
BNHA: King of all springs [Hiatus]

A 16 year old transmigrated into the world of Boku No Hero academia after fighting an unknown desease in his past life. Now, he will live his life to the fullest! Except he has an almost useless quirk and is an orphan with no aparent conections... Look in his journey to become one of the strongest heros in the world!! 2 or more chapters every week, i rest on weekends or fridays. ---- Aclarations: The story will deviate from the main bnha storyline but not that much, it will explore the underground of the hero society and that kind of things as Aron will get involved into pretty shady stuff. For every 5 powerstones there will be an extra chapter and for those who leave a review earlier in the series i will make a character in honor to them. it was 4 but them i somehow i got up to 20 powerstones so im diying and my eyes are dry as a dessert or my comment section. Just leave in what direction you want the story to go, a name, character description and quirk. Hope you enjoy it!

Shining_Sunflower · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

On the way

Today I woke up late, or at the usual hour a man of god should be getting up, i felt especially bad, not for anything in particular except today was the day the U.S.J would occur.

I dress up neatly in my UA uniform, to play my role as a defenseless student who fought a terrifying villain in his first month of class, truly a marvelous experience, tying my shoes neatly and brushing my teeth, i wondered how my role would affect the story, it wasn´t until now that i realized that even if mineta hadn´t a main role, he was still an important character.

Or maybe my existence would change the normal arrangements, I left my apartment praying I didn't get teleported alongside Todoroki or Bakugo, this wasn't the day or way I wanted to test the limits of my Armor Point.

As I locked my apartment I felt a light touch on my shoulder.

"Charlotte, stop smoking, it's bad for…"

As I turned back and "Faced" her, my face hit 2 soft mountains.

" hé, ce n'est pas Marsella de faire ça le matin(hey, this is not Marsella to do that in the morning)" Said the blonde, smirking devilishly.

"Sor..Sorry Charlotte, my bad"


"Do you need anything"

"Yeah, actually, I just wanted to have some smoke and…" Charlotte leaned on my shoulder and moved her face close to my ear and whispered.

"Yesterday, after I, ehem, drank a little too much, I had a dream. It was really weird, I saw All Might wearing Salaryman clothes boxing with a muscular crow, and then…"

I felt her breath on my skin, it stank in alcohol, it made me uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell the woman who fed me for almost a month for free.

"The point beign Charlotte?"

"None, i just wanted to tell you about my weirdass dream" said Charlotte with a smile ear to ear.

"..., i´ll be leaving, i´ll be leaving some rose petals in a plastic bag for some tea."

"Thank you Aron!, have a good day at school"

I walked out of the hallway and moved downstairs, the metallic squeaks weakening me up completely.

Today was a massive improvement. The train system had to stop because some villains fought in the trainstracks, so I arrived 10 minutes late to class. Aizawa ate me alive with a barrage of passive but more than aggressive comments, it was so bad I didn't even greet the classroom.

Aizawa seemed pretty pissed off to me, but i couldn´t be sure since he had the same tired and depressed face all the time, in the manga and anime it looked cool, but now that i lived here it was goofy seeing a person with the same face all the time, no matter the circumstances.

"Okay class, pay attention, for today's lesson about the fundamentals about heroism and benign a hero, it has been decided that for today's lesson, me alongside another teacher and all might will supervise you "

"Sensei, and what's today's lesson about!?" Asked Sero as he raised his hand.

"Today´s the rescue training, either floods or fires you must be ready for anything."

"Rescue training, this gets harder and harder…"

"Totally! I'm excited to see how capable i am"

"Idiots, This is what being a hero is about!"

"If its a flood i think i will do good, ribbit, ribbit"

"Don't get ahead of yourselves…"

A creepy aura silenced everyone in class, some hairs even spiked.

"Remember, its your decision whether to use your hero suits or not, some scenarios may be worse if you wear your suit."

`What do you mean worse, I am the suit, quite literally, that thing is made of flowers, for every scratch it gets i have to repair it by myself, after Sato´s beating my suit is at least 50% me!`

"The training area is quite far from campus, so well have to take a bus, that's all, go a change yourselfs"

I decided to wear my costume since I could repair it after, and it wasn't like we were going to "Train" a lot after the handy hands arrived.

After changing into my hero suit, or basically just getting rid of my shirt for a robe, i came back to the class, Iida and Momo were organizing everyone's seat

"So no one has a problem with each other, seat according to attendance numbers!"

"It didn´t mattered much, ha"

Iida was sitting depressed, the front seats were open, so no matter where we were, we could talk and see each other.

I somehow ended next to todoroki in the back seats, he got the window seat whilst i had the hallway seat, i wanted the window since i felt more comfy on sunlight, but this todoroki was still the same Emo revenge anime boy from the beginning actually, we are in the beginning…

´If i talk to him, maybe i can befriend him and change him from the better, its still time, and his ice quirk wasn´t used that much, soo a helping hand won't affect much right?´

I extended my hand to todoroki.

"Hi! Aron Raines, pleasure to be with you, todoroki was it right?" I said with my friendlist smile, I tried to look as friendly as possible.

Todoroki wasn't having a good day, it wasn't bad either, that's how his life was.

When he got on the bus he knew the guy next to him was Aron, he was, particular to say the least, his appearance, quirk, and behavior did not match each other, when he first met him, he thought he was going to be the same as Bakugo, a bully, or worse, a gang leader.

His appearance was toned, had blonde hair and was sleeping in class, he was sitting next to Yaoyorozu, he thought better of her, so Todoroki deduced Aron sat next to her, he despises fake heros like that, because they reminded him to his father, a "Hero" who did despicable things.

His quirk on the other hand, it was more appropriate for a really feminine hero, or just a civilian quirk, he could transform himself into flowers, and create flowers, it didn't had a viable combat application, until he used that weird transformation, todoroki vision of his quirk became a little better, but he still thought it was Yaorozus quirk who did the most important job, and Aron only stalled for time.

And finally, his behavior…

Their behavior was fairly similar, and that bothered Todoroki, for no particular reason, he was just being petty, he didn't like how he did not talked at all with any of his classmates except Yaoyorozu, and was always distracted doing whatever he wanted, yet always had the right answer when Aizawa-sensei asked, Todoroki thought Aron was just being and ass, but when the thought that he was doing the same, he just got angry…

An this one the last straw, his hero costume was spilled everywhere in the seat, Todoroki didn't understand how someone so old came up with such dumb hero costume, it was a total mess, the cloak or cape didn't add anything, in fact, by how his quirk worked, it did the opposite, and he still had that dumb smile on his face when he presented himself, like he didn't knew him from a month.


I just stared at him in silence, with an intense gaze, telling him to not get any dumb ideas.

He continued extending his hand towards me, until he for some reason looked around when the frog girl said something, then stared back at me.


The silence continued.


I just told him my name and looked out the window, his hero costume felt itchy.

I couldn't take his dumb smile out of my mind, it creeped me out.


I got one of this ai thingys for some art, it sucks, but at least i can finally show you guys the OC, first, Aron´s hero costume, it looks all goofy now that i look at it, btw, this is a power stone chapter, i still owe 2 more chapters.