
BNHA: King of all springs [Hiatus]

A 16 year old transmigrated into the world of Boku No Hero academia after fighting an unknown desease in his past life. Now, he will live his life to the fullest! Except he has an almost useless quirk and is an orphan with no aparent conections... Look in his journey to become one of the strongest heros in the world!! 2 or more chapters every week, i rest on weekends or fridays. ---- Aclarations: The story will deviate from the main bnha storyline but not that much, it will explore the underground of the hero society and that kind of things as Aron will get involved into pretty shady stuff. For every 5 powerstones there will be an extra chapter and for those who leave a review earlier in the series i will make a character in honor to them. it was 4 but them i somehow i got up to 20 powerstones so im diying and my eyes are dry as a dessert or my comment section. Just leave in what direction you want the story to go, a name, character description and quirk. Hope you enjoy it!

Shining_Sunflower · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Final test

Some students gasped in surprise seeing the already tall guy turn even more taller, and more stopped in their tracks when they saw swords coming out of his arms and legs, they were green and its handle was purple like a flower.

He didn´t seem bothered by this transformation and in fact started running even faster than before, suddenly, he jumped high in the air towards the mechanical scorpion.

The scorpion moved his needle towards him, just to be countered by the sword in his left hand, then, in a swift move he stabbed his right leg in the needle of the scorpion in a fast movement slashed it clean from the robot.

As he fell, he retracted the swords from the broken limb and dashed under the robot and stabbed him from underneath.

As fast as he did all of this, he jumped out of underneath in a swift motion, almost artistic and fell into the ground.


An explosion occurred from the robot and some broken parts flew in all directions, he didn´t seemed bothered at all.

The students watched in shock this development and saw him murmuring something.

"One less.."

They watched him start sprinting towards another robot and repeat all the movements once again, as swiftly and gracefully as before.


As I started running towards the robot I was absent of mind, I was extremely tired from before, since making a full on rapier was bad enough, making 4 more was even worse, even If they were smaller of size and mainly composed of my body, it was tiring as hell transforming them into such complicated flower.

As my legs finished transforming, I almost stumbled multiple times on the hard concrete since I was running over my capabilities, it fell as walking on legos, and those legos were sticked to my feet.

Regaining composure, I watch the scorpion preparing an attack, I calculated the pattern and jumped in the air in a position I could block most of the damage whilst opening an opportunity to counter.

I jumped as he freed his attack, I countered his slash with my left arm.

Training with a bear pays off as the pain was sufferable enough to not distract me.

The robot seemed to be stunned so I kicked his needle with all my strength, as my legs were swords, it slashed clean through the metal plates of the robot.

As I started falling alongside the robot, I transformed back my right leg back to normal to have a better landing, once I touched the ground I dashed towards the robot by impulsing me stabbing the ground with my front swords.

I dashed the robot from underneath and started stabbing everything next to a light or whatever seemed like a power source.

Once I knew I had done considerable damage I rolled outside the robot and jumped to safety.

As I catch my breath, I heard an explosion but I didn´t pay any attention as I was too tired and need to catch my breath.

My mind was focusing focus, so I started speaking my thoughts

"One less..." way to go, i´m to tired to do all of this, but, I was happy, I felt alive, I love the air hitting my face and the sun touching my face, experiences I wouldn´t ever had in my original body.

Once I felt good enough to continue, I started running towards the closer robot I saw, ready to repeat the process once again, with a smile on my face.


Watching through monitors, all might, and Midnight were watching the assault on the robot "Villains"

"Hey, yagi, that kid with the nice body is decimating everything, and he is smiling, it's getting on my nerves, such I cute face and also do that kind of expression.."

"Midnight, stop it, and yes, I think he has over 37 points right now, his quirk seems weak but that strange flower he can make is extremely convenient for combat."

"Also, he has really good swordsmanship, he practices historical and Olympic fencing, that's how he got his first place in physical back in his middle school"

"He does, huhuhu, maybe he is good with his other sword.."

"Midnight, it like to ask you to leave his room inmideatly.."


Im, im, im too tired, I was sitting over a 1 point robot I destroyed, catching my breath, I felt terrible, I couldn´t transform back my limbs as I didn´t know if I could transform back if needed so I had to maintain them with the last forces I had left, I knew I did good enough in the exam, so I knew for a fact I could enter U.A, but I felt if I did, I would be on class 1-B, since I didn´t did good enough.

Lamenting my situation and knowing almost nothing about class 1-B, one just could do the best of the situation.

As I relaxed whilst sitting down, I saw the giant robot Deku would destroy, I didn´t know whether to help him or not, since beign involved in the main cast would bring too much trouble.

Beign in class 1-A was a luxury, but being involved with Deku and his shenanigans was other whole issue, I liked my life as it was and didn´t like the sensation of constant danger that he would bring.


I heard a weird sound coming from my back and I saw a tiger man fighting one of the last robots remaining, I didn´t payed him too much attention as I didn´t recognized him from the manga.

That until a metallic sound disrupted my rest, I opened my eyes and saw the same tigerman under some debri, I knew it was a perfect chance to get some rescue points, so I stood up still tired and started limping towards him

"Hey, tiger cat, need some help?"


"Don´t be like that, im tirying to help you"


I thought he was awake but he seemed to be sleeping with his eyes open, they were sill scary as they followed every moment I made and seemed to be expressing anger, but i knew mutant quirks all work differently.

I started moving the debris with my left sword making sure it didn´t worsen

"There you go, good luck in…"


A metallic sound was descending from he sky, as I saw, the robot deku destroyed to save uraraka was falling over us.

It was falling over us!

I deactivated my arms and turned them back to normal and grabbed the tigerman as fast as I could, I started running to the sides of the robot in hopes of not beign crushed by the giant robot.


It finally crashed in the ground, a cloud of dust covered me and the tiger man, we couldn´t see a thing and I was to tired to bother.

Then, as the dust settled, I saw a figure crawling out of a building, it was a 1 point robot that seemed to miss his legs, as it crawled out of the building it noticed us, it started moving faster and faster, almost sprinting with only his arms to move.

"Ti..Tiger man, I would appreciate some, Help!"

It attack me as it finally closed distance, I managed to roll to the side and stab one of his eyes with my left leg, I had to detrasnform it to free myself as it started crawling towards me as I crawled back.


I heard a light punch and I saw the tiger man finally "Awoke" and punched the robot, it didn´t work as he was send fliying to a wall.

I preceed him as the robot punched me in the same direction


"Hey, tiger, got a plan?"

"Shut up, i don't need your help, distract him as I finish him"

"Just as you did before, no thanks"

"Look flower boy, i´m far stron.."

A metallic scream silence us as the robot started sprinting in our direction.

"I got an idea, lunch me in his direction and the finish him of, deal?


The tiger man grabbed me by the waist and I used all the strength I had to maintain a rect body, he made a lance posture and prepare to throw.

As the robot started to close distance, he throwed me as hard as he could in the direction of the robot.

I became a literal "Lance" and passed through the robot, I felt the oil and metal in my skin as I passed through it.

My body hit the ground and refused to move any further

As I laid on the ground barely conscious I finally transformed all my body back to normal, as maintaining a Tulip was taking the life out of me.

I heard in the distance present mic announcing the end of the trials, and that we should leave the school grounds.

I didn´t bothered at all.


After hobbling my way up to the train stations, I purchased a train ticket back to Tottori prefecture, to my luck, it was the last train and there was almost no-one in the train, lucky for me and them as they wouldn´t smell the stench of oil and sweet I carried as I didn't have enough money to stay in a hotel.

As I took my seat, I closed my eyes and sleep all the 5 hours of travel, I didn´t had the energy left to move my body an inch further until I had some proper sleep.


"Aron-chan, Aron-chan"

I woke up in one of the orphanages bed, some of the staff of the orphanage went to receive me, for my good luck since after leaving the train I was basically a zombie.

A group of kids were calling me by the name, how disrespectful of them, to think the only U.A student in the history of the orphanage was beign called like that.

"Rascals, how many time do I have to tell you to not call me by name, Its Raines, Raines-sama for you bunch of disrespectful toddlers"

"Mother Hawaka told us it was okay"

I sighed as I hear the name of the owner of the orphanage, if it was a direct order from her high lady I couldn´t complain at all

"huu. Then it doesn´t matter"


"So, tadpoles, why did you woke up this great brother of yours"

"Mother Hawaka told us you received a letter from U.A"

I almost jumped from exciment as I hear the kids say that.

"REALLY!?, oh my god, get everyone, we should open it together!"

As the kids ran outside the dorm to gather everyone, I quickly took and bath and changed clothes for the occasion.

"Everyone is here Aron-chan!"


All staff members and kids in the orphanage gathered in the common garden outside the bulidng, they surrounded me in a circle formation.

"Here we go...3..2..1!"

As I opened the envelope, a blank letter was waiting for me, I took it out carefully as this moment mattered a lot.

"What does it say Aron-chan?"


Everyone got chills down their spines, some started approaching to console me as they sought tears were rolling down my cheecks