
BNHA: King of all springs [Hiatus]

A 16 year old transmigrated into the world of Boku No Hero academia after fighting an unknown desease in his past life. Now, he will live his life to the fullest! Except he has an almost useless quirk and is an orphan with no aparent conections... Look in his journey to become one of the strongest heros in the world!! 2 or more chapters every week, i rest on weekends or fridays. ---- Aclarations: The story will deviate from the main bnha storyline but not that much, it will explore the underground of the hero society and that kind of things as Aron will get involved into pretty shady stuff. For every 5 powerstones there will be an extra chapter and for those who leave a review earlier in the series i will make a character in honor to them. it was 4 but them i somehow i got up to 20 powerstones so im diying and my eyes are dry as a dessert or my comment section. Just leave in what direction you want the story to go, a name, character description and quirk. Hope you enjoy it!

Shining_Sunflower · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

First day

Before the sun went up, in the still cold night, a man was doing some light stretches, he had the habit of waking early in the morning since he needed to do the most of the day.

He liked the feeling that sunrises gave, it was calming, it must be a secondary effect of his quirk.

He prepared himself and made a blunt rapier, like baseball bat beforehand since he knew today he would use it, since Aizawa was planning on testing his physical abilities.

He changed into his uniform and stored the blunt rapier inside him, he didn´t had time to test what the new flower was, but he could have plenty of time In the afternoon.

After watering all the flowers in his room, and making sure he didn´t miss everything, he left, he saw Charlotte having a cigarette but decided to ignore it, everyone has their problems.


The location of his house was actually quite close the the U.A, since it was a station and 20 minute walk away.

I finally arrive at the H shaped building, as I walked inside, I noticed I was the only one there, probably because I was the only guy apart from Iida who liked to wake up early.

Then, I wondered if I had to replace someone since only 36 guys passed this year, if so, I prayed I replaced mineta.

As I walked inside, I notice there were 19 seats instead of 18, to my surprise, I didn´t replace anyone, instead, I opened up a place.

As I tried to recall the seat alignment from the manga, I gave up since every time I remember something another panel Sayed the contrary.

I ended up seating in the front right of the classroom, next to a window, I decided to rest a bit since it would be a long day.


Momo Yaoyorozu was excited as It was her first day in the U.A, finally all those nights of eating ice-cream whilst crying because she couldn´t memorize a chemical component were over.

When she opened the classroom, she only saw a tanned tall guy sitting with his eyes closed, the sun was directly hitting his face, it made a contrast with his brown skin and blonde hair.

Momo got nervous, it was an unexpected sight but she decided to continue, she sat down next to him as he was on the front seats.

As Momo continue to stare at him, he finally opened his eyes, they were brown, the guy looked up and down at her, stopping for some time and then looking once again at her eyes.

"Hey, are you the first one?"

Momo was surprised as he had a kind voice contrary to his appearance

"Ye..yeah, im the first one apart from you"


He only frowned in response, and then he grabbed something from his pocket, it was a Kibana from his pocket

"Here, a gift for you"

Momo blushed lightly, she didn´t expect a flower as a gift.

"Thank you.., im Momo by the way"


Silence fell in the room.

As Momo thought of the interaction, she realized something, the man in her right was a player!


Aron was resting when he heard the door to the classroom opening, he tought it was Iida since he knew he loved to obey the rules so he didn´t bother presenting himself as Iida would scram him for sleeping in the classroom.

But he didn´t hear anything, in fact, the steps were too light to be from a man, less from one who had motors in his legs.

The steps stopped next to him, and he heard the sound of chair moving, some time passed and he felt a heavy gaze on him.

When I opened my eyes I saw an extremely cute girl, at first I didn´t recognize her, then as I looked down I notice 2 big "Atributes", as I looked up once again I finally recognized her, it was Momo!, I wanted to be friends with her since she had a quirk similar to mine.

"Hey, are you the first one?"

"Ye..yeah, im the first one apart from you"


I frowned, momo looked kind of nervous for some reason, so I thought It was a good idea to give her a gift to show her my good will.

I move my hand to my back pocket and made appear a Kibana

"Here, a gift for you"

Momo blushed lightly, I didn´t knew why, until I remembered my first travel here for the Entrance exam, I couldn´t describe in words how awful and embarrassed I felt.

"Thank you.., im Momo by the way"


Silence fell in the room.

I didn´t want to live, I just wanted to be buried underground like my flowers, oh my flowers, tho think they had such easy and carefree lifes…


Time passed and more and more students began to arrive, they all had different reactions, Mineta saw me with fright for some reason, he seemed like someone took his soul out of his boy, Bakugo didn´t bother to glance at us and just sat down with his shoes in the table, the Iida arrived and started arguing with him.

Then, the main Character finally arrived, it was all according to how it happened in the manga, Iida presented himself to Deku, then Uraraka greeted both, I knew what was coming so I stood up and walked towards the door.

As I did so, Deku and uraraka glanced at me and made different expressions, deku seemed somehow scared and uraraka made a weird face, like telling me she was one of us.

It didn´t bothered me, and finally, I made my way to the entrance, there was a yellow larva in the ground sleeping, I knew who he was, since he was one of my favorite heros, Aizawa-sensei!

"Teacher, I think everyone is here"

Deku, Uraraka and Iida made weird expressions and then all of them showed the same expression as the larvae started standing up, shock!

"Okay everyone, take 8 seconds to calm yourselves."

"Im your assigned teacher, Aizawa Shouta, a pleasure to meet yall, now, take your sport uniforms and go to the campus field. We are having a Quirk understanding exam."


After we went to the changing rooms to put our PE uniforms, all the boys looked In shock at me

"Aron was it?, bro, how did you got your muscles so big?" said kaminari the xbox battery

"Aron must have a physical quirk kaminari, leave him alone, or else we will make Aizawa sensei mad" said the Toyota motor.

"Dude, you are like a rock, by any chance you don´t have a resilience type of quirk" said the red rock

"Please guys, im trying to change, and no, it isn't because of my quirk" I said blushing slightly not accustomed to so much praise.

Me and all the boys were talking and joking, but I was the only one who noticed Midoriya's extremely defined body, I should talk to him about his eating habits.


As we walked to the P.E ground, we finally stopped, Aizawa sense turned around.

"Here we will begin."

"But, Aizawa sensei what about the entrance ceremony, when we will meet our concelour"

"Once you are a hero, you won't have time for those"

"And you need to understand that this school prestige is for its campus freedom, so, us as teachers have the same freedom to do so."

"So, as for now, we will have a Physical exam, the same exams you all had since middle school, where quirks were excluded, well, now all of you will be able to do so."

"The state hasn´t standardized this trials for some reason, but, well, this is negligence from "MEXT", not my problem"

"Now, Bakugo, how far can you pitch playing softball back at middle school?"

"67 meters"

"Now try using your quirk"



"Good, as you can see there's a big difference, 705,3 meters"

As the explanation continued I couldn´t be more bored, as an avid reader of the manga, I had read this over and over again…

I heard some complains so I thought Aizawa finally told them that last place would be expelled, how bothersome, yet, I still felt exited since I was living those boring moments I had spent years reading about.

I decided to do my best!