right straight punch at him, but missed since a shockwave rose from the knee joint that he kicked, sending him spiraling in the air.

He had honestly thought that the Nomu was going to be hard to fight, but it has the same fighting style as All Might (Gohru suggested to watch clips of him fighting as reference if needed), Punch, then Punch.

No kicks, no technique, just raw power punches. Sure, the fist strike was fast, but after fighting against the likes of Gohru and Kenichi (That fucker was nimble as hell), he had honestly gotten used to the speeds that they fight in, and that's saying something since he was the slower one out of the three.

Ducking to the side to effortlessly dodge a hook, which power shook his surroundings, he pivots his back foot and turn his knee inward before slamming his fist into the stomach of the Nomu with all his physical strength.

Four Gods: Black Turtle.

'No need for complicated and excessive moves, just go with the basics. Foundation is the key, while Flashy Techniques are just decorations of the key.'

That was his motto when fighting. No need to learn so many techniques, just focus and refine the four main techniques to mastery level.

The Nomu was sent flying away from Shigaraki, something that he had always planned for. Once he was sure that the Nomu would not move since it was still airborne for a few seconds from his punch, he dashed at Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

The mist instantly acted at the threat, using his warp to teleport the Nomu back, but before he could even do it —



"Gotcha, you fucker!"

While he and Gohru were drawing the two's attention, he had told Bakugo and Kirishima to keep quiet until an opening arose.

Bakugo had slammed the metal cover of Kurogiri to the ground with his hands on the cover, small but threatening explosions erupting on the surface of the metal to stop it from doing anything at all.

And while Shigaraki reaches for Bakugo with his arms, Kirishima appeared with a metal slab that they found at their zone and slammed it on the wrist of the arm, causing it to miss Bakugo and made the boy falter towards Denji.

The plan and execution was almost perfect. He just did not count the mysterious variable.


Shiro-1 leaped out of nowhere behind him and slashed him in the back.


"Shit, Denji!"

Kirishima and Gohru yelled as Denji starts to fall down to the ground, causing Shigaraki to grin and start running to him so that he could decay him. With the threat neutralized, Shiro-1 turned her back towards Denji's falling body before crossing blades/fists with Gohru.

Denji was about to reach the floor, but before he did...


His right fist soared in a flash and dug into Shigaraki's gut, causing him to cough out saliva from the power behind the punch. Shiro-1 was about to intercept when Gohru, with the opening, kicks her further away from Shigaraki.

Slamming his foot down to balance himself, in a split second, Denji exhaled and quickly inhaled to get as much oxygen as he quickly placed his left hand on the bicep of his right.

Twisting the ball of his back leg and his knee inwards, he swings his hips and torso the same direction. He then starts the motion of the punch and used his major muscles in his body to move the accumulated force all the way from his legs to his torso and to his right fist.

At the very last second, he twists his right fist and left arm in parallel to generate the remaining power for the strike.

On contact, a shockwave erupted from his knuckles as Shigaraki gets flown away from the punch. Skidding on the floor, he groaned in pain with his hands clutching his stomach as Denji's head looked at Shigaraki with a maniac grin on his face, similar to a certain chainsaw hybrid's.

Standing up, he gives Shigaraki a side grin as he uttered an insult.

"Baaaaaakaa (Stupid~)."


He had covered Strong Force on his back earlier before he was struck by Shiro-1. With that damage that Gohru sustained, he had known that Gohru wouldn't have time to catch up with a Shiro-1 which first priority job was to protect Shigaraki.

He had told Kirishima earlier to come out opposite to him to slam Shigaraki's arm towards him on purpose, so that Shigaraki would focus on him instead of the two weaker students.

Strong Force, one of his most powerful manipulations in his arsenal. By manipulating the force that binds proton and Neutron together in atomic nuclei, he had tried to produce a globe of nuclear energy strong enough to break the sword on his back, but it didn't because his control with it was not good enough.

It was however good enough to let the attack hit the weak Strong Force without harming him AND destroying the sword, so he improvised and landed a big blow on Shigaraki.

Overall, it was honestly the prediction of Gohru losing that won him this exchange. Then, it was his job to finish the fight.

That technique was learned from an anime, its main protagonist used what seemed to be a palm strike that uses shockwaves to incapacitate his enemies (Future harem members too). So, learning Ki concepts from Kenichi when he was around in Japan, the base foundation of Black Turtle, and the concepts of wind pressure for the Blue Dragon, he had successfully created his version of a Ki strike.

Four Gods: Black Turtle — Force Bullet.

Now with the main Villain down and unconscious (He kicked him in the head to knock him out) and his escape tool rendered useless, Shiro-1 stopped moving, still with a firm grip on her katana as Gohru takes a few steps back with a heavy heave to his breathing.

The Nomu was nowhere to be seen too, which was perfect as Denji breathed a sigh of relief before slumping to the ground.

He thinks that Shigaraki had to keep ordering them mentally at least to some type of degree, and when he falls unconscious, they just stop their movement since there were no longer any ordered.

Clutching onto his right arm, he watches as it shakes furiously at the muscle damage done with Force Bullet. More training again...

He heard a thud from Gohru's direction before hearing a groan of pain. Thankfully, from the sound that he was emitting, he will live.

'Must be using Total Concentration Breathing to slow down the blood flow. Thank god, what would I tell Toga if he died?'

Shivering at the potential threat, he looked over at Bakugo who looked like he just ate something sweet as his grin widened once the White Reaper stopped moving and just stood.

"Keep your eyes on him, Bakugo! Blow him up if he even flinches!"

"My pleasure, sleepy-fuck!"

"Bakugo, language!"

Kirishima retorted at Bakugo with a hardened arm poking on the metal cover of Kurogiri who just laid there dejectedly. They had lost, not to All Might, the number one Hero of Japan, but to kids instead.


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